no... I probably wont find it all again for 5 netting it took me 2 days straight to find it, and like 4 in total just to make the suit, then another coouple days i was happy and gearing up, and i was going to get an ak101 with svd scope and supressed barrel, and i enjoyed heli crash looting, but then the game spazzes out and i lost all my gear that I earned, unlike hackers and dupers... so pretty much not gonna find it again, loot was 10x easier to find back in the day when all boats could spawn netting/ lots of gear like raincoats and cargopants/ netting. not only that berenzino looked nicer before and mosin had; Long Range miltary scope, camo gun wrap, bayonet, bipod. Ak101 scope was able to be found in the sleeping quater near firestation in northwest, you had loot in the atc, and camo building, like they keep breaking the game instead of finishing the game and fixing it, like I dont want to be 50 years old by the time dayz is finished god, ask better developers to help work on the game and finish it with all the money u got.
Dayz is a game that has potential and can be all good in the end, but if taking stuff out like mosin scope, the ak101 scope only spawning on a svd and not at general military, stuff like that if it isnt fixed in the end and put back in like it normally was, is gonna tick me off