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Everything posted by {sas}stalker

  1. {sas}stalker

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Its something that will never ever be resolved unless they go full MMO with subscription and they pay for and look after the servers themselves. There is no way to really police it, you need admins to deal with cheating etc but unfortunately there will always be a minority (in any game) that abuse the position it gives them. Without admined servers its likely you would be complaining about cheating or player abuse. At the end of the day its a fact that badly controlled servers do not stay populated for very long. As always the advice would be to find a server that you enjoy, that is run well and support it by making it your home server.
  2. {sas}stalker

    Server files?

    Don't get me wrong, I really don't want to go back to the difficulties of being an admin during the mod but I would hope that the SA hive has things in place to prevent the sorts of things that you say are to easy to manipulate. My issue with the current system isn't control, its cost based coupled with the fact that we have a 24gig / 16core dedi box sat waiting to run this on and I object to having to pay a GSP overly inflated slot prices for something that we are more than capable of hosting already. That said I appreciate that its early dayz (see what I did there).
  3. {sas}stalker

    Server files?

    Lots of us want (and have capacity) to host but until the chaps can get the backend stable and secure then we just need to wait it out. Rocket has said its something they are intending to do, we just need to hope its an item relatively high on the priority list.
  4. {sas}stalker

    Who is selling DayZ SA servers?

    Thats good to hear Mr H :)
  5. {sas}stalker

    Who's Eventually Starting a Server?

    Absolutely, our DayZ Beer Drinkers server is missed by our lot on a daily basis :( Its a real shame that there inst a server release available at the moment, otherwise we would have one up now.
  6. {sas}stalker

    Log Cordinate De-Coder

    it just errors for me on running it Win7 X64, any ideas ?
  7. {sas}stalker

    Battleye Script Restriction #41

    same here today.
  8. Mother of god, the irony of the above sentence is so great its practically breaking my grip on reality. Suggest you practice what you preach to be honest. On second thoughts stop preaching altogether because as soon as you admitted to hacking anything else that fell out of the hole you call a mouth is tarnished with the same shit. What you fail to grasp is that there is no difference between cheating in game A and cheating in game B. You argument is invalid because the people ruining Dayz can use the same argument to justify their actions. None of your type, regardless of game or platform bring anything positive to any release and it matters not that you have never cheated in arma because ultimately you may as well have. I personally find your hypocrisy insulting and as a result the next action I will take on this forum is to add you to my ignore list and I emplore everyone who has read this utter disgrace of a thread to do likewise. Finally I am enjoying the though of you writing you rabid and meaningless response to this post only to discover it won't be read. Good day to you, you gigantic buffoon!.
  9. Double post deleted. But I'm out, have to much work to do to argue on a forum. Bye.
  10. You left approximately a second before you were banned for trolling / spamming. The outcome is the same, how we got there was irrelevant.
  11. An admin ironically defending your app no less. Don't let that get in the way its good whinge though eh.
  12. {sas}stalker

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    I don't think it really matters much anymore, such a huge percentage of people now have them and the numbers of duped ones are huge. There's little point bothering trying to police it anyway. You would literally end up banning 50%+ of your server.
  13. Well thankfully you're not part of that forum anymore so really who gives a fuck. I know I don't.
  14. 1. We don't promote anything, we believe that the SA there are capable of making their own decisions and dealing with any consequences. 2. People will have differing opinions and they are to be respected. 3. You were warned because you relentlessly spammed threads with the same bullshit regardless of whether the thread was even relevant to your opinion. You then spat a massive fat one and came here crying like a child. /end thread you sad, sad little man.
  15. {sas}stalker

    DE 144 - Hacker Banlist

    So wait, do I bother to keep the UK22 ban list updated on this forum or not bother ? I dont care either way to be honest, either way wont slow down the volume of bans it just means I am no longer reporting them here as per the ruleset
  16. {sas}stalker

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    I'm 39 wtf is this ?
  17. Adminz can also see your underwear, steal food from your fridge and touch your cat, damn dem adminz, damn them to Hell. We can also siphon fuel out your car over udp, our powers over you are only outweighed by our dastardly desires.
  18. {sas}stalker

    Admins can´t read ?

    locking your server is like planning an orgy and then kicking all the women out.
  19. Cant thank you enough for this tool DomiStyle, seriously many thanks. Couple of things I would like to see in future releases; a. Sort player list by name / IP / ping b. Ability to stretch the application window
  20. {sas}stalker

    PSA: Cheaters now spoofing BIS_Effects

    They can but not all of them are
  21. {sas}stalker

    UK 22 Ban Entries.

    In line with the updated rules thread (rule 13) please note the following bans added today. Logs are available to Dayz devs upon request. Thread will be updated as and when. New bans will be highlighted.
  22. {sas}stalker

    UK 22 Ban Entries.

  23. {sas}stalker

    DayZ AdminZ Part II - The DayZ AdminZ Strike Back

    Its down atm due to a HDD failure apparently. Will be back up shortly
  24. Seeing it right now, its not kicking though its just logging.
  25. 11/e says you can, it even specifically mentions ghosting, providing you have the logs to back up your actions. Rule 11 paragraph 5 seems to be causing a lot of bother because its a catch all and it seems people don't bother to read it properly. It's not a very well written rule that's for sure but there it is.