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About bigman100500

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    On the Coast

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  1. bigman100500

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    -more zeds -less firearm weapons and way less ammo for them -more danger of invironment
  2. Hi everyone! There are some things to add in our glorious game. I bet most of them floating around in some form or shape. but still be in my personal favour list. General zeds should be able to knock our guns out! they could damage or even jam weapon, our axe or knife can stuck in their rotten corpses zeds should be able to knock us down zeds should be able to kick us so hard we would drop backpacks zeds should drag us out of the cars. not just standing around. zeds should be able to knock us out on the road of the moving car blood stains on clothes and most important on the ground with trails sound when using backpack damage legs when step on broken glass with no shoes on Inventory different vests = different configuration of same free space like they do in games like Brigafe E5 or 7.62 .like you dont just have 5x10 space but rather 5x5+5x5 to interact ith backpack you have to take it in your hands or put it in the ground make weight and mass system actually work detach buttstock and silencer for less space damaged backpack = less free space use rags, oil and other materials to clean\fix weapons improvised buttstocks and my favorite wish - special animation for knife takedown\last hit.
  3. bigman100500

    Pistol Holsters

    dreaming about regular detective like armpit holster. or as an attachment to your belt. be able to hide small pistols in a boot.
  4. bigman100500

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Hi everyone! So sad i missed the test, but i see people are talking about that server population not showing now. Its not so important imho as for me i am always had a hard time finding a public hive fast-timed 1pp only server. There allaround like "daytimeonlysuperloot3ppgogojoin" servers. Tired been killed from the roof or by yelling kiddo looking over some fence or wall. So may i ask for more oficial proper 1pp hardcore full day\night servers with .61
  5. bigman100500

    A Few Thoughts On.. (Communication, Deadlines, etc)

    So... The faceless grey piece of THE CROWD here to saw this amazing post, iam so frustrated. And if my shapeless grey crowd body get it right, soon i can get frustrated in more transparency fashioned way. Shoud i start waiting .61 already?