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Everything posted by redsh1rt

  1. redsh1rt

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    They should just concentrate on the standalone game. They can't fix item duping, or the rampant cheating going on - and new patches seem to break just as much as they fix.
  2. redsh1rt

    TEAM rocket, Are you there?

    The mod is going to become a game now. They don't care about the mod any more now that they've got what they were after. Now to duck and cover before the baying mob of fan boys come chasing me.... Oh crap, I think I can hear a feint rabble of "alpha alpha alpha!" in the distance.... I'm off!!!!
  3. redsh1rt

    Fix the fucking humanity system

    Yes, because releasing a patch that they knew was broken and is clearly a stop backwards is how software developers develop their software... The whole "omg it's alpha" argument is getting long in the tooth. They don't give a crap about the mod, they just threw this out because it was weeks late and people wanted an update. They don't care about the state of the mod, their focus is on the game but it's in their interests to keep us interested until the game comes out. So we can expect infrequent updates that may or may not fix things (just enough to whet our appetite), and then we can expect people like you to defend what they're doing. The decision to keep the mod alive is a decision motivated by money, and that's not what made the mod so popular. I'd have more respect for them if they kill the mod and focus all of their effort on the game. But go on, throw the "alpha" argument at people who say otherwise. If you want to be a fanboy or just plain naive then I guess that's your prerogative.
  4. redsh1rt

    Hackers spawning behind you....

    Makes you wonder what cheat prevention they have planned for DayZ the game. It's one thing losing hours/days/weeks of work in a free mod to a cheater... It's something else entirely if that happens to you in game you had to pay for.
  5. redsh1rt

    Fix the fucking humanity system

    I shot my friend in the back of the head because he looked nothing like the way he did 30 seconds earlier. On the plus side though I got a shiny new gun. Giggles aside, they shouldn't have released this patch. Yes it's alpha (blah blah blah) but it's a glaring bug that's game breaking a lot of the time and they had to have noticed it. The projected date for this patch was the beginning of August (IIRC), it almost feels as if they just threw this out for the sake of throwing it out. If that is the case they should probably not bother, and devote the little time the mod is now getting into the standalone game.
  6. redsh1rt

    Best Patch EVER

    I think with the focus being on developing the game, the mod has become an afterthought. It's not a bad thing I suppose, but it does make patches that don't improve the game seem a bit half arsed. I know I'm not entitled to anything, but if this is the quality of patches we have to look forward to they should just stop working on the mod. They'd close DayZ down completely if they thought it was in their interest.... But I imaging keeping it alive has some monetary value now that DayZ is going to become a commercial product. Looking forward to all the PR/marketing crap now!
  7. redsh1rt

    Is it safe?

    BattlEye is infallible!!!!!!!!! All those parachuting cows.... well, they're a feature!
  8. redsh1rt

    Not about survival anymore..

    It isn't about survival.... but that has nothing to do with anything the OP said. Players may as well run around like loonies because DayZ is infested with cheaters. If a cheater doesn't nuke the server or teleport you to the moon or make themselves' invulnerable you have the dupers with infinite high end gear claiming that they're duping to protect themselves from the 'real cheaters'. Also the OP is not a serious player like he says he is. People play the game in different ways, and just because someone decides to shoot first and ask questions later doesn't make them wrong. You thinking that they're wrong makes YOU wrong. If you don't like players shooting at you stay away from areas where it is likely to happen, it's that simple.
  9. redsh1rt

    Global Bans for legit players?

    BattlEye is so inadequate it's laughable. It may as well not be there. Hell, DayZ as a mod may as well be shut down too... we won't be getting many updates now that the focus is on the standalone game and the rampant cheating that's going on on every single server I visit (I'm not exaggerating, it's that bad) may end up putting people off purchasing the game.
  10. I wonder how many people here take this seriously :)
  11. redsh1rt

    So criticism not allowed here?

    You bought Arma2, DayZ the mod is free. If you bought Arma2 solely for DayZ (which I can understand a lot of people have done) then that's your problem. If you'd read or watched any of Rocket's interviews in the past 2 months you'd know that this was going to happen. He mentioned the Minecraft model in most of his interviews, if people were ignorant and missed all of that who's fault is that? The information is out there for all to see. Early adopters of the game are going to be able to get it for $10-$20's anyway so it's not that big a deal.
  12. Don't get attached to your gear. Cheating is rife in this game. And I don't mean the usual "omg hackers are everywhere" that you normally find on BF3 or COD forums - they're just a bunch of bad players complaining about getting killed. I mean cheaters are EVERYWHERE, and people justify cheating themselves (duping their gear) because of it, making the situation worse. Save yourself from the frustration of getting killed after surviving for X days, or after making your way to the north and just run around Cherno/Elektro. The loot is better along the coast anyway, everyone has high end gear down south these days. Defeats the purpose of gearing up, and removes the fear aspect from the game because I know I can be geared up with AS50s and L85 just by going to sniper hill in Elektro and killing a (probably duping) player within an hour of my own death.
  13. He'd create the game for free and then hand deliver it to those that want it, travelling by unicorn.
  14. redsh1rt

    Trading NVG, Rangefinder, L85

    If you want a .50 cal sniper rifle just sit in the big hill by Elektro for 30 minutes on a moderately full server. It may take a few attempts at killing them as they alt-f4 to avoid death but you will get a (probably duped) 50 cal sniper rifle in short order. Me and 1 other have killed 6 people who had those rifles on that hill in the past day. If you have a spare account with no gear or even a tent to put your current gear in I'd suggest you respawn and goto that hill with a Lee Enfield. I've no idea what to do with 4 sets of NVG and range finders.
  15. redsh1rt

    Bad losers and accusations of hackers.

    Hacking is rampant in this game though. In the past weekend of playing with some friends, we have come across many people with all the best gear (they often come in pairs with the exact same gear - probable duping going on). We've also looted a lot of illegal guns too (Silenced Makarov, silenced PDW, M4A3 HOLO SD (not CCO, HOLO) and some thermal sniper rifle). I'd go as far as to say there are more illegitimately obtained high end weapons than there are legally obtained high end weapons.... You just don't stroll around Cherno/Elektro with a 50cal strapped to your shoulder unless you can afford to lose it - and everyone can afford to lose them nowadays. I wonder why that is.... Then there's the hackers that nuke the server or teleport people to the sky... and admins who restart the server when they die or lose a vehicle (Emergency restart my arse). The only shout of "hacks" that is usually wrong is the "I shot him and he didn't die" argument. There are some people who are invulnerable through hacks - but the vast majority of the time it's the crappy netcode of this game that can take seconds to register hits. Yes.... seconds. Imagine playing COD or BF3 or any FPS multiplayer game with a ping that's in the 1000's. That's what DayZ gunplay is like a lot of the time, and people cry foul play when in actual fact it's just the inherent lag that's in this game.
  16. redsh1rt

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    I can't wait. They'll need to change the way they develop the game though. You can get away with rampant hacking, exploiting, power hungry admins (hijacked a chopper tonight and the server restarts 1 min later - funny that), lag and low fps in a free mod - customers will be far less tolerant to those things in a game they had to pay for. I know I won't tolerate running around at 30 fps (with a high end machine) with barbed wire artefacts all over my screen while getting teleported to the moon by hackers in a game I paid for. Hope they'll sort that out before they start adding a bunch of features. Minecraft was very playable really early on. This needs to be too if it's to have that level of success. A traditional alpha where features are added often at the expense of stability won't work in a live product people actually have to pay for.
  17. I don't need achievements to tell me how awesome I am. I already know that I am awesome.
  18. redsh1rt

    How can I escape death from a hacker?

    And I suppose if you die to a legitimate player you'll go back to your base and delete all of your duped gear? Yeah right.
  19. redsh1rt

    Some Anti-cheat ideas!

    Very little can be done about it until DayZ becomes a standalone game, and they probably don't want to divert too many resources to the mod when they're busily working away at the game behind curtains.
  20. redsh1rt

    If battle eye were to..

    The most likely way to accomplish a system like that is to implement some sort of key based on the user's hardware (some DRM has this now, like Ubisoft's games) that all of the anti cheat tools would share.
  21. redsh1rt

    Can't Play - Afraid of Hackers

    Just play the game. You don't know it yet, but you'll be thankful when you do have to start again. It's more fun when you have nothing or almost nothing. Any moron can look down a thermal sight and then switch to their sniper rifle when they find a target. Imo it doesn't make for compelling gameplay, but that's just me I guess. Besides, with the duping going on you'll find a lot of AS50's and L85's in Cherno. You can tell them apart from the legit players because they're the ones running around carelessly. And duping items is no better than cheating.
  22. The OP is right about one thing though. Sniping is a bit too common. The duping of items certainly doesn't help either. The whole age thing is a laughable troll though :)
  23. redsh1rt

    (trade) PDW for ?

    PDW isn't that valuable. Certainly not worth the risk of taking part in a trade and possibly dying in the process. I can imagine that risk being worth it to some if you were trading an AS50 or L85 though.
  24. redsh1rt

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    It surprises me that threads like this hit multiple pages. It shouldn't, but it does. I'd congratulate the troll, but between the naughty admin and the whole homosexual/homo/gay thing going on in this thread it was just too easy. Timing on the Hitler bomb was good though, people just can't resist replying to that!