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Everything posted by Fitzkrieg

  1. Fitzkrieg

    All Good Heros is recruiting!

    What is the least amount of humanity they should have? I mean, Idk if I can join. But I have about 40k humanity on public hive.
  2. Fitzkrieg

    Humanity, current behaviour?

    Shooting someone usually takes down about 200 or 300, to counteract the bloodbagging and medical help effects. I learned this from a fake hero who needed a third man to help him get his hero skin... Just so he could help the other two bandits by pretending to be a medic. Long story short while they were enjoying their newly repossessed car. I planted a C4 underneath them while they were looting the old owner and felt no shame watching them go up in flames with the hatchback. Best part, they didn't die from me. The zombies who heard the explosion did the finishing job.
  3. Fitzkrieg

    Hero and bandit leveling.

    So I have 40k Humanity on Public Hive... what do I get? A freaking mech? Not complaining if I do...
  4. Fitzkrieg

    Dual Wielding (not guns)

    I really like this, and I hope it gets incorporated in some way that doesn't make it unbalancing.
  5. Well, firstly, yeah it has been suggested, but always nice to see this topic revisited. I personally think that it would be cool, have a military zombie with an AK on his back charging at me, then for me to take it off his back. However I would want this to be a very very rare chance, guns are far too common in DayZ as it is, and ammo is even more so. You get beans for the take you have on it, but alas, it's already been visited.
  6. Fitzkrieg

    DayZ Standalone PVP realism suggestion

    See, I used to be a huge advocate against KOS PvP, but it adds to the realism... I don't believe artificial punishments are the answer. When I first hunted my first bandit, I caught him, shot him down with my Double Barrel, and left him unconscious until he woke up.. I wanted to let him know that he did wrong against a friendly medic of the server and I waiting to finish him off. When he woke back up he began screaming at me with his 11 year old voice, I put both of my pellets into his head. I have never regretted killing another bandit since. I tend not to snipe them. I stalk them until I get the chance to take out their legs, incapacitate them, and proceed to make their life hell. -My favorite punishment involves me, my friend, a hatchet, and a whole lot of blood bags for the bandit being dragged. Then I ask myself, "Maybe now I'm worse than the predators I hunt?" I proceed to say "No, they slaughter bambis for the hell of it, I keep them alive until I teach them their lesson or they Alt-F4" *Don't feel like reading? No worries just check here* I believe it is the players who regulate the murderers, not the developers, I will never turn to banditry unless for the sake of a friend, however those bandits out there who kill for the thrill or to prove they have, not making this shit up, as the 11 year old kid said "More swag than my mom" will get to enjoy being turned from hunter to hunted.
  7. Perhaps these said gas generators will be very noisy, attracting zombies and bandits alike?
  8. Fitzkrieg

    the story of my first kill!

    Shame. That's what turns other nice bambis into the KOS fucktards in this game. But still.. good kill. I'll be looking forward to hunting you.
  9. Fitzkrieg

    Where should i hide a base?

    Top of the map, north of NW Airfield theres plenty of nice spots.
  10. Fitzkrieg

    Admin abusing

    My only suggestion: find a better server with better admins.
  11. Fitzkrieg

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    I shoot people who shoot unarmed people.
  12. See, I really like what you're saying. It adds a whole different view on the KOS mentality. That I approve of, creativity and the mind at work. +1 beans for you. However, that being said there still are people who see the medics and see the reddit rescue squad and think "I can't wait to kill these people who are trying to help!" A personal idea that I don't understand because I haven't shot someone before they shot me since 2012. I still feel bad whenever I shoot someone that I haven't gotten to talk to or make an assumption of by watching their actions. -Quick addition to all this, I love that this game has bandits, they make everything enjoyable when the Zeds are pants on head idiotic, but I don't like that people just turn into foam-at-the-mouth psychos once they find baby's first makarov.
  13. Fitzkrieg

    Zombie Crowding System

    Beans for you.
  14. Fitzkrieg

    Hello Newcommer Here......

    Hey! Welcome aboard! Be advised: Don't feed the wildlife.
  15. Fitzkrieg

    The good old days of Dayz!

    God damn, I miss when you could find random people on a server and just go on an adventure of sorts. Then get attacked by a group of bandits and work with your new 'friends' or find out that they just have been waiting for a moment like this to turn tail or to turn on you.
  16. Fitzkrieg

    what weapons does dayz2017 have?

    Are there any additional melee weapons added in?
  17. Fitzkrieg

    Losing my stuff when ever im rejoining

    Well, first, never get attached to your gear. Second, it may have been a private server even if it didn't say so. Not saying it was, maybe it was just a random glitch, but after the months, DayZ servers have gone more private and less hive.
  18. Fitzkrieg

    Weapon Damage table changes.

    If the players were in body armor I'd understand not penetrating, but most characters only have a tactical vest, even a 5.56 is gonna penetrate. Not to mention if you're hit by a 7.62 at close range then you're a goner..
  19. Figures they wouldn't show. They can't even kill a bambi... Yah think they could properly put you down when you were armed?
  20. Fitzkrieg

    No vehicle spawn on server

    Serious respect to the DayZ Staff for helping out people even though theres like a million of us now.
  21. Fitzkrieg

    warranted in killing a player?

    Well, he heard the gunshots and came to you. Therefore, he's pretty damn thick. You were justified in killing him.
  22. Fitzkrieg

    Being teleported.

    Hey, check out whitelist servers, one I recommend is DayZ+, http://www.dayzplus.com/forum.php, they are a great group of people with very active admins, I don't play DayZ anymore, however when I played, I got teleported, killed, and the guy was perma banned in less than 12 hours. Wish you luck!