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About HerDerFail?

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think these are stretched bodies, Some of them anyway. In cherno I see dead bodies (military and random dead civilians) stretching and it is quite strange and disturbing haha. Also some of this comes from the sky and other random places.
  2. HerDerFail?

    Anyone else having tent issues.

    All of my tents dupe when server restarts so I have A LOT of tents. I just drop them off somewhere because I have no use for em...
  3. HerDerFail?

    Thermal AS50 lewl

    So I killed a fella and go down to loot the body and he had an AS50 with a thermal sight. AS50 TWS or something like that. Anyways I didn't take it because I didn't want to cheese other people with a gun that isn't in DayZ lol.
  4. HerDerFail?

    Thermal AS50 lewl

    So I killed a fella and go down to loot the body and he had an AS50 with a thermal sight. AS50 TWS or something like that. Anyways I didn't take it because I didn't want to cheese other people with a gun that isn't in DayZ lol.
  5. HerDerFail?

    Get Your Shit Together

    ^^ right there
  6. Failures at BE continuously fail like f******. People still spawning weapons and everything else. Finally get a long life and f******* cheaters come in kill me and my friend and everyone in the server. Then I go to my body and see a group of ghillied people running around and one of them disappears and appears behind me and kills me with a hatchet. BE is worse than VAC LOOL
  7. L2 optimize games? Seriously very poor usage of everything. IDC if its alpha it should be more playable than this. Forget about useless content and optimize this game for a Pentium II (jk) but seriously get the mod to utilize more system resources!!!!!!