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About Jscaff

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  1. Jscaff

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Well you don't seem to enjoy it complaining about bugs, it does pretty much sum my message i hope it got through your head
  2. Jscaff

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I can tell you are just bad at the game, I have 2k hours and i still love it you know why because I know how to stay alive i know where to look for food i know how to double carry, I know how to play the game and i know how to avoid bugs, and its still by far in its current state better than any game. Learn how to play it and enjoy it
  3. Jscaff

    Visual overhaul

    I run the game in 4k Ultra it is nice but buildings are horrible looking i just want to know if all that will be changed
  4. Jscaff

    Visual overhaul

    I seen the current pictures they look great, but my question is will buildings be different ? and my other question will be will dayz look realistic buildings/roads/forest/lighting etc like most new games with amazing graphics have. Looking forward to 2017 be a massive year
  5. Jscaff

    Mouse4 or Mouse 5 wont work

    Tried that and didnt work, I reinstalled windows and then installed dayz exp only maybe try change it in stable first?
  6. Hi guys i reinstalled the game and now im trying to change my controls with Mouse4 and mouse5 ingame and it wont register to change, It works in other games but not .60 was fine in .59 any suggestions cheers
  7. Jscaff

    Can someone Explain this to me

    Have a look at this and tell me why that plays awesome and shooting people is so much better
  8. Im playing exile on cherno map, night looks amazing the game runs so smooth theres tortilla backpack etc... this cherno was updated to DayZ SA I dont know which patch, but now they have a new build cherno, I dont understanding why dayZ sa cant be normal the .60 patch has now way more bugs, why not just mod dayz sa lol? I have no clue what to think i really do want dayz sa to be better then any other game.
  9. Jscaff

    Hit registry

    Ok what you said is all good, just to rephrase a whole mag in him, I did short burst at the start aiming down the sights i was only 10 m away i normally kill people easy when theres no desync or lag, after i did short bursts he was running and normally i still hit people when there running, but alot of times it has to do with somthing not registering, i dont know if its because the game is in early access or what not but at that close range and me aiming right at his neck/head should kill
  10. Jscaff

    Hit registry

    I just want to ask if this will be fixed, i shot a guy with my AKS close range while he was looting a body ended up wasting my whole mag on him and he didnt even get hit once, there is no point playing if this will not be fixed, its just so fustrating