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About hemtek

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Hello ! When are we going to see: a damage balance ? pistols are useless, 7.62x39 can't go through an helmet, headshot that works with all guns, more unsconsciouness etc... Bow and crossbow ? Broken legs ? vehicule fix then V3s , transit bus etc ? slower deplacements , more inertia ? longer weapon sway ? ( like it was before 0.62) ragdoll ? Helicopters ? Please.
  2. Hello everyone. I'm sorry in advance for my bad english. My name is Hemtek and I play DayZ since 2015, I have about 2500 hours in the game. It's my most played game and obviously my favorite one. I have followed the ongoing development since I bought it and I had read all the status report back then. Since several updates, I felt a bit disappointed by the development of the game. The last updates brings some balance in base building and fireplaces, yeah thats cool but I think it's not the priority right now. The high priority for me is the damage system Pistols ammo ( 9mm, .380, .45 ) are useless and not worth it, I remember a time when you could kill a geared guy with just a chambered makarov, this is not possible nowadays and it's bad. AR ammo are the same ( 5.56, 7.62x39, 5.45x39 ) are exactly the same. Ballsitic helmet and plate carrier protects too much, You can hit a guy with a 7.62x39 in the head and he is still alive and running. Headshots should be always rewarded. Only mosin, shotguns and .308 guns are a viable choice in this game. Also animals are too much bullet resistant. Why not adding Stop power in the damage system for the pistols caliber: the ability to stun another player with your gun when players can be put in the ground by the force of the ammo. I agree that this ammo should be less deadly put they should have more shock damage. The deplacement in the game are too fast and not realistic but with the lacks of vehicle it's a bit understandable. Stamina should be 1.5x more. Talking about vehicle, where is the V3s and the bus? they were so much fun. The feature we need the most right now is Broken Bones. Even if you can't do what you wanted to do in the first place. If you add this like it was in the pre 0.62 update it would be enough because this is one of the best feature the game had back then. It's a msut have and should be the highest priority in the development of the game. You should also add Ragdoll in the game, I know it's not good for the server performance but it will add a lot of realism and also it will correct some issues with dead player falling throu walls etc... That it for now, maybe I will add some other thoughs I had in mind in this topic I hope I will be listened. Bye.
  3. hemtek

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Hello ! After 30 min: SEXY !!!! After 1h: Not sexy.... each 30 min is a good time for testing, but in the final version I'd like it to be each 1h30 . Bye ! Keep up the great work. I keep thinking that you realise 1.0 toooo soon but I will still support the game as a early access.
  4. Hello ! I'm Hemtek, I have nearly 2000 hours in DayZ and I like to give you some of my suggestions about the new damage system in 0.63. First of all I think the new damage system is only great whne you are hit by a firearms in the belly, chest and head but what about the arms or the legs. When you are hit in the legs or arms you cannot die instantly even if you receive like 10 shot in the legs which is pretty realistic, I like the idea but after by exemple one mag of skorpion in the legs, I was still able to run. That's why it would be great to have a leg status and arm status ( like it was before in 0.62), an icon that will pop only when needed. like this for exemple: You got shot in the arm or you receive you've got hit by an axe ( or any melee weapon) in the arm, the icon with the yellow arm appear and that will increase your weapon sway when you are ADS. If you receive an other shot in arms ( or one shot but with a high caliber weapon) or an other melee hit, the icon will be red which mean you cannot ADS. You can do the same with legs: yellow status you are limping, red status you can only prone. I also think that melee weapon should do more damage. Let's take the axe for exemple: One hit in the head should be instant death. 2 or 3 hit in the chest should be enough kill someone. One charged hit ( shift + left click) in the chest should be instant death. Helmet and protective jacket like anti stab vest, riders jacket or plate carrier should provide you a protection against melee hit. Well I think that it for the moment, Sorry if my english is bad. See you in Chernarus.
  5. hemtek

    My stress test 0.63 video

    Hello ! Here my stress test 0.63 video: I'm sure there is a lot of things I didn't try ( like prone animation) . enjoy
  6. hemtek

    Dayz - loot and escape

    Good evening there ! Here's two other video I made. enjoy ! Thanks for watching !
  7. hemtek

    Dayz - loot and escape

    Hello Survivors ! This is my last video of Dayz. I loot Tisy base but I did not find anything good then I went to Stary Yar and found that camp... After the video I came back to the camp but I died by a third man. Thanks for watching ! Bye !
  8. hemtek

    Exp Update 0.62.144044

    Hello ! I don't know if it's a new issue but I tested the ladder from the office building in elektro and when I climbed up the ladder I made small step backward to see when I'm going to fall. I ended up flying ! lol Maybe it's part of the fix, Idon't know. Bye ! Edit: I tested a lot of ladder and didn't die to it !
  9. hemtek

    Exp Update 0.62.140009

    Chicken ragdoll does not work ! I killed myself several time in ths update, 3 time from height, 2 times from a gun with F11 and 1 time against an infected ! ragdoll worked for all this case ! I don't know if it's related to this or yesterdays update since I don't know if killing ourself make this bug happens ! I didn't try this on stable ! edit: sorry for the doucle post !
  10. hemtek

    Exp Update 0.62.140009

    Hey I tried this : I launch the game wait about 7 min in the main menu nothing wrong happens ! I launch the game, played a bitthen stayed in the main menu for about 5 min , nothing wrong happens ! I don't know ! I think you should make a ticket to the feedback tracker ! ++
  11. hemtek

    Exp Update 0.62.140009

    Hello ! for me the worst bug in the 0.62 update is the killed player that did'nt ragdoll ! I wonder if this is fixed with physics optimization that came from yesterday exp update ! and the white face glitch but I know there'snot gonna be a fix until 0.63 ! I'm gonna test player ragdol and vehicle with this exp update ! ( if I find people or/and cars ) :) ++
  12. hemtek

    Exp Update 0.62.139977

    Doors works perfectly fine for me !
  13. hemtek

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    Hello ! here my first feedback for 0.62 stable ! Yesterday was a great adventure day on DayZ ! I spawn in kamyshovo , I heard gunshot then met a guy, I said "let see who is shooting" then we saw a freshspawn fighting infected ! we decided to help him and we kill all the infected ! It turn that he was the guy that were shooting 2 min ago, He thanks me for helping him by giving me his makarov (with magazine but no ammo ) ! nice guy ! I decided to go away and I find some ammo pretty quickly, i ran to Mcta in the north ! On the road to Mcta, I spotted two guys that have pretty nothing, I stalked them a bit then hold them up with my makarov, they were pretty cooperative and they put theirs hands up easily ! I tell them to drop their stuff to verify them ! after this I tell them to not following me and I ran directly to Staroye ! Nice interaction ! In staroye, I went to the police station then immediatly spotted two guys ! they were full stuff ! one entered the police station so I decided to shoot some bullets on him, he had time to run away but he fell unconscious outside near the entering of the police station ! I got 4 or 5 infected on me, I managed them hardly and came back to the dead body that was already looted i think, I stayed like 10 min in staroye to see if his friend will come back but no sight on him ! I think he took his friend stuff and got away ! A very Good Adventure ! Bye and thanks for the hard work on this beautiful game !
  14. hemtek

    Exp Update 0.62.139653

    Very exciting about this change ! I love to hunt deerstand in the game !
  15. hemtek

    My 0.62 Experience

    Hello ! That truck kill is amazing ! I laugh out loud ! Great video as always PolishedGuy !