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About TermofDay

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  1. TermofDay

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    But i can pick up?
  2. TermofDay

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I have find an AKS 74 UN Kobra...i can put it up or i will get banned? WTF. I wan't this weapon!!!Its silence..
  3. TermofDay

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    This i have find in an hacker forum (this script is ol, but i think the las pbo hacks has this included, scripters can rewrite the vars..): hint "All have weapons" ["player addmagazine ""30Rnd_545x39_AK"";player addmagazine ""30Rnd_545x39_AK"";player addmagazine ""30Rnd_545x39_AK"";player addmagazine ""30Rnd_545x39_AK"";player addmagazine ""30Rnd_545x39_AK"";player addweapon ""AKS_74_pso"";player selectweapon ""AKS_74_pso"";"] exec "\Buckfast\_do_public.sqs"; With the do_public.sqs they can put some special options, how only people in a near of 5 m get a weapon or the whole server. And its are possible. Maybe they need to rewrite, but then is this script undetected again.
  4. TermofDay

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    ...I mean a script. Its possible. You can delete the weapons of a person and then put him a new one with a script.
  5. TermofDay

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    What will be happen, if some hackers put the players unaviable weapons in the hand? Its possible i have seen it in ZL RPG servers. Someone give all players an Ak-74 or MG 36. So all players get banned? Horrible!
  6. TermofDay


    A nice idea. I like to write storys. ;)
  7. Ow btw: See the ID not the Name. I see many Players these named: Alex, Franz etc. They are not the one and same person.
  8. Haha. Sure. But, if i used scripts, then i will be to kill the same servers. Give me cars and airs and don't warping around and kill people with a SVD. But i think you guys tap in a trap btw bug. Admin will be say more, but i think its wrong to claim people without any screens or movies.
  9. I have read the Thread, but see only: "MIMIMIMIMIM, someone has killed us, now we must claim him as a cheater. We know that Day Z are a alpha mod but we know it was a cheater." You guys have screenshots from your backpack? I Think no. So edited the names of this thread an claim, when an admin give the ok. I hate people like you. Only crying cuz PvP, Bandits and no Ammo.
  10. What fucking bullshit. Do you even grasp the idea of what happened? We were not shot. There was no explosive. We lost no blood. We INSTANTLY DIED. Maybe a buged nade? I see some guys with nades these are buged. Maybe you guys should search an other mod, Day Z is a PvP mod. So don't cry and claim peoples for nothing. If one Client lagging, they can make an ghost walk and shot you in the head. This is ArmA, a buged but nice game.
  11. Grandmont: You are new to ArmA right? The "warping" sniper can be disconnected or hes laging. Maybe someone drop an nade? Don't put names without any reasons. You don't have an Screenshot or Movie, so redited the names here. Without Screens or Vieos we can't say if someone "warping". I think u guys are angry about the thing, that this guy has kill you and your group. Edit: PvP is a part of this Mod. So don't cry when ArmA profs killed u. Maybe he/she/they has silence weapons.
  12. TermofDay

    Wish List

    1. Ingame Clan-System how by ZL RPG + Clan Zones to capture. 2. Safe-Zones: Citys with NPCs to meet, trade ... 3. More Cars = more live in the North.
  13. TermofDay

    A hub for trading, meeting and bearing.

    Hey, this is a great idea. I think the Dev-Team should make some players safe zone citys. Citys like the citys in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Maybe a clan system? The system in ZL or TL should be nice in Day Z.