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Everything posted by br00talbastard

  1. br00talbastard

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Thanks man :)
  2. br00talbastard

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

  3. br00talbastard

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Since the whole "Wallpaper" thread is basically dead, I thought I'd just leave this here.
  4. br00talbastard

    Day Z Wallpapers

    If anyone wants the original size, (1920x1080), gimme a website to upload it and I will.
  5. br00talbastard

    The Wolf Brigade Recruiting Mature Players,

    IGN:br00talbastard Age:18 Play-style: Overwatch/ Sniper Do you have a mic and steamspeak? Yep Will you be getting Day Z standalone? I will What you like to do in Day Z? Build bases. And kill things :)
  6. Definitely would love to help. Message me if needed.
  7. br00talbastard

    Cinematic Screenshots

    This ones completely unedited^
  8. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    That's not cool man. That shit doesn't give us a good name. Plus, even if he was AFK, there's no need for such hostility.
  9. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    I'm not high enough in the group to say. Can anyone help this guy out?^
  10. br00talbastard

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I know you guys prolly won't take to it, but I want to give designing one a go. Also I voted for the 2nd. But it definitely needs something else to give it more flavor. I think the "Friendly?" would top it off nicely.
  11. br00talbastard

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Sounds good :) can't wait.
  12. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    Oh well guys, leave em be. If they want to think the way they do that's upto them. But when we're "leading the way ;)" with good gear and actually surviving (while having a good time doing it) what they say won't matter anyways.
  13. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    LOL this walker guy is a riot. Hahaha. Never plays with us and lurks this forum just to when he gets the chance call us out as "OMG YOU GUYS AREN'T REALLY RANGERS, YOU HAVE TO BE AN ARMA ELITIST!" Dude, get over yourself. We do play tactically. I've never seen anyone get the better of us. So until YOU can, then kindly piss off. Thank you. P.S. (Ranger handbook, Ch21) You must be le master troll. xD
  14. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    Uhm, we play pretty tactically. We stick to the trees, keep quiet, only fire when needed and at night, only use any source of light when needed. And when we do it's very minimal. Put it like this, we made one accident and one only. But it attracted like 50 zombies in Elektro. We only lost one teammate out of 4.
  15. Well, I've been turned into a bandit for various reasons, but I still dislike them because I know for myself at least, I don't randomly kill people. So here's a bandit hunting story. I was playing DayZ, and my friend was watching because I was showing him the mod. I was walking towards Elektro along the treelines, sticking away from any easily seen area, making sure to keep an eye out on the long stretch of land to the coast below me. I scout out a goat along the way, but being void of a hunting knife, it's useless to me. I move for about a minute longer and hear a gunshot. My friend says "Dude they probably killed that goat." As I get closer to the edge of the trees, sure enough, there's two bandits crouched by a campfire cooking it's meat. So I pull out my Enfield and let a round fly, bandit one down. As bandit two sees his friend fall dead right infront of him, he gets up and begins panicking. I couldn't help but smile as I let my 2nd round fly into his chest with him running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Right before I let off the kill shot, he tried one less desperate attempt by typing in "sotoyp!" I believe he was going for stop ;) Oh well. When I got down to there bodies, I was greeted with a frag grenade, ALICE packs, AK74U, Hunting Knife, Map, etc. All the essentials. It was a great day.
  16. br00talbastard

    Arma 2 and FPS, fix?

    QFT^ Same thing happens to me. Doesn't make any sense though. And how come I'll see videos of people RECORDING WITH FRAPS and high graphics running smoothly with worse rigs then me?
  17. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    By the way Apollo, I've joined up. I played with TheYellowMan, Christian, and some other people that I really can't recall. They were all really nice though.
  18. br00talbastard

    [Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

    How many members do you have? I'm really interested.
  19. br00talbastard

    Bandits and Self Defense

    I agree with the multiple skins idea. What about like, as your humanity drops/goes up, you go through various skins. So that way it would be in like "levels". So you could decipher more easily who was in self-defense.
  20. Ok, so for some strange reason, when I have my mic plugged in and working. No one can ever hear me. Not even on side channel. I have a Logitech G35. Does anyone know a possible solution???
  21. br00talbastard

    Mic Problems (Not Just Direct)

  22. br00talbastard

    Mic Problems (Not Just Direct)

    I don't know. I haven't tried those. But I do know it was able to pick up a recording on Audacity. And when I talked into it while looking at my Sound Devices I could see that it was registering sound.
  23. br00talbastard

    Mic Problems (Not Just Direct)

    Does anyone know? Sorry, I'm desperate lol