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Sgt Abraham Ford

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Everything posted by Sgt Abraham Ford

  1. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Look out everyone, it's an internet toughguy!!!!!one
  2. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

  3. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Does your PC give you a handjob on request? Pay your bills? Send you Christmas cards? Bashing consoles/ console users just doesn't make PC the end all of gaming. You can't be serious if you're under the impression that consoles have nothing to offer. It's no wonder the world, not just console gamers see us as bitter, antisocial losers that play games (forever) alone. Nobody is contesting that PCs have outgrown the seven year old fixed hardware consoles ffs. Consoles are still great for playing with family and friends, and the next generation will likely see a more powerful machine than most of these people bashing them are playing on right now. It's ok, it's now a standard for everyone who owns any branded object consider their choice of product, and in effect themselves, to be better than the people who use another product. Look at Mac vs Windows, Droid vs iPhone, Chevy vs Ford, Xbox vs PS3, Boxing vs MMA, literally any product or idea that has a competitor. How people can be so narrow minded and be another cog in the machine of consumerism so willingly is beyond me. Again, I challenge those who say console gamers are all immature children need to take a closer look at any PC game forum and show me a single example of a civilized, mature community. They most definitely need to take a closer look at themselves.
  4. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    Sounds like a plan, Stan. Good luck, [obligatory GO PLAY L4D!!!!one1! here]
  5. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    It's alpha, AI is sloppy and unrealized at this stage. Come back in six months if you feel you're wasting your time man. Only those of us that truly enjoy the survival experience in a zombie apocalypse are digging it, and even when burnt out I still play as I realize I am helping to test an alpha stage mod to help improve the game. At this stage, the "game" has a long way to go, and certainly isn't going to be fun for everyone.
  6. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    It's not for everyone. I read tutorials, stories, and the forums for days before I purchased Arma. It shouldn't take you more than 15 mins to find a weapon, and I never aggro zeds anymore unless I'm being lazy. Either take your time and learn the proper distance when dealing with zombies, or aggro zeds and repeat your steps. I honestly am not sure if zombies have ever killed me without assistance from a bug or player, so I'm not sure what you're doing to attract/ fail to lose them. In any case, learn the building types you can enter so you don't spend ten minutes crawling up to each building. Use dayzdb.com map if necessary, but knowing every building where you can go to find loot does take a lot of the mystery and excitement away.
  7. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Zombie Speed

    I predict your death by heart attack or aneurism by age 35.
  8. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    I was a fan of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. I can see what you're saying, though this doesn't explain the superiority complex a large portion of the PC crowd possesses. I think many people like yourself feel that PC gamers have gotten the shaft in the last few years, and fear that devs see them as irrelevant. More versions of the game equates to more money for the developer and publisher, so until consoles stop selling millions of copies this trend will probably continue. I tend to dislike people that think they're better than others, so this whole PC master race bullshit just annoys the hell out of me. Especially being someone who plays PC and console games.
  9. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Everyone knows the aging consoles cannot compete with current PCs hardware wise. In other news, water is wet. The thing that baffles me is how PC gamers believe that exclusively gaming on a PC makes them better than console users. Obviously, it doesn't. If folks are going to insult the console community's collective intelligence, I suggest taking a long look at this very forum to see the average intellect of PC gamers. Then drink deeply of the sweet, sweet irony.
  10. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    I'll give you that, the casual gaming onslaught is downright terrifying. The success of awful "social games" is not a good thing for our beloved industry. Nor are online passes, on-disk paid DLC, and general faggotry by companies like EA and Blizzard.
  11. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Your logic is ridiculous, man. Firstly, a console edition would not have any impact whatsoever on the depth/ quality of the PC edition...so wtf are you even talking about? Also, the next gen will easily have the poop to run a Dayz port. Arma II is well known for it's unnecessarily clunky and overtly complicated controls. I guarantee that a console, while not as precise, could be superior to our current version as controls are concerned. It's too early to say what the next gen can't do, man. Your assuming all console gamers to be drooling monkeys incapable of installing and operating mods such as this is a very shallow viewpoint. I may drool like a motherfucker, but I can patch and play DayZ just fine :P
  12. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bullying, Can or cannot ban if it is constant?

    You're against the rules. :P
  13. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bullying, Can or cannot ban if it is constant?

    I have never hosted a server but am still well aware that it's totally in the admin's power to ban for racism and excessive harassment. So...ban him. Or don't.
  14. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Consoles can coexist with PC gaming folks, they're both great for what they do. Obviously current gen consoles wouldn't be capable of supporting it, but that's irrelevant as the next gen is right around the corner. I'm not sure why people have all the blind hate for consoles, but it's really sad that people are so threatened by the possibility of PC games being ported to the more convenient and user friendly consoles. Giving this experience to more people is not a bad thing!
  15. Sgt Abraham Ford

    does this coutn as dc?

    OP is kind of a weird guy. Yes, that's considered DC, you left because you're afraid of a fight lol. Cowardly, lame, and certainly a huge problem in this game. Too many pussies.
  16. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Hit the jackpot

    Jackpot! lol
  17. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Diary of a serial killer

    You shouldn't.
  18. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Goats Eat EVERYTHING

  19. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Pending Update: Build

    Had to quote this guy since you edited, but that is such a sorry point of view I have to put you on blast. Yeah, it's be cool to get some recognition in a small discount or maybe some free swag but it's incredibly unlikely. You should be sorry for wanting Rocket to not be rewarded for all his work lol.
  20. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Pending Update: Build

    I agree with a lot of your posts, but you can't insult one's ability to read when your typing is in such a state. Also, what is it you do in dark alleys that a guy should be afraid of? With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars (and in dark alleys), men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know.
  21. Sgt Abraham Ford

    US# 500 Hacker "UNCLE TOBY'S DICK"

    Hilarious name, though.
  22. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Why you should NEVER trust anyone in DayZ

    You die a friendly, or you live long enough to see yourself become the bandit.
  23. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Server owners - Update your Beta Patch

    This. Admins are powerless if renting a server from HFB or a similar provider.
  24. Sgt Abraham Ford

    AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

    I was playing two hours ago. Apparently you didn't read my comment pertaining to Rocket as sarcasm, thilly goothe.
  25. Sgt Abraham Ford

    Will all servers have side chat disabled?

    I think admins should have the option to enable it like the other settings.