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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Congrats rocket, you made a deathmatch game mode for Arma 2. Until humanity does become a finished feature.
  2. Might as well add these, the game is already crap with the instant shoot on sight mentality.
  3. No, I'll like it. Because I want you to rage moar.
  4. You don't thumbs up a video on YouTube for their promotion' date=' you thumbs up videos on YouTube for their good quality. That video had no good quality whatsoever. It was cheating left and right. I don't mind them advertising it for what the mod is, but the way they presented the mod was completely false, they say they just started yet they get a 1 shot pistol plus a lot of other useful items? It makes people think they get a 1 shot pistol and a load of other stuff when they spawn. It's false information. The DayZ daytime servers are already overcrowding, now we got another hundred thousand more players coming our way? All the servers will end up crashing or being full if so. The servers will need a boost. [/quote'] Well, you have a point there. Thumbs up their video as a little something in return for promoting this game that I love. But I do agree, they should not be cheating their way around it, it would give a false impression of what the game is really about. However the servers crowding is GREAT, that is what you want, that is the sign of success. Everytime you crash due to high population, say thank you. Because even though right now it must suck, it helps this mod in the long run. actually no i wont say thanks since it means i cant play the game i love why would i thank somebody for overloading servers with a pointless video that is more of a cash grab for yogcast then any kind of promotion it might mean. Then you my friend, are a short sighted person who only cares about self entertainment and self needs above the point of what is best for this mod and it's developers.
  5. And you could have the fun of looting their corpses
  6. You don't thumbs up a video on YouTube for their promotion, you thumbs up videos on YouTube for their good quality. That video had no good quality whatsoever. It was cheating left and right. I don't mind them advertising it for what the mod is, but the way they presented the mod was completely false, they say they just started yet they get a 1 shot pistol plus a lot of other useful items? It makes people think they get a 1 shot pistol and a load of other stuff when they spawn. It's false information. The DayZ daytime servers are already overcrowding, now we got another hundred thousand more players coming our way? All the servers will end up crashing or being full if so. The servers will need a boost. Well, you have a point there. Thumbs up their video as a little something in return for promoting this game that I love. But I do agree, they should not be cheating their way around it, it would give a false impression of what the game is really about. However the servers crowding is GREAT, that is what you want, that is the sign of success. Everytime you crash due to high population, say thank you. Because even though right now it must suck, it helps this mod in the long run.
  7. This is already a "lets kill everybody game" where have you been. Yes their video is utter crap. The extra promotion brings more $ to the this development team + increases the value of this mod, making Bohimia Interactive to supply them with more resources to make it by all means successful. Therefor, I thumbs up their video because they promoted this mod. Even though their video sucked. Afterall, they have more subscribers than this game has players, so yes, it is a very biiiig promotion.
  8. Yeah, more people shoot on sight and steal their stuff, I don't see the problem with that.
  9. This is a great event. Even if you do not enjoy the videos they put out. You are so silly to be hating on a youtube channel with million+ subscribers and bringing more eyes / attention to this mod! It will bring more attention / eyes to this mod, it will help out Rocket, the community will get bigger. That is the whole point, the bigger the community = the greater demand for this type of game. It brings more motivation to the developers to refine it more often / work on it more. The more eyes this mod grabs, the more Bohimia Interactive will understand that what they have here is a gem that is waiting to shine. Don't be self-centered pricks, you should want what's best for the mod / game. Are you so blind that you do not realize that every time a popular youtube channel streams this mod, it is almost as it is a free promotion. Go like their video, promote this free promotion to this mod, let it open more eyes so more can experience the awesomeness of DayZ.
  10. Because more and more people are becoming smart and know where the good loot are. Places like airfield are constantly looted. Therefore, don't expect to be the "first one there" because most likely over fifty people already have visited that area not too long ago.
  11. 1 Makarov with 2 Makarov clips 1 Painkillers 2 Bandages 1 can of beans and 1 pepsi. and a hatchet Hardcore, I know, relax.
  12. Hello, I'm running the Six launcher to keep my DayZ up-to-date (if that has to do with anything) Everytime I try to join a game that uses a different mod, such as Takistan Life or CTI modes, it won't let me join because of the DayZ files. Tells me to remove DayZ files or register a new key. Is there a way to disable the DayZ temporarily without having to uninstall it? No body knows how to fix this? =x
  13. Because there is no punishment right now for banditing. There used to be bandit skins, now there isn't. Now we have our hearts beating when we sniff a bandit's ass at 5 feet away. Once it gets fixed, it should provide an even advantage. Right now, the bandits will always have the first shot, and it only takes 1 or 2 shots to die in this game, so they are successful, they get loot, lose nothing, and have fun trolling others.
  14. After the karma system is fixed, that is exactly what you will be screaming. The hunters become the hunted.
  15. I don't know, they're probably filled with crap anyway. Get it? Because it's a toilet.. ha... I crack myself up.
  16. No..but like i said above, changing between the nocs and gun could be your demise. If i have my M41 which is only about 10% of game time, possibly less, i will use it over my nocs to sus out a situation. You could have a buddy to be the spotter and you could be the shooter. There you go, a sniper rifle split into two. Doing it solo would take more time, but an easy fix to that could be just speed up the animation between switching from binocs to your weapon. It would motivate "effective" snipers to have a spotter, and "solo" snipers to be slower when setting up their shot. For you realism lovers, this is exactly how it is, you don't get lone snipers out in the field, always with a spotter. During an apocolypse this would cause different situations of course, therefore, a lone sniper would take more time when setting up his shot compared to one who's using teamwork. This promotes a co-op experience (to be an effective sniper) as well as making lonewolf sniper camping more difficult / skill -based. If you are going to take a single shot from miles away that would result in a death of a player who spent maybe days obtaining what he has, it should damn right take high skill levels to pull it off.
  17. Then why worry about it? There is no real positive aspect to removing them. They're pretty hard to get in the first place' date=' and if you remove them, people are just going to replace them with different weapons. Sniper rifles have their niche, just like the M4s and AKs have theirs, and all the other weapons theirs. I would also confidently say, without a doubt, that most people playing intelligently, not fucking around, would never engage people past 300, maybe even 400, meters, it's just not worth it. You risk attracting unwanted attention in the first place, and if you don't have a weapon that can be zeroed, you're not doing anything but taking shots and hoping they land in the right place. [/quote'] Scopes in general would be nice if they were removed. Would require more skill to kill someone. Since it takes only 1-2 hits in order to die, the combat should be more skill based.
  18. You could cover your friend with iron sights, just not extremely far away. There are very accurate weapons in this game that use iron sights. Provided with enough practice / skill, you can easily "snipe" someone from a distance with a weapon that lacks a scope
  19. Me too, I would tell myself that from now on I don't care who I meet, I'll just shoot on sight, but I just can't. Unless of course I'm put into a stressful position, such as me hiding inside a room and some guy suddenly shows up right in front of me. I would do my best to avoid contact with armed players. But I, myself, wouldn't go out of my way to murder someone just so I could take their stuff. I rather die hungry than to promote this deathmatching cycle by hunting another player, it's bad enough as it is with this broken karma system. There were rare moments where I was able to save a survivor from a bandit when hearing shots fired, and that was by far the greatest feeling I had so far in this game.