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Everything posted by WeedFoXx

  1. WeedFoXx

    Best sidearm?

    i like the PDW becouse mutch mags und its SD when u load it with SD ammunition ......... and the 1911 i like too :) revolver is good for PvP shoot to the legs then hebrake his lag
  2. happened to our group soooooo often like 50 % of all tents are wiped ...... sometimes we come back and there is some new stuff or mixed up stuff and and and ..... just too bugyy right now :( we use busses they are 100000% save others just 50 50 but busses are 1000%
  3. i think 250 players+ would be awesome!!!! When a server is below 100 player the system autamaticly change the players to another with 100 players like a quick match in bf3 or something ...... i think the land must be fuller of palyers more players = more adrenalin = more zeds = more fun and i hope they never add some PvE servers ....... I LOVE THIS GAME :D:D
  4. EXACTLY and where is the fun when u hide in the bushes or woods all day long just come out to shoot another animal ??? u can play singleplayer then on hamachi or so ...... thats not the point of the game i htink, hide urself in the trees .......so the player have to avoid them MORE hide better and maybe get shoot ...... i think its more realstic when u see sometimes a player when i want to hide i would life forever lol ^^ maybe not ALL servers have to be this big but 50 / 50 would be nice i like to escape or gunfight with otthers its better then evry other shooter and its even more realsitic when more peaple then 50 survived in a 225km² Isle :P
  5. WeedFoXx

    Mountain Dew anyone ?

    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA nice joke its just a drink and ya its really rare but brings u NOTHING haha ^^ made my day a NVGs .... i was funny and find 2 Mountain dews 1 by a dead i player i killed and on hes left was loot pile with a mountain dew 5 mins later a player kills me xD
  6. ahh okay thanks for the info.... but maybe they can improve the game that a server can run more players on a server :) rocket is trynig ading more zeds to th game mayby next fix is more players or les zeds and more players dont know :) i just think it would be great when more players are on a server :)
  7. i think u should play another game ......i think the server have to be full all the time when a server becomes under 25 players it changes to another server with not enough players that would nbe nice ....... i hope it will be later 250 player + ....
  8. i HOPE he dont allow to PW protect servers we ALL know what u do then ...... that would be REALLY unfair when u dont wanna play with others dont play this game ...... and SURE u let DONATERS in and when they ask for 1 or 2 or 12712378128 NVGs u gave them ......or lemme search a vehicle before u open the server and such SHIT ..... PLS dont allow this Rocket its good like it is now its an alpha in future hackers will be have it mutch harder :) PLS DO NOT ALLOWE IT let them Whine about ahckers i got killed SOOO OFTEN from hackers ...its happened and ????
  9. WeedFoXx

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    most of the desync is gone ..... works better now but why u delete the Visual ???
  10. WeedFoXx

    How many kills do YOU have?

    my best was 20 murders but i camped elektro ^^ for 2 days on the same spot then i sniped some streamers i got 2 of 5 then i got killed was really fun :) Now im at 3 kills day 1 yesterday 5 murders 2 bandits then died ... ^^ im a glad bandit xD
  11. WeedFoXx

    Waypoints?! What?

    No they CVANT SEE ur waypoint only when u DOUBLEPRESS LEFTCLICK and then a BIG X came up thats WROONG !!!! Shift leftclick guys ...
  12. WeedFoXx

    Waypoints?! What?

    Press Shift Leftmouse click ..... on the map then u have a small waypoint that ONLY U can see ...... known that on the first day ..... read more the DAyzwiki dudes .....BUUUT not nevry server was WP on :) now have fun by walking faster to ur location :P
  13. i drived with my squad back to camp .... they picked me up in elekro with a vcan .... then i dirvet back ..... I TAKES US 8 HOURS to come back HOME .......... it was soooo mutch desync it was OMG whats happening ..... some guys are get out and was BACK on old positions i getout and walk 2 meteras then all broken and im flying 200 meters on the street ...... others reloggt then came out UNDER the car unconcious then awake Direct dead ......... after 3hours we came back to camp and were all happy ...... we loggt out loggt in .... and OHHHHHHHHHHHH again on the old positions ALL im back in city the otehr 1 with broken legg on a house ...... the others in car ......... WTF why this happens ......... some peaplo runung on the same spot for 3 minutes i shoot them and 10 minutes later they die Oo ???
  14. Yes i like it how it is now :) but its annyoing to get shoot when u have Nothing...Oh mayby hes helping me he has a weapon ...YAAA im helping u With a BULLET to ur HEAD !! XD :( ^^
  15. WeedFoXx

    How to use visual indicator

    is this confirmed or u just think its meters ?? mayby its yards or just a number that equals to ur Sight AND Hearing :P ^^ but im think u right thanks for telling us all :) .
  16. WeedFoXx


    the server admin is in my squad ...... he makes ALL possible to fix it ..... and i know its an alpha ... only noob comments, no one expirenced this too ? or mayby has a resolve, or just better dont drive now?? we have 8 cars and we like to drive em ... :( and i found no thread simiiliar to mine :( and plsss let his DUMB comments about alpha and beta.... im testing MUTCH betas and dont whine. i just ask ..... and sry im not the best in english gramma and somithing xD
  17. WeedFoXx


    then a member startet driving a atv he drives 3 meters then just fall on side ....... on flat ground ..... with speed 20 ....... this NEVER happens before to us all .... its the same when i got shot in firestation but im 2 km away from elektro then i fyling bugged back to the positions where i got shot ... thats not normal ...... so Others have this isue too or just us becouse mayby server was bugged??
  18. WeedFoXx


    u are soo noobish ..... im whining ???? why i should, i have all back ....... 1 day ago on it works ALL fine NOW on 1.7.2 im Desync with the peaplo in the car who drives with me .......... i logg out and spawn on OTHER locations ......... and ya its pisses me on when i have to ragedrive 8 hours for a drive who takes 20 minutes ......... it works really fine before but why now SOOO MUTCH desyncing a guy just duplicatet himself Oo he dies respawns back on old spot with all gear .......
  19. WeedFoXx


    u walkiong to fast .... the loot needs time to spawn ......just came back later when loot is respawnt ......ah and when no zeds there there are no loot ....... so it happens to me when im looking for loot :D
  20. WeedFoXx


    OMG game i now MUTCH to easy .....and u want a SOFTCORE ... wait for RE6 there u get ur SOFTCORE ........ i hope they add MORE zeds and STRONGER zeds ..... its MUTCH to esy now i run in a house all zeds gone .... i shot in a house with a Lee enfield NOTHING hapens nooo zed cames in NEVER ........... so the onlky why i can killed is buggs or players ....... bugs killed me 90% of time and i dont crying ........ zeds 1 % players 9 % ....... and why ur knive not work how u can surviuve without MEAT ?? LOOOL it works since the first minute for me .... uhave to GUT ANIMAL ...... not open pack and press on knive .........
  21. WeedFoXx

    Death by login

    never had a disapear body bug and i kill mutch players ........ but i have this issue too it happens 3 times to me ..... yesterdayi go in a shop to loot somone cames in i heard him ... iwaitet then i thought hmmmayby hes gone and he stands still in a conrner ........ i lootet his back then i thought NOPE better i kill him ...... hahah no kill hge was bugged after 6 MINUTES i died and HE died ....... becouse MEGA LAGG so my squad gos in the shop and was was there .... a 3th corpse ........ so my squad lootet the 2 and me and all was fine ...... but it really pisses me on i was on 4 murders an2 bandit kills then dual dead .....
  22. WeedFoXx

    Anyone has a fix for this?

    never heard about that bug mayby its a 1.7.2 bug ...... i had a ghilli but i thought hmm noooooo ..... xDso im gflad that im not weart it :D i have a DMR 2 ^^ i came to 1.7.2 WITH an Cammo clothes on but started as dead ....... so i think they are again bugged
  23. WeedFoXx

    DMR is more common than M24?

    The m24 can Zeeroing the DMR can not ... i know mutch peaplo who cant compare with the DMR becouse the bulletdrop :) but i prefer the DMR 2 :D
  24. WeedFoXx

    safe car option?

    when the car or THE CARS are gone mostly the server bugged just for info ... so wait till the next restart and all should be finde .... dont save too mutch things over night in a car becouse the chance are highthat its wiped ..... only with bus i never got a Gear wipe .....