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Everything posted by WeedFoXx

  1. i tried it once but then somone founds the camp becouse of all that fenings in the woods ........ mayby its nice to park ur cars on a farctory .....but when somone has a toolbox he can go in easily
  2. It would be soo AWESOME when u add bears and wolves in the woods becouse woods are boring and need more action ---snakes would be nice when u long time camp a place u have to look for snakes when a snake bites u u get sick or u get poisened by them .... then u have to find a anti toxin or somithing otherwise ur sight turns green u puke blood and u die after 30 minutes but dont loose blood sometimes u get unoncios and u can find the medic only in a hosptal and it takes 4 places of space so u cant take mutch with u ONLY 1 ... or somithing ...... i think that would be a great idiea :) Walking by nighttime hear the wolves crying :D:D:D ohhhh mannn that would be soo EPIC.. .:D
  3. Nope i didnt sorry ..... i postet it 1 time but for 3 weks or so dunno ^^
  4. YA EXACTLY i have 2 friends who think the only target is survive so they prone in a tree have 20 meat and 3 cans of water and only go out for hunt new ...... then they say WHOHOOOO im on day 232342424245 with no dead but i killed 10 zeds and see no survivor ....... u have to be SCARED in the woods ...as i was a new player i thought i go NEVER in the woods looks mutch to scary ...1 day i walked in and i learned NOTHING is in there ...... so it became to be boring to walk trough the woods .....
  5. Now it happens 3 times to me on different servers...... i prone evrywhere dp nothing or camp a spot ... then DEAD bone is broken all my life is left but im dead ?? a other time i run out of church NO ONE was there DEAD dunno why ....... i fond SOOO mutch corpses from players in elektro ...what haooend there??? other have this too ?? is this a hack ?? or a Really silenced weapon who just 1 shots me 3 times in elektro on 3 different servers ???? No gunshot was fired NOTHING INSTANT DEAD .....
  6. WeedFoXx

    The greatest moment I have experienced on dayz

    haha ya i had the greatest time too on night ... but since i know how all works i dont like night ----- all on night servers have NVGs mostly me 2 .... so i can ploay on day 2 and dont have the ugly green window XD but wuith 2-3 friends its NICE to play from early evening till to NIGHT TIME ... just with a flashlight and flares and some stuff :D 1 time we want o run to NW AF it was sooo dark and then we stand in the midle of Stary xDDDDD sorroundet by zeds hahaha we all have to fired all our amunition xDDD that was nice and epic haha ^^ but since i know NOTHING can hapen to me wehen i avoid the citys i nnight then nightime is boring ..... i HOPE they add wolves and bears by night ...
  7. i dunno why someone have to hack in a game like this ....... its really dumb to cheat in such a game but hackers are all dumb like shit ....... most of tthem are REALLY bad in cumputer games and with ahcksand cheats they MAYBY can be better ......
  8. would be nice if anyone can say me where or how i can register for auckmageddon i really love Tournaments and i wanna own this :P ^^
  9. WeedFoXx

    You can still dupe Tents...

    haha lol so the duping is still working ????? ROFL i hopet they make in 1.7.2 that u cant DUPE with tents anymore ........ and bad to see that soo mutch people know how to dupe :(
  10. WeedFoXx

    MINI 14 is a must zombies!!!!

    the guy on the video is not the best gunner i think xDDDDD
  11. WeedFoXx


    ya i had that too i shot somone with my DMR on a tower he eats 4 confirmed hits ... i had a spotter wih rangefinder by me and i know how to shoot ..... he dies but really 4 shots ??? i hittet him he prones and DIRECT shots to my positions i think it was a hacker too or BAAAAD LAAAGS .......
  12. ya exactky that i mean NO voice or shot or dunno Nothing no bllod only bone breakl all my life left but DEAD normally i prone on ground for 3-5 secs then the lifes goes down to -79k and some but dont happens ..... never was soo fast on U ARE DEAD screen ... so i think its a new hack ..... or a invisivble hack ..... my girlfriend was 1 time invisible too its no hack just a bug when debug mmonitor is gone i had that bug multiple times and dunno why i can kill 4 survivors in front ooof themn now i know .... but thats sucks when i OFTEN dsie becouse of hacks ...... 1 time i was on server and ALL players flying in air 200 meters then instant dead 2 times this happens to me oin that server tghen i ignored the server xD
  13. im not angry or somiothing i got NOTHING so its not the prob the prob is it dont was a SHOT ........ i was INSTANT DEAD not the uncocius thing NOTHING i left there with 10 k HP + no - before the numbers ........ NOTHING just 3 times 3 servers 3 other playces DEAD and 20 or 30 pülayers died with me i came again to city there are 10 deads in the strees ......im REALLY no noob and play long time this game and knwo the since of get shot........ even when he is 1 km + range i heard shots i dont lag or somithing im a nbandit too and waitet with a lee and killed 5 peaplo then i walked ...... then U ARE DEAD ...... i think it was the admin OR an hacker and then he cames t the servers where i was ........i was on server with 14 peaplo on a mountain then againm DEAD ..... cant believe its an player ..... normally i life 5 days + ........ that was not normal i think ....
  14. jop alter ist leider ein prob :) ansonsten eig gerne aber wir nehmen auch nur leute ab 20 + eig haben da so unsre erfahrungen geamcht hehe
  15. WeedFoXx

    Waiting for a Survivor

    looks nice :)
  16. WeedFoXx

    Tired of wasting time

    u survived 190 days ???? i think the game ist not this old .......... since not EVRY login day gives u one im on day 5 but game says still day 2 ....... i lived 9 days with 40 hours of survival time so u was on hour 400 ??? or somithing ......... man man dont talk shit ...... or u play evry day 5 mins to 30 mins ??
  17. WeedFoXx

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    found on a heli crash a fn val NVG and a l85 AWS ^^ with 5 mags for fn fal and a normal fn val....... other time i killed a bandit who throws a granade after a red Sedan... i killed him and he had NVGs Rangefinder m4cco SD and a m9 Sd ... :D:D:D Other time i found a Motorbike in a three i drive and drive BLOB vehicle gone under my as Oo soi reloogt to another server and DIRECTLY on my left was a TENT with an DMR an m14 an m16a2 203 and mutch car parts ^^ the motorbike never comes back ........ damn lags
  18. all our Vehicles ar still there where they are before the attack ....... 6 vehicles or so and all tents are there too... with all the loot inside ...... so we are LUCKY :D
  19. WeedFoXx

    Helicopter Hack?

    u damn lucker..... was no hack ...
  20. WeedFoXx

    Unconscious and Bleeding

    i was bandaged often when im unconcious before an epi and after an epi .... same with blood u just in a wrong position change server mayby it helps ... otrherwise again a bug killed u :D ^^
  21. WeedFoXx

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    yap i shoot 2 on EVRYTHING whos human ......evry 1 shoots me so why im not ......i team up and 20 misn later BAM hs down .... TY ........ evry time the same so i play with FRIENDS when u have no friends who play his game u have not mutch Survvial chances dude :D
  22. same here just IMPOSSIBLE to sneak the zeds just crouch on the ground works ....and thats take soooooooo long and is soo dangerous becousebandits can see u.......and when u aggro them 2 u need 4 secs to stand up and run ....... i loved the game becouse the NICE sneaking system like MGS and such but now its just boring or its to hard (Ground crouch/knee crouch) ...so PLSSS bring back the old sytsem ......
  23. WeedFoXx

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I have a question ....do u wanna add Bears and Wolfs / dogs or snakes to the forest ???? Becouse forest ist really boring to walk trough alone ........ mayby u can spawn 1 per km² or somithing :D dunno if Arma2 allows such things... But angry animals would GREAT ......then u have adrenaline in the forest 2 :D u hear the sounds of wolfs by night and and and ohh man that would be soooooo NICEEEEEEE :D PLSSS answer when u read this if its possible or not :)
  24. WeedFoXx


    when u eat it u have a change to becoeme faster hunger/fast Low Humanity and a Zed skin when u eat corpses u cant eat normal eat again and just can eat rotten flesh even more u eat faster u get hungry so u will die at some point ...But u can get healing like with antibiotics or flesh of an player and not an Zed so the onbly cure is killing some other guy ..... mayby ^^