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About Maulzt

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    On the Coast
  1. Maulzt

    M4 and AK101

    I did Google it, didnt get any info on dev response tho so i thought might aswell ask here. Anyway thanks for the info!
  2. I agree with you Hemmo! I'd rather it be better and not need alot of fixes and be broken than it to be rushed. And by the way, the update 2 weeks ago made it alot less laggy for me, the update a week ago increased the lag somewhat, the update yesterday however made it even better. Of course I was a little bit disappointed but then again, like everything with this game, PATIENCE! Have a great day.
  3. Maulzt

    M4 and AK101

    Hello and good day! So this last week, I've been around at least 60-70 american helicopter crashes, no M4's no Ak101's yet alot of ammo and scopes etc. During this time I've found at least 5-6 FAL's, 5 UMP's and during the last month, with alot more helicopter crashes only ONE FAL mag. I've been searching around on the internet and almost all say that you can't find the M4 or AK101 tho some qoute dev's saying that they do spawn but are extremely rare. Many of theese posts are 1-3 months ago. My friend said he saw a guy with a M4 when he was PVP'ing however I highly doubt that it was found by a helicopter crash. My question is: Is the M4 and AK101 spawning ? Sure it might be extremly rare but 60-70 american helicrashes, 5-6 fals 5 umps, at the very least 10 coupled STANag mags, maybe 10 scopes to the m4, yet 0 M4. Is the m4 as rare to find as netting ? With kind regards