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About Bungles

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Bungles

    Please use another game engine :/

    Overclock your CPU. That is the biggest performance boost ive found. I have an i5 2500k and I OC'd it from 3.3 to 4.0 and it was a massive boost. I then overclocked to 4.7 and its smooth as butter now. Hope that helps
  2. Bungles

    FAL mags...

    bump bump bump bump bump!
  3. Bungles

    Bleeding after 1 hit

    Yeah man' date=' hell they should make it so zeds do no damage, its too annoying, hell why not remove them all together, they just get in the way, and add more vehicles, weapons, maps, have it team A v team B,. or NPC,........ oh wait. [/quote'] That's not at all what he's saying. Good one tho.
  4. Bungles

    Bleeding after 1 hit

    That is my feedback. It's annoying to be finger swiped 1 time and start bleeding. I like the bleed mechanic in the game. I think it adds some challange and depth but common. If I have 12000 health and get punched one time by a zombie I don't think I should be bleeding like I got a gunshot wound.
  5. Is starting to get old.
  6. Bungles

    Player controlled zombies

    It's not a bad idea. It has scope and would certainly be an interesting experiment. There is a problem with players who aren't willing to roleplay as a zombie though :). Because the player would only have control of the zombie until line of sight is lost ect it would be hard to say he wouldnt act like a current zombie. What happens with a current zombie when aggo'd? They sprint at you and try and beat you down. It's not different than what a player controlled zombie would do except that a player controlled zombie wouldn't warp all around you.
  7. I posted this on another thread but I think it's at least a decent suggestion on how to impliment it without unbalancing the game. The only way I'd be on board with people playing as zombies is this idea. All players who want to play as zombies sit in a que. Once a NPC zombie notices a survivor (via LOS or noise or whatever) the player is transported into that zombie and gains control of the zombie until he dies or loses LOS, or loses hearing on the player. At that point the Player is put back in que for the next NPC zombie who gets aggro'd. This would completely eliminate a perminant zombie fest people are worried about, but it would allow for us survivors to play against better player AI zombies for the most part & if the zombie doesn't go on attack mode and LOS is broken he imediately gets put back in que and the zombie goes back to being an NPC. So a player who wants to play as a zombie would get to have literally dozens of zombie vs survivor encounters as they come up but would only have control of each zombie for very short periods of time. Thoughts?
  8. The only way I'd be on board with people playing as zombies is this idea. All players who want to play as zombies sit in a que. Once a NPC zombie notices a survivor (via LOS or noise or whatever) the player is transported into that zombie and gains control of the zombie until he dies or loses LOS, or loses hearing on the player. At that point the Player is put back in que for the next NPC zombie who gets aggro'd. This would completely eliminate a perminant zombie fest but it would allow for us survivors to play against better player AI zombies for the most part & if the zombie doesn't go on attack mode and LOS is broken he imediately gets put back in que and the zombie goes back to being an NPC. So a player who wants to play as a zombie would get to have literally dozens of zombie vs survivor encounters as they come up but would only have control of a zombie for very short periods of time. Thoughts?
  9. I've tried to give a friend an item assuming that he had room in his pack only to realize he was full and the items gone forever. Pretty heartbreaking and frustrating. I'd like to suggest that you build into the game a notice that shows up saying that there is not enough slots available to make your request or something like that and the item never leaves my inventory if it can't be moved over. That will clear up items being lost due to bugs and them disapearing. Could do it the same way as when you are trying to collect wood and you arent in the forest and the notice pops up letting you know.
  10. Bungles

    Which is the better graphics card?

    Keep in mind that Arma2 is more CPU intensive than GPU intensive. So what that means is if you can do even a small overclock on your CPU it will net you larger gains than some video card swaps. I overclocked my i5 from 3.3 to 4.0 and it's been a massive gain in how smooth and good the game looks & feels.
  11. Rarely do I feel guilty. Most ppl I fire at on sight look suspicious to me anyways.
  12. Bungles

    IF this was an actual game...

    "IF this was an actual game... " ------> You'd be a rich mofo! Game purchase only Player owned and ran servers studio developed with feedback and consideration of community dunno what kickstarter means
  13. Bungles

    Ambulance Spawns and/or 2-3 More Hospitals.

    Ambulance spawns is a great idea! +1
  14. The dev's can actually put the files on there site and have a direct link to them for ppl to avoid it. I know it doesn't take a rocket surgeon but I have seen 4 outta 8 ppl I know click the wrong thing and dl something random stuff and I'm sure the number of ppl who have clicked other things on that site is higher than you might think. It's simply a suggestion and nothing more.