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About TheVampireBat

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  1. TheVampireBat

    How to change what clothes you spawn with

    not working, keeps saying unknown code.. that format isn't the same as the code I was using prior to beta launch.. or it doesnt appear to be. Other things I have tried also not working, I can get items to spawn within the default clothing no problem but cannot change the clothes or add a backpack
  2. TheVampireBat

    Admin tools

    I've seen a couple out there and tried to implement into my server but neither working atm..
  3. TheVampireBat

    How to change what clothes you spawn with

    tried this quickly and getting error message saying 'Startingequipsetup' is marked as override but there is no function with this name in the base class
  4. TheVampireBat

    How to change what clothes you spawn with

    Previously, I had it setp to spawn in with bag, leather jacket etc etc but since the most recent update.. the same code isn't working? Has the format changed in the Init.c file ? It doesnt appear to have..
  5. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    Hmmm.. still no luck with mine :(
  6. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    Still not working.. :/
  7. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    I've set myself as an admin and all that.. but none of the commands are working? Sorry to keep bothering just i'm at a loss with this one.. names, guid etc all corrent. Path files all correct..
  8. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    much appreciated! :)
  9. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    OKAY i have added this following the tutorial yet i am getting an error saying ' instanceId parameter is mandatory and must be valid 32-bit integer ' ?
  10. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    Cheers, will this be working after todays update? That version hasn't changed since yesterday
  11. TheVampireBat

    Admin Menu

    Anybody know of any admin commands for in-game? Things like object spawning, teleporting etc etc ...
  12. TheVampireBat


    Yes, on closer inspected there is something in the console saying 'no memory level found for' then loads of different assets. Reinstalled the files from steam etc and still the same..
  13. TheVampireBat


    Haven't noticed it saying anything different then previously..
  14. TheVampireBat


    Okay so after difficulty getting the server to appear on the browser (now solved, turns out my ISP was blocking me from opening any ports) I am now unable to connect... here's what happens My server is running fine on one PC. On my main gaming rig I browse for the server, find it and try to connect. The re spawn timer begins and counts down from 5. It then goes on the black loading screen and stays there. Whilst there my pc RAM maxes out to 16GB and the entire system freezes... This ONLY happens whilst trying to connect to my server.. it's fine with all the others.. Suggestions to solve? (PLEASE NOTE I'VE TRIED A FRESH INSTALL OF SERVER FILES SO THERE ISN'T ANY INCREASES ZOMBIE AI OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT)
  15. TheVampireBat

    more server ports?

    still not showing for me either.. genuinely at a loss now.. all ports opened as suggested.. attempted without firewall etc all the go to suggestions and still nothing.. ?? HELP! lol