Hello everyone ! I'm French so I apologies in advance for my bad English !
I play Dayz since 0.51 and I love this game ! I follow the development of this game everyday ! This post will list all the idea that I have to make the game better in my opinion of course ! I will be inspired by my idea and idea from other player of course don't get mad about it !
First let's talk about the map: I think it will be a good idea if there are several map of Chernarus representing the 4 season of the year, it will be like Chernarus_autumn ( current map) Chernarus_winter, Chernarus_spring and Chernarus_summer ! I saw the video of CREDIDRED that talk about season and I think it's a great idea ! which vegetable you can grow , apple, berries will depend of the season you play ! Maybe some place like Tisy would be very cold in winter but spawning very good loot if you're not afraid of freezing and well prepared ( if the base is a contaminated area too it would be hardcore, I like that !) I play a little bit The Long Dark and this game have a lot idea, you can't make Dayz hardcore as The long Dark but some feature like melting snow, boiling water would be a good add for the winter survivor ! Animal will spawn differently depending of the season the map is, like lot of wolves in winter, lot of deer, boar (didn't see them since a while lol) in summer-autumn, bear (if they add them) will be in hibernation in winter something like that.
with 0.60 It's rare that I see a survivor in Berezino( maybe the stat makes me lie but i'm sure it's less visited) maybe making the airfield of Krasnostav a lot more worthy with more military loot will be a good idea to balance the map or maybe making a unique and bigger police station that spawn good loot in Berezino ( weapons like Ak, sks will have a chance spawn there rarely) I know the dev want the military loot in the west side of the map but the east side of Chernarus need a little bit of attraction I think. I know that you can't make every place of Chernarus a attraction ( and it will be a bad idea) but you should sprayed it a little bit more.
I think the map need bigger building with lot of room( like Miscreated, this game have very good looking interior compare to dayz IMO) and should look more like abandoned building ( the game is going that way with the ivy Overgrowth and it's cool) but I really think the interior need a rework ! House with persistent container was a good things in 0.59 but the feature disappear in 0.60 it's sad !
Let's talk about the loot: it is the most important thing in the game ! it need a lot of balance and rectification ! i think food should way more scarce but horticulture, fishing and cooking material should be less rare, make all the canned food spawn-able only in supermarket of the little selling house( if you know what I mean) and the canned drink near the vending machine in the hospital by example.... maybe making rice and milk spawn-able in other house less rarely but the need of cooking them with water should be an obligation ! by that fact survivor will be more present in big city that have supermarket and forced to cook there food if they want to survive outside the city ! Harvesting apple and berries should have another system maybe spawning of berries and apple near the tree or "searching for apple/berries" that can be done only a amount of time then you have to wait a certain time to do it again on the same tree but there is too much apple tree near Berezino for example.
I will classify weapons depending of the location of which they spawn ! Police weapons, hunting weapons, civilian weapons and military weapons ! Police weapons are the makarov, cz 75, mp 133 shorty and classic, python, pm rak, scorpion, mp5k, rarely ak74,sks all of this should spawn in the police station and the police car along with black tactical and high capacity vest ,black boots and ammo for these gun ! Hunting weapons are winchester m70, cr527, izh18, izh 43, blaze 95, sporter .22, trumpet, mp133 classic, python, crossbow this gun should spawn in hunting location like the big hunting house with the little garage (more in this ), hunting stand ( lesser than the big house), little cabin( lesser than hunting stand) with the ammo for all this gun and hunting clothes, boots hunting vest etc...The civilian weapons is all the old weapon like mosin (rarely) p1 pistol, red9, glock with a small chance to have all the hunting weapons spawn-able in civilian area ( in house or car) Military tents and buildings should spawn all the AK, FN fal, mp5; scorpion, glock and very rarely Vss vintorez, SVD AK101 (make them more common on russian heli crash site and Tisy) M4 steyr aug ump45 FNX only in U.S. crash site and Tisy ! When Tisy will become a Contaminated area it should spawn all the rarest loot of the game !
All the other loot like tools, materials should be very common in comparison of food and weapons !
Crafting: there are already a lot of good feature about crafting in the game right now ( and this is a reason why I love this game) but there is so much things to add like crafting your own tents, your own crossbow bolt, your own bullet (very difficult) maybe a system just like in s.t.a.l.k.e.r. where you can modify your weapons internal to get them more effective and durable, putting hunting scope to a mosin, SKS or izh18 ( this gun need a scope to be attached at) that thing will make the player more attached at his precious gun(this is not what the dev want but...) ! if we got a lot further we can also add harvesting cereal a make the possibility to craft wheat then make bread or apple pie etc...
The game need a more complicated medical system. if your are wounded you need to disinfect your wound bandage it. bandage, splint, morphine,saline and blood bag should not have an instant effect ( well morphine should have a very fast effect but with bad side effect) medical plant that can be harvested and have some medical effect like natural antiseptic ( there was a really good topic about this in this forum) each bullet or any other wound you take must be taken seriously but hand able if your are a good survivor !
I think night time and interior should be a lot darker to force player to use their flashlight or any other light system, gamma glitch must be fixed of course ! maybe making the loot on the floor not visible in the vicinity ( not a big fan of this system) then you will have to see the item to pick it up would be a good idea.
It would be cool if the clothes, bags have several pouches for example a jean have 4 little pouches( 1x1) you can't put bigger object that have 1x1 size but you can put 4 objects with 1x1 size and maybe add a belt that can hold a handgun. that will add some realistic feature to the game.
I remember in the 0.59 experimental, you begin your adventure with a walkie talkie and that was awesome ! I remember finding a dead body because of the sound of his talkie walkie ! one of the best DayZ moment ever ! I know the dev disabled it because of a bug but it would be a good idea to put this again !! communication is important in this game and a fun feature !
Well I think that it ! there is still a lot of things that can be added to the game but this was my little thoughts about getting a better DayZ in my opinion ! I want to make this topic a long time ago and i'm glad to finally make it, I hope you gave my feedback about it would be cool and grateful ! if other things wome in my mind I will add it in this topic !
Thank you!