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Posts posted by 3_para_telson

  1. hello there

    I've not really peeked at any SA pics. One thing I have noticed in your vid is the doors are a little wide. I do hope that's not to counter collision issues. STMovement mod does that far better and that in turn keeps the widths realistic.



    PS a few innacuracies in your voice over btw :)

    STMovement mod will work for players but not for the zeds, I hope the doors are wider, this will resolve the issue of Zeds having trouble entering buildings and rooms


    No more running headlong into a house knowing you will survive as the Zeds will get slowed down by the doors and will be easy to take out.

  2. I think the trading post is a great idea, I would surgest making it need resorces to keep functioning properly

    i.e the trading post itself will consume Food and Water, just like any other small population would, so it will need to be looked after.

    It could be scripted that if a tent contains 20 water and 20 food it changes into a larger tent with a few barriers and will consume 5 food and 5 water per day

    40 water 40 food, changes larger tent into bunker with barriers and will consume 10 food and 10 water per day

    60 water 60 food, changes bunker into a complex with guards and fixed weapons etc and will consume 15 food and 15 water per day

    Of cource if the food and water at the complex drop below the minimum levil it will revert to a bunker then back to a large tent and so on.

  3. I ment no disrespect.

    You have missed the point, he and you would not have been in the desert if you had the correct files.

    You were already on a correct server that works just fine, but with the wrong files.

    The Devs and server admins can only do so much to help protect people from hackers and noobs.

    Players like you and me also have your part to play in this, our part is to have the correct files for the server we are joining.

    The person who shot you was probably frustraited and pissed off for spawning in the desert and acted like an idiot, that I wont deny, but the only difference between the two of you is you had more patience than they did.

  4. Awdo

    I'm Telson on here, and in game.

    You will find me on the FR/EU1 or EU2 server mostly running around the woods.

    Be nice to me, I always have some spare food hidden near me I can Share or cook up for you.

    I'm everyones friend for a few cartriges or a clip of ammo.
