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Sgt Abraham Ford

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Everything posted by Sgt Abraham Ford

  1. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Will it last?

    Given that more people have bought Arma for DayZ than for any other reason, and nearly half a million people have played it I would highly doubt it would die off any time soon. If ever...
  2. Sgt Abraham Ford

    1.7.2 char gone?

    You definitely did English class wrong.
  3. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Big boy pants..that's funny. The problem is, I have been looking for a couple of hours. Thanks for the kind reply though. Not to be a jerk, but if you've been looking for more than ten minutes with no success...well I'm more confused than you are. Type "update dayz mod arma 2" in your little google window up top, and if you still can't figure it out I am genuinely sorry for you. Least of all regarding not being able to update. Good luck man!
  4. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Dudes, sack up and stop whining like the ridiculous, spoiled little brats your parents made you. Alot of you are to old to be throwing tantrums like children, so here is an idea. Get off your dimpled, pasty asses and go outside for awhile. Meh that's asking too much probably...go play another game or get lost in youtube for a while.
  5. Sgt Abraham Ford

    stop banning my posts...

    OP needs to realize his first world problems are of little consequence to anyone but himself. Accept the fact that you are being allowed to participate in a FREE alpha test. You are here to help the game improve, not to be entertained as if you were a customer that paid for a retail game.
  6. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Great, I'm glad you took it as constructive criticism, as certainly meant no offense
  7. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I must say you're in need of more medics atm. 5 attempts within my small group without one single rescue. I understand it can be difficult, but maybe make being highly active a part of the criteria?
  8. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Looking for morphine near vybor, will trade a couple blood bags/ ammo/ meat/ whatever. Thanks!
  9. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    It's only page 3 folks, read the thread before asking questions lol
  10. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    Does "any means necessary" include disconnecting if you're going to lose and/or server hopping for easy loot? If the answer is no then I do not hate you. I would gladly accept a death at your hands. If the answer is yes...well... Any person that has tried to kill me and failed has d/c'd unless I get a lucky headshot' date=' but I'm sure he is the exception to the rule. [hr']
  11. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    Swineflew IS the OP lol
  12. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    Well most people that have no intention of being friendly don't say a word. Claiming to be friendly just to shoot someone when they sigh with relief and lower their guard is the very epitome of cowardly behavior. Deception may be a playstyle that gives you some kicks now, but eventually the landscape around you may change so that there are no more people to deceive or that you have no way to play that style because everyone will shoot to kill as soon as they spot you. This is a very important time in developing the community, and you may want to consider the long term repercussions of ruining so many people's perception of other players.
  13. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    Mr Autinger, I think you may have been able to come up with a better analogy lol
  14. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    I have a shoot on sight if I don't know you mentality as well after meeting folks like yourself too many times. Seems to be catching on, as most folks don't even bother taking the risk anymore. Personally I am against the dynamic this game seems to be taking as a result. So while I can't bash people for SoS, I do think that pretending to be friendly and shooting people is a bit...cowardly and lame tbh. Do you disagree with that assessment?
  15. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    Thanks for answering my important question. Now, what do you mean by manipulate? Do you pretend to be friendly under the guise of killing when their guard drops?
  16. Sgt Abraham Ford

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    Where did you learn that "site" and "sight" are interchangeable? Damn you, Tyrog!!!
  17. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Server restarts and vehicle locations

    What about items looted from the tents? Do they appear again? Also, do they have weapons not in the game? I came across a couple tents that had ammo boxes with like 5 of every rare gun in the game, as well as many that aren't. I packed around a G36SD for a long time before I found out it wasn't legit and dropped it so as not to be banned lol
  18. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Server restarts and vehicle locations

    Screenshot of their camp? I have seen weird stuff like this on a certain Seattle server...
  19. Sgt Abraham Ford


    I think you're confused about the definition of trolling. Also, "I know you are but what am I"? Seriously? I feel bad for you mother regardless of whether or not you're attempting to troll. You have got to be the saddest, most pathetic cryhard I've seen on here, which says alot lol.
  20. Sgt Abraham Ford


    Why wouldn't he want me in his group? Stop being a twat and GTFO troll. Because you have zero redeeming qualities? Add being an internet toughguy to the long list of shortcomings, too. Being a successful troll requires much more intellect and cleverness than what you're throwing out. Either way you slice it, you're a total failure. Terrible trolling, or terrible player and complete loser. Only you know which, friend-o.
  21. Sgt Abraham Ford


    Steins, You're either a decent troll or a complete failure of a human being. Everyone else has the same environment to play in, yet most of us do just fine. After reading your thread, it's no wonder you have no friends. Spewing generalizations about people from certain countries makes you look even more uneducated than the rest of your profanity laden, vocabulary devoid posts. Either learn to deal with the bad guys like the rest of us have, or stop playing. Simple. Like you.
  22. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sounds fine to me. I am actually crawling to Berezino now, though however it ends I'd be happy to donate to your cause. I'll send you a request on steam in the meantime, and we can discuss what you need when you get a chance.
  23. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am just NE of Polana. Thanks, and no worries if you're unable to make it Also, I have 3 epi pens and a blood bag on me that you can take to help other people if needed.
  24. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    *Copied from my thread* Hey guys, none of my clan are on atm and I made the unfortunate mistake of going from prone to crouch inside a chopper. Anyways, our clan has a huge amount of m4, akm, shotties, FALs, tools, and other supplies I'd be glad to share in exchange for helping me out. Also, if you're looking for a chill Skype group or a clan I'd be glad to bring new people into the fold. Maturity is a must, age is far less important. Thanks! PS-Clan name atm is DYBS (Drop Your Beans, Sir). We aren't bandits but we will shoot anyone that threatens the group.