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Nille (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nille (DayZ)

  1. Nille (DayZ)

    Advanced Character Customization: Know Your Identity

    >zombie apocalypse >fun clothing
  2. Hi there, I was wondering why most of the servers in my browser are almost empty. I usually don't join servers with less than 40 players and now I've been having a hard time finding a server with at least 30 players. I'm not sure weather something is wrong with my filter settings or maybe something else I haven't noticed yet. But since I left the host edit line in the filter settings empty, I doubt my problem is caused by the filter. Would be neat if someone has an advice. Greetings from Germany
  3. Nille (DayZ)

    Where are the 1200000 players?

    k, thx everyone
  4. Nille (DayZ)

    boss suggestion

    The idea is terrible, but please don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of the resident evil series but it wouldn't fit into dayz
  5. Hey truck guy, just in case you are wondering what happened. I was shooting at you with an m107 from the fields and this toy seems to be quite effective against vehicles. Did you manage to get out of the truck before it blew up? Best regards
  6. Nille (DayZ)

    Last night I killed my first player...

    As long as they don't talk, they are just pixel for me
  7. Nille (DayZ)

    Just raided a Clan Camp

    I'm actually doing that I just gather supplies and search for vehicles but I hardly run into other survivors, so I'm getting kinda lonely
  8. Actually I have everything I need. I've set my camp at the outskirt of a little city, right now I'm just trying to survive. To my daily routine belongs refilling my water bottles, searching for ammunition, hunting animals and sometimes I have to pay the local supermarket a visit. But whenever I feel secure enough to leave my camp for a longer time, I usually look for old cars or bikes I could repair. When I returned today from another failed attempt to find a vehicle in this wasteland, I've noticed something strange. Someone must have startled the zombies at the village, I could easily tell because they started to roam across the streets, driven by their hunger for fresh flesh. I decided to investigate this from a nearby hill. I could see every tiny dust particle through my sniper scope and then I found him. Adrenaline rushed through my veins since I hadn't laid my eyes on a survivor for several days now. My cross-hair and me followed him to the top of the local office building. I couldn't allow him to violate the sanctity of my precious treasure case any longer. I wanted him out of my town, out of my land. I calculated the distance between the hill and the rooftop and zeroed my rifle. Sorry pal, we could have been friends in a different world. I whispered. Then he disconnected .. fuck you man
  9. Nille (DayZ)

    Server hoppers are killing my fun

    yeah, I really haven't seen any other survivors since days ^^ And I guess he was a server hopper, it's at least quite the unusual place to logg off
  10. I know, right? This game is fucking amazing, it can be hard as shit.
  11. Nille (DayZ)

    Your heart beats when you hear gunshots

    You don't need to hear additionally your characters heartbeat. I'm satisfied with mine when I hear gunshots ,)
  12. Nille (DayZ)

    Changing back packs in DayZ

    Just open the bag on the ground and transfer all items, then loot it
  13. Nille (DayZ)

    Should we be able to pull axes out of tree stumps?

    Let's hope this doesn't end in the removal of all tree stumps with axes out of the game
  14. might sound bizzare but I like the idea. But it should come with negative consequences to consume the meat for the few first times. And you can't consume the meat of people who are already dead for a long period of time. Let's say half an hour or longer.
  15. Nille (DayZ)

    Remove broken bone mechanic until...

    But I think it's realistic. People only drink water, coke or pepsi and some lucky ones mountain dew, but have you seen anyone drinking milk lately? Nah but all jokes aside, I know its frustrating at the moment but you'll have to be more careful. Just make sure to stand or crouch if you want to go through a door and don't crawl on rough terrain, especially if there are many rocks.
  16. Nille (DayZ)

    Am I the only one?

    I know what you mean. Once I have high tier gear, I also wait for my friends to join the party. But it's not like I'm too afraid of playing alone, I just feel that I would be missing things out If I don't team up. Gearing up is actually one of these things in dayZ which you can do by yourself but most of the awesome stuff happens if you play with other people. The whole game content is provided by players, we make these awesome stories happen and it's far more enjoyable for me if I make these experiences with friends.
  17. Nille (DayZ)

    Will this run DayZ maxed out?

    srsly, who needs 16gb ram? Have fun watching porn in 100 active tabs
  18. Nille (DayZ)

    stuck at loading screen after character creation.

    sometimes it takes some time to connect, just be patient
  19. Nille (DayZ)

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    you're afraid of doors
  20. you'll get your old character back once the new one is dead
  21. Nille (DayZ)

    Banned for server hopping

    You are allowed to quit game before you engage in a gunfight. Whereas disconnecting within a gunfight is considered as an exploit. You are innocent in this case.
  22. Nille (DayZ)

    Infections and antibiotics

    Yes, you'll loose blood until the counter reaches 6000 and it's medium audible but you'll most likely only draw the attention of people
  23. Nille (DayZ)

    I turned to a Bandit?

    You were always a bandit, DayZ just fined down the unnecessary parts