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About UndoCTRLz

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    UK - Lancashire
  • Interests
    Online gaming, Attending LAN events, Camping, Going out for drinks, Football (World cup only).

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  • Bio
    got fed crisps.. been hooked ever since!.. basically my life story
  1. UndoCTRLz

    Question about Vehicles

    not from what i can find on it and not in the vehicle section of the wiki.
  2. Does anyone know if you can have more than one "White pickup truck" or "Motorcycle" on the server at a time ? I ask this because i know of a white pickup truck & motorcycle but also want more than one pickup truck be it the military one or the legendary red one but i have never seen more than one at a time. I destroy every tractor, Old hatchback, S1203 Van etc.. in hope of another pickup truck to spawn but the vehicles i destroy seem to re spawn either not destroyed or at a spawn location damaged & empty later on. Is the spawns set to a certain amount of "Said Vehicle" ? like 3 tractors, 2 buses, 4 or 5 atv's, 1 pickup, 1 motorcycle, 1helicopter etc. Is this just coincidence? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  3. UndoCTRLz

    Run Battlefield 3 but not this?

    Did you try this which was in that post ? helps abit
  4. UndoCTRLz

    Run Battlefield 3 but not this?

    I Point you to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/ Failing that - I'm sorry but i previously owned a AMD Phenom II X4 965 oc'd to 4.2g stable and was VERY unhappy with the performance. even with the high
  5. Get the fuck out of your houses you little brain disabled ignoramuses.
  6. UndoCTRLz

    Killed while waiting to load (taking forever)

    Last night when i was logging in and my team was waiting on me they tried rushing me to move, i was loading while they where telling me to go as they said my body was spawned - so from my experience yes your body spawns before loading is finished. (Edit: missed "was" from "I was logging")
  7. UndoCTRLz

    US346 scripters/hackers

    And on another note - I want a police car now >.< Be sick gathering up zombies! and they look boss (Edit*: Once repaired that is)
  8. UndoCTRLz

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    another great tactic would be to figure out how to play the game themselves.. as "guides" are generally pointless for a game such as this
  9. UndoCTRLz

    Server Admins - Understand us ...

    to be honest i was expecting a little more... with the title & post. but just a "fu"...? getting a bit bent out of shape over it are people not ? and please don't start getting all defensive over this post
  10. Right now? no whats the point, At 1.8 ? Sure wouldn't care and every First &/or Second digit up - sure go for it, its alpha and we're testers & suggesters The move from alpha to beta - it probably should be reset and so on. But if your crying for a reset because your bad &/or because of the exploiters & Cheaters? Sorry but your all out of luck. It'll need to be reset every day near enough and what would be the point in that?
  11. UndoCTRLz

    Make it harder, less loot

    >.< No one plays on night servers without NVG? And where did this information come from... i play on our server regardless of night and in fact (for me and my friends) its even EASIER than day because less people are on the server so you don't have to be looking around so damn much for other players - Sure 1.7.2 with the super vision zombies have made nighttime much harder for starting but in it was so easy to get around at night because of the added flashlight to your starter items, Stop sprouting garbage and play the damn game
  12. Now i know some, a lot of or all of these might of been said already. About Tents Tents - The equipment they hold are probably very important for the most part - Spare weapons, medical supplies etc... but to me, these are very unreliable and not worth the hassle they bring at this moment in time and i would much rather keep my supplies in my vehicle(s). I Suggest changing the inventory of the tent & Vehicle storage from the current: (If this is correct?) From: To something like: 100 Item slots with an indicator like backpack space (With everything taking from 10slots, 6slots, 4slots, 3slots etc.) in my personal opinion that would be much easier... no?. But with that being said, Is only the smallest part of the annoyance with tents. They are unreliable! from my experience and many of my friends who play this game - and also reading the forums it seems :) But with all that being said, I wont dive much deeper into tents as they are (Hopefully) being looked at already so i have no need to restate what many others have said. Vehicles These seem like an endangered species ! A lot of what i see on the forums are posts about are vehicles, vehicles & vehicles! Be that they are kept off map (Has been sorted if i read that post correctly) They are kept for storage purposes only (Like i do - but i actually drive around picking friends up and its used whenever i am on) The re spawn time is way to long! So here are my suggestions. 1. Change the re spawn time for destroyed vehicles to: 1.a: Sometime between 1-3hours later in an random location (This may increase server load/stress ?) but with the 6hour restart that shouldn't be too much of a problem? Also the next patch is a "huge" performance increase 1.b: Change the re spawn timer for "unused vehicles" to a minimum of 1day and max of 5days! depending on whats the current status of the player - 1.b.1: If the player died - 1 day if he has not reclaimed his vehicle 1.b.2: Just not connected - 5 days (Might have work, lost internet etc.) 1.b.3: Logged in (Whatever server) and has not used the vehicle - 3 days ? Something like that might increase the actual sight of a vehicle? also this brings me to my next point. Vehicle Storage People tend to use vehicles as storage but don't actually use the vehicle itself to get around the map - i few of my friends do this, a load of people on the forum do this as well as far as i can tell - and i assume this is because - tents are unreliable & vehicles are mobile storage. So i suggest either - Remove storage of vehicles! (I would not like this) Or seriously nerf the storage of vehicles! to like 10, 15 or 20 Item slots? (1 Main weapon, A few ammo - A few food & Drink) this one i personally think would increase the sightings of vehicles quite a lot. In my whole time playing this mod (probably just over a month now quite solidly) - On any server i join (Mainly UK ones) sometimes Seattle servers and now my clan server - I see on average a whole 1 vehicle a week being driven around... Such a bore ---------------- Just my opinion & Suggestions on the vehicle & storage situation.
  13. UndoCTRLz

    Is dayz worth it?

    Just ignore "most" posts like this unless you are given straight information as to what his problem is, (Mostly its just idiocy) Even tho the game has some bugs that are damn annoying - most if not all of them do not make the game "Unplayable" like this bigot suggests. If anything the game is fair easy at the moment and most likely the only problem(s) you will have is A: Finding a vehicle B: Other players -- Reply to last question. Yes when you die, you re-spawn along the coast at a random location, with the starting items (Painkillers, Bandage & Flashlight) But your friends may pickup your stuff and save them for you if they have room or they can just make room - and if they have a vehicle they can just drive down n pick you up. if your alone you can run back to your body if you know where you was and pick it all back up unless of course someone else steals it (or at the moment if you leave the server your body will disappear)
  14. UndoCTRLz

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This post i agree with apart from the things i deleted from it! and the inventory you can see how much room by the 20/20 but a open bag like with looting would be nice. and also with morphine i think should be more common in military tents especially the first aid tents