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Everything posted by aphex187

  1. John server status is till stuck on starting which is in red, if i go into the current activity tab it says the server is stopped.
  2. People still saying fkn carebears! You would never ever describe something similar in the real world so stop thinking its ok because your hid behind a monitor ya fkn geeks.
  3. Just off to bed r kid
  4. Got up this morning and my server is stuck on starting in the CP. Sent john a PM and i'm on TS with Lee but he's AFK. Anyone on here experienced this problem before? Cheers ;)
  5. Got up this morning and my EU server has now been changed to LU78, all the name tags etc have gone and it's now on Regular instead of veteran! Anyone else had this? Server been hacked or a glitch in the server cfg? Just updated my info again in the CP but it's still saying LU etc! Thx guys!
  6. aphex187


    But i thought the OP's topic was kinda funny and ummm right ;D
  7. aphex187

    To Alex: Rest In Peace.

    Wish more people thought more like you guys whilst playing ;)
  8. aphex187

    Banned for Intimidation.

    His e-penis must be growing as he types...
  9. aphex187


    @OP Game has stagnated with the lowest type of gamer imaginable! You've got knob jocks congratulating some 10 year old on how many murders he has got to some unarmed guy being shot and then bandaged by his assailant to then being shot in the face, and people on here saying that's a cool way to die?! Just shows the level of fkn retardness this game has risen too.
  10. And your saying he's being immature? Jesus Christ!
  11. The dark side of the human psyche came into it's own once the bandit skin was removed, i say bring it back...
  12. I sincerely doubt Rocket has any plans that will satisfy you. Removing murder count from the debug monitor won't change the way I play at all. If I see you' date=' i'll kill you. It has nothing to do with a 'score'. It has to do with the fact that if I kill you, you can't kill me. Solving the problem before it even starts. If you really think that Rocket wants to 'patch out' that level of paranoia then I wonder what reason you really even play this game for. [/quote'] You are the cancer.
  13. Would love to know why this game changed so badly, i mean when i started playing it these types of goings on were unheard of. Maybe because it was new and everyone was getting accustomed to the game but what shifted peoples mentality to that of a cold hearted killer? Maybe it's because i'm from an older generation and it's the new generation that has been brought up on games that involve just shooting everything they see? Who knows, but it's pretty damn grim to see people behaving like this even if it's a video game....
  14. I find i aggro zombies who are the other side of wall/building whilst prone than crouch walking past them!
  15. aphex187

    Lazy gamers

    This only happened when the game hit the headlines and then ricky retard and his CoD clones came trundling on in and ruined the f'n place....
  16. aphex187

    37 murders and counting..

    stop being so fucking soft how does murdering make him a piece of shit? being a bandit is part of the game. if you don't like it' date=' don't play, bitch. [/quote'] I'm telling him to get this garbage kill counted bullshit out of the general discussion and into the bandit sub-forum where it belongs, and . I second that! And it's ok saying its part of the game but in the beginning it wasn't because people werent afraid to help one another. But with dickhead topics like this just goes to show how much this game has gone down the shitter with pathetic pats on the backs for murder counts!? Go play BF3 ffs......
  17. I've put mine back to EU81 with my Steam Group name and it's now running that.
  18. aphex187

    37 murders and counting..

    So you go to Balota a lot? killing unarmed survivors coming in from the coast i bet. This topic sucks just like some of the idiotic comments left by these e-nerds.
  19. Give it a while to update and the server tags should be off after switching to veteran. Bit pissed tbh because the server was packed right into the early hours and frequented players coming on daily. Now with it being changed to LU (WHY!? haha!!) those people won't even know where the hell it's gone! I mean why change it because there are still EU servers in the server list. Also that email wasn't very specific in the fact of what we can and can not change. I mean for me i want to change it to Welcome to Steam Group ARMA II DayZ UK/EU and then the server name back to EU81. Does anyone on here see that as a problem?? i'm scared to change anything now haha!! ;)
  20. The first thing i did even though it didn't show on the control panel for the server. Apparently one of the guys has stated it's not back on veteran.
  21. Oh christ cheers stef! Haven't received any emails from Vilayer about this and even though i've changed text in the cfg file it hasn't changed it on the CP or on the actual server! EDIT** Got the email!!!!!
  22. Hey Jonesy! Yeah i normally give John a PM but he's most probably in bed now, anyway sent them a ticket. Wonder why this has happened though, i left it last night and i know some of the guys were playing into the early hours of this morning!
  23. aphex187

    Ugh Barbed Wire

    Thank god you guys have the same problem!!! Thought i was going mad lol!!