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Everything posted by {sas}stalker

  1. {sas}stalker

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    I wish he would because its not from thinking peoples words aren't good enough, its from a pinned ruleset that says we can from 1 staff member, 1 staff member who's says we should'by but accepts its cheating to use them and thinks players should simply not pick them up and then jens who says he wouldn't ban but thinks kicking possibly might be ok. So yes, some form of higher input would be most welcome.
  2. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    We don't pay a penny to host the server and cheating is still cheating. If you dissagree fine, just stay off UK22 and problem solved.
  3. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    My stance won't change until they amend rule 11/e. I cant differentiate between using an illegal weapon beyond knowing its illegal and using something like say god mode or thunderdome. There's not different levels of cheatin, just cheating or not cheating. There's no middle ground, you're either against it completely or you condone it. I would rather stop hosting than condone it. Like I've said zero tolerance, if youre not part of the solution, youre part of the problem.
  4. {sas}stalker

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    I guess like many others I don't consider there to be different levels of cheating. Cheating has always been cheating in my book and continuing to use something you know to have been added illegally is cheating. It's black and white to me, that's not me on a power trip, I have high standards for the server we host and I want to make sure its run as fairly as possible for all the people using it. If i condone the use of illegally scripted weapons I may as well allow thunderdome and god mode. In truth I would rather lose the server than do that. Rule 11/e, until amended still allows the removal of players cheating when backed up by log evidence. Until that rule is changed my stance remains the same.
  5. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Jens has already confirmed in the other thread there's no such thing as a legit AS50TWS, they are all ultimately scripted in somewhere along the line. So I guess you'll be ditching it now that you know that.
  6. {sas}stalker

    I'm not too sure if he was hacking.

    Legit, explosion from heli crash. He's crashed into something then its exploded when hitting the ground in a secondary explosion.
  7. I'll go through the logs on my morning rounds and see what comes up. If he's being naughty he'll end up on the ban list and ill update you here with a link to it. Thanks for letting us know. Current list is here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63412-uk-22-ban-entries/
  8. {sas}stalker

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Your wrong, your entire inventory is listed in the rpt log. Solid proof right there and its the best log to have as proof as there's a shadow copy streamed to the hive.
  9. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Please do so but make sure you've actually read the rules first eh?
  10. {sas}stalker

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    And this is where the water gets muddy, the people who don't do what you advise but instead pick up and use the AS50 TWS. Does that not, after being asked to remove it and refusing to do so constitute exploiting and thus fall under the rule 11 as previously stated. Assuming you have RPT log access to back that up. Please confirm.
  11. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    I'll wait till they change the official rules before my stance on it changes.
  12. {sas}stalker

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Then your rules that you have posted here are incorrect. Specifically rule 11 which clearly states "Unless" is the key word. If you have log proof of someone using an illegal weapon you are ok to remove said player.
  13. {sas}stalker

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    I agree Jens with regards stuff that is in the game originally, you have no way of knowing if its loot or player spawned but if someone is walking round with a weapon that is not in the game and thus not available to everyone else then they are cheating if they persist to use it beyond being asked to remove it.
  14. {sas}stalker

    USBasicWeaponsBox, ban ?

    Hahah until the time you really dont want to, then its easy :P So did you create a log entry then ?
  15. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Please point me to where it says in the official hosting rules that possession is not a ban-able exploit, You are adding rules that don’t exist to assist your weak argument. Here’s that pattern again…. Hint, it’s in my sig. As previous, If you join UK 22 and are seen in logs to be carrying an illegal weapon you will be asked to remove it or leave. If you fail to do so you will be removed, if you return with it you will be banned.
  16. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    I’m really not sure I can make it any clearer than that tbh. It states you cannot ban for exploits or cheating UNLESS its backed up by log evidence. If my RPT file shows you carrying a gun that doesn’t exist in the game then regardless of how you acquired it you’re cheating and or exploiting and thus you can be removed under rule 11 / e As stated though you would be asked to remove it as its always possible that you are unaware of its status.
  17. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Posted 26 July 2012 - 12:19 PM Superseded by the official hosting rules Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:08 PM nuff said. Edit, also out of context much? Rocket is replying to a bloke asking about being banned from either the hive or globally so your reply has even less relevance. Did you even read the thread you linked or just search and c/p the first thing that you thought might help your argument. I’m sensing a pattern here and it’s one that starts with “doesn’t” and ends with “read things properly”
  18. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    It’s a different issue because tent duping isn’t something that is backed up by logs. Carrying a weapon that isn’t in the game is something that is backed up by logs. Thats not to say its not cheating if intentional, it is. However as a host theres no a great deal that can be done about it. The biggest issue with tents is that you cant stop them duping, its a bug of the game. You can choose to carry a weapon that isn’t in the game, which puts you firmly in the cheating bracket.
  19. It only effects people who DL what they thought was a cheat for DayZ which ironically then stole their CD key and replaced it with one that is already globally banned. In what possible way is this a risk to non-cheating host ?
  20. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    End of the day its cheating and falls under rule 11 / e Rule 11 is a catch all that lets an admin, admin their server. Carrying and using a non-legal weapon would also arguably be of a disruptive nature as its not available to everyone on the server by the designed mechanics, which ever way you try to sugar coat it, youre cheating. Bottom line is if your not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem and the people (like you) who bleat the rule without even reading them properly are as big a scourge on this game as the gigantic cheating problem. In summery, jog on.
  21. {sas}stalker

    USBasicWeaponsBox, ban ?

    Get in a heli, take off and crash it. You will get yourself listed in remotexec.log, you wont be kicked though but you will be logged. You will also likely create a log entry in createvehicle at the same time for heliexplosionbig and small depending on what you crash it into and if it explodes again when it hits the ground.
  22. {sas}stalker

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    well if your hosting join up :P. Theres a wealth of knowledge there thats growing each day.
  23. {sas}stalker

    Community banned.

    Alt - F4ing will not get you on the community ban list. Someone who runs a server that you frequent has submitted a log with your GUID on it along with a violation and it has been reviewed and added. you need to read this