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Everything posted by {sas}stalker

  1. {sas}stalker

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    working fine here and logging.
  2. {sas}stalker

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    You did one more thing than I did and this is why yours worked any mine didnt. You read jwiechers post :P
  3. {sas}stalker

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    Still being renamed here. What have you done :P
  4. {sas}stalker

    BE log file scripts.log

    A much better message, and one that would have prevented me from wasting my morning, would have read;
  5. For anyone who cba to right an email, feel free to use my text body
  6. {sas}stalker

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    UK 22 is down
  7. {sas}stalker

    BE log file scripts.log

    setting it to read only makes no difference either. I have no idea what is going on tbh but if its not going to log its not going to kick either is it ?
  8. {sas}stalker

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    Even making scripts.txt read only makes no difference it can still change it. As you say we are blind atm.
  9. {sas}stalker

    BE log file scripts.log

    I have RDP to the box, ive changed the file with what smash_AU says and renamed it to scripts.txt. Upon restart it gets renamed (I can watch it do it) and thus no logs are created.
  10. {sas}stalker

    BE log file scripts.log

    Where are you getting the scripts.txt file from ?
  11. Does anyone know what this is please? Player details have been removed for now, player was kicked by BE for a #60 restriction. Thoughts ?
  12. {sas}stalker

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    The scripts.txt file is being renamed to scripts_old.text on server restart and logging is thus diabled completely.
  13. {sas}stalker

    Question about weird entries Scripts.txt ?

    <dev team> Probably a cheating admin </dev team>
  14. {sas}stalker

    BE log file scripts.log

    The scripts.txt file is being renamed to scripts_old.text on server restart.
  15. {sas}stalker

    Shutdown servers until Hive is fixed

    It won't ever be fixed.
  16. {sas}stalker

    #60 Script Restriction - Any Ideas ?

    Nope never did find out.
  17. {sas}stalker


    Alpha or not its certainly gone to rat shit in record time.
  18. {sas}stalker


    There's more cheating in Dayz than any other game I've played in the last 10 years. It's appalling and its set to get worse due to the dev team condoning it and making it easier to do with each release.
  19. Because the latest Dayz patch isnt on SU yet ?
  20. {sas}stalker

    Why not make Humanity clothing optional?

    Don't want to look like a bandit, don't be one. Simples.
  21. {sas}stalker

    Need Help ASAP Banned for nothing

    Are you using Six updater ? If so its possibly because it has "updated" him to the previous DayZ version. Do not run verify / update via SU atm as it will roll back your update which leaves you stuck on loading screen.
  22. {sas}stalker

    UK 22 Ban Entries.

    updated :)
  23. {sas}stalker

    Battleye bypass?

    Amazed there was any reference to him in logs, usually they are in rpt but not scripts.log
  24. {sas}stalker

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    Bad admins are a short term problem anyway, their servers empty and remain empty. It's a non issue that's been made into a problem that has self regulated for nearly a decade. Server admins have been branded as scum by the dev mod / mod team publicly whilst they expect us to continue to support them. 1. Cheating is dev / mod condoned 2. Public servers will not be available tupon full release, it will follow the BF model so they don't really care about the current batch.