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Everything posted by aphex187

  1. I take it your sig is from Nas's - NY State of Mind? ;P nah its a chernarus state of mind by Ned the zed :P haha Haha n1 bud ;)
  2. @Slart Dear god m8 unlucky on that one! @Boomsling Hmmm not sure on that Jaffa Cake one @Compton I don't think the human body can actually reproduce a wang once it's been cut off with a kitchen knife!
  3. Haha i still carried on chatting on Mumble whilst sticking two fingers up to the ceiling (she was in bed lol!).
  4. I take it your sig is from Nas's - NY State of Mind? ;P
  5. We have a wide variety of people that we play with but we could do with some more guys to team up with. Anybody from the UK, US and EU add me on Steam aphex187. Our Mumble is : DarrensDomain Addy : Port : 12337 Any guys from the North East about? Cheers lads!
  6. N1 chris I accepted your steam invite. Join the mumble channel anytime m8, I'll b on after 9 :)
  7. Haha you DayZ fiend you :)
  8. aphex187

    Capture and torture

    The way people are actually playing the game is bringing out the true nature in them tbh and not someone who just sounds a bit pissed off in a forum! I mean wtf wants to be sniped by some idiot in a bush then verbally abused in chat? Not my idea of fun at all!
  9. aphex187

    I'm tired of this!

    The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who play it are complete and utter knob heads.
  10. aphex187

    Capture and torture

    Haha!! let Mutagen vent some anger guys! It is a game after all :P
  11. aphex187

    Car crashes

    Hit a fence last night in the pick up truck, next thing the feckin thing is blowing up lol!
  12. Bumpage!! Still looking for guys, wanting people for night and day raids on various points in Chernarus. Skills in looting, taking out bandits and tracking various vehicle spawns a must!! We also take in new players to help build their skills at the game :) Our Steam group is: ARMA2 DayZ UK (all nations welcome!) PM for my Steam name if need be. Also looking into a DayZ server. Cheers lads!
  13. There's a difference between not trusting someone to camping in a frikkin bush all day.
  14. One of the guys we were playing with shouted to us over mumble to come over to the back of the apartments where the hospital is in Cherno. When I got there the back hill was ablaze! When we eventually got to where the main part of the fire was there were 2 crashed little birds imbedded into the dirt!!! This happened on DE21. Btw just to give you a heads up DE2 for the last two days has been locking their server :/
  15. aphex187

    We've got it too easy

    For me the z's are the least of my worries, it's other players I'm more concerned about. Would love the z count to be risen again and for spawn points to be random instead of around buildings etc.
  16. aphex187

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    I don't understand why people feel the need to post this twaddle when its a free mod. If its a AAA title then fair enough but to whine on about a game a guy decided to make in his spare time is bloody ridiculous!!!
  17. aphex187

    Massive fire in North Cherno forest

    Seen crashed heli's but have never seen a forest a blaze! I'll try and get a piccy up. I know my m8 recorded it through FRAPS so hopefully he can put it up on YT.
  18. Killed a guy last night with a survivor skin on after he had blasted my m8 for no reason. Camping on the side of the tree filled hill at Stary (a place where i was also killed that morning), i ran up behind him and as i was taking aim he turned and fired along with me, both of us died but i was glad in what i had done. Now before i shot him i was thinking, was he a bandit all along? i mean there's noway of telling who is who in this game now and that's why i'm a firm believer in having the bandit skin scorned onto these killers! People can now leisurely blast someone in the face with no repercussions at all....
  19. Been gaming a long time and I would rank this as probably the greatest experience I have ever had! Still haven't killed a survivor yet and probably won't ;)
  20. Is it true that DLC adds new player skins or higher textures for your guy?? Cheers guys!
  21. aphex187

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I'm not too sure on the Bandit skin going, where as before it was a deterrent from shooting who ever you wanted, now that it's gone no one is gonna mind aimlessly blowing someone away because there really are no repercussions ie skin change. Still a great update, cheers Rocket!!
  22. That's probably the whole point, to keep people out ;)
  23. Sure their names were spelt like that, i do applaud their playing style, tricking people into believing they have a loot bus and to meet up on Balota Airfield when in fact they are laid in wait to ambush people lol! What i don't abide by was the first Connor spouting off racial abuse to one of the guys that was with us last night. Trash talking and behaving like a child that he probably is! Be warned guys when you see this little crew of dweebs! ;D