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Everything posted by aphex187

  1. Guy is called [iMBA]TheBeast Female skin, spawned in behind me, talked over direct chat and sounded Russian, spawned in a cardboard box full of guns went to take a screenshot but was then teleported along with the rest of the server. Connected back and again was teleported, left the server with only around 6 people on. All i have i'm afraid
  2. I normally go on their TS channel and speak to Lee but atm everyone is afk :(
  3. Hey Vilayer guys i cant seem to log into the ACP and my server has been down since this mornibg. Also the server keeps stopping itself for some strange reason? UK31 Simonh2 account name, cheers :)
  4. Hi guys! well i've decided to re-host UK31 again from the lovely guys at VILAYER! Top blokes them and if you looking to rent a server do not hesitate!!! Server details are as follows : UK31 DayZ EU/UK Steam Group - Vilayer Player Slots - 50 UTC -6 Veteran CH/3D - On Name tags - Off Waypoints - On Server has now been reset so any duping tents, barbed wire will not be there from before! Server now has an exclusive security patch that thwarts people spawning in vehicles and weapons, it also prevents people from getting into the admin control panel. On my travels around the server last night vehicles have indeed spawned and should hopefully be still there as i type. Server will only be restarted by myself and that will be manually done with a message in global chat before it happens! Any complaints, criticisms or cheat reporting you can contact me via our Mumble or Steam Group page below! I am always on Steam so getting hold of me shouldn't be a problem!! Steam Group - ARMA 2 DayZ UK (DayZ_UK/EU) Add me on Steam - Aphex@UK31 Any clans or squads wanting to join in the fun are more than welcome and i look forward to the competition!! Have fun and please no cheating, exploiting and no abuse whatsoever! Cheers guys!!!
  5. Yeah servers gone very quiet! 2 guys came on tonight and spawned in SUV's and were banned immediately! Remember guys that i'm on most nights so there will always be an admin present if anyone needs help etc! Also look out for Take Elektro night coming soon!
  6. aphex187

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Run about with an Enfield on my unpopulated server....
  7. aphex187


    At what point did we pay for DayZ? Go and pose this question at BI's bank manager! Jeez man i even bought both DLC packs just for the upgraded player textures! Don't be so blind, it's the only reason ARMA is at the top of the best selling list on Steam......
  8. aphex187

    Is this game dying?

    But i thought DayZ had over a million players?? LAWLZ!!!!!!!
  9. aphex187

    Is this game dying?

    Wtf do MEN use Twitter!?
  10. aphex187

    Why is this server not more popular?

    Player count dropping due to hackers, exploiters, glitches, dupers, kos, boredom....
  11. aphex187

    LU6 Shutting down permanently on august 17th.

    Mine went down yesterday as the guys who fund it have had enough if the hackers, exploiters and glitches.
  12. Just a friendly message to anyone that played on UK31 we are now closed due to hackers, glitches and falling player count! It was fun whilst it lasted but to have 30+ guys that are on Mumble give up because of the bs that plagues this once fine game then something's a miss. Peace!
  13. aphex187

    UK31 now shut down

    Haha yeah cheers Cannon your spot on there m8y!! But yeah we'll be back for the stand alone, probably see you there ;)
  14. aphex187

    UK31 now shut down

    Yeah sorry about that bud, i just couldn't get the server funds together as everyone who played on the server are slightly demoralised from the constant hacking and glitches.
  15. aphex187

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    I'm not on about that i'm on about the fact that people have put a lot of time and money into making this community what it is today. The constant over looking of certain things in game has become a nightmare be it hackers to duping to glitches via barbed wire. This game as it is now is worse than what it was 3 months ago and for me i'm just hoping he comes through with the goods for the stand alone. But saying i'm ridiculous? You a retard or something? this mod will live on, people have this game right here right now and doesn't cost a pennie and once Rocket let's it out from his kid gloves the mod scene and server hosts's will rejoice.
  16. Again we get some retarded responses, took too long to read or go play War Z which isn't even out yet genius! But yeah i agree on most of what you typed up there. For me the biggest problems are the duping of tents and the high end equipment that is so easily found on any server. Also zombies are a cinch to get rid of if they see you, needs to be slightly like Chernarus Apocalypse where they spawn basically any where. As for players, well it's been said many a times but taking away that bandit skin was what ruined most peoples experiences on DayZ, once that went the games dynamics quickly shifted to any other FPS. For me these are what killed the game High end weapons (L85, 107, AS50's should be taken out full stop! As should NVG) Duping Zombies should spawn anywhere Bandit skin Hackers (for me this is what has killed DayZ) Glitches (dead army soldiers on the floor and barbed wire should been taken out when these ugly glitches first appeared. Find it strange why he left in those soldiers which haven't even been touched by any z's?) Ghillie suits (stupid idea, a guy coupled with an L85 and As50 now becomes god) People only wanting daytimes servers for me killed the realism of this game, no one wants to play in the dark which again took away something that was unique compared to other games.
  17. aphex187

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    Its not his shit that's fucked up it this game, stop defending and look at the bigger picture this game is being left out to dry because of the stand alone. Just wait till the hive goes down for this mod and your forced into buying the stand alone for your dayz pleasure.
  18. aphex187

    DayZ on consoles

    What i'd like to also add is that DayZ has become the PC darling of the gaming world, a game that came out of no where and made everyone stand up and take note! It also made people remember how bloody great PC gaming is and how modding which has died off because of greedy companies and over priced DLC can relight a once great game and take it into new territory. Now he has mentioned consoles the worlds gaming media and it's console sheep will soon turn their sights off the PC and onto consoles and again we will be left out in the cold. Saying this will bring more exposure to DayZ is just so wrong, every game that gets exposed by a console is immediately watered down! So after patting yourself on the back and high fiving that this will indeed come to console, just think back to a game that you loved that hasn't been butchered by a fecking god awful XBOX or PS3....... p.s. I'll bet £10 that MS get exclusive timed content before PC and PS3....lol!
  19. aphex187

    DayZ on consoles

    That's what they all say at the beginning, just look at CoD, BF and every other title that came to PC first then was dumbed down for the console crowd. This for me is absolute terrible news and just like Gekko said 'Greed is good'.......well done Rocket.........
  20. Hey hey, another person who didn't play ARMA....
  21. Last night we were getting owned pretty badly, few messages came up on our steam page and it was a team that frequent our server. Making out that they were owning us and trying to belittle us i then thought about looking at the logs after one of our guys spawned in after our server went down and was immediately shot. When i went and had a look one of them was using the thermal as50 with a silenced uzi!! LOL so funny when he came back squirming like a little bitch, pure scum!!
  22. aphex187

    Banned on UK31 - Not quite sure why

    Ok so try and get out of this one then, ya full of wind and piss m8!!!!
  23. I recently upgraded our server to 50 after 40 was proving to be not enough. Since doing so and with the high level of cheating, hacking scum that now seem to populate the entire EU servers of DayZ i have noticed a significant drop off of in players through the day and at night. I know there are more servers but does anyone else find that filling up a server can sometimes be hit and miss? Cheers!
  24. Ok so i'm in the UK and i'm after setting up specific times when the server will restart. After one of the guys successfully showed me what to put in the CP i'm stumped as to what time i should be putting in! I'm after setting my time so the server restarts every 6hrs, so it would be 12 midnight, 06:00 etc etc. Ok so atm my server is set to UTC-6, the ACP is set to GMT+2 and the actual in game time is always around 6 mins behind real time. Thx if anyone could help, asked the guys at Vilayer but they didn't seem to know haha
  25. Bit weird this as yesterday I must of left a custom reschedule in the cp for 06:20 and at 19:40 on the night the server did a restart!!!???