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About Lycrius

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Lycrius

    you are mission mod CBA_MAIN

    I got the cabuildingparts error when I had installed dayz wrong and if trying to launch it without CO. CBAMAIN doesn't seem to break anything so haven't even researched it further.
  2. Lycrius

    Stamina in Dayz

    My arquement still stands. I've personally hoofed it across the map quite a few times and while I agree it takes ages to get back from the dead' date=' isn't that the point? [is the mid map spawnpoint used by anything other than character creating anyone?'] Also jogging vs sprinting... think about it.
  3. Lycrius

    About Zombie Numbers

    Played quite a bit yesterday, alone, and didn't find looting towns that much harder than it used to be. Only thing increased zombie spawns I've noticed to do is more people sneaking to towns and villages instead of run and gunning all the zombies down, do quick search and move on. (Still see them for about as long as it takes for them to bleed to death) I prefer the need for discretion. Also random bandit snipes seem to have calmed down, enjoy your snipers that agro 800 meters arc of zombies.
  4. Lycrius


    1 word, hills. Up or down, ok 2 words hills and houses. If you're unfortunate enough to agro a batallion of zombies on a field or without sufficient ammo.. yeah. I enjoy the roguelikeness of this mod and think dying should be one of the bigger parts of it instead of coming up ways to beat the odds.
  5. Lycrius

    Stamina in Dayz

    I would also like to know if there is/will be more consequences on stamina (like the fainting in ace) than the momentary rifle swaying. EDIT I understand the realism vs gameplay argument but its 200km... come on.
  6. Lycrius

    MERGED: Booby traps, Explosives and IED's

    +1 Also I agree on partyboobs aslong as they aren't instakill or result in instant bloodloss. Maiming traps that break your leg or noise makers like the suggested tincans would be cool. [attachment=128]
  7. harness: 6 coyote patrol: 8 assault: 12 czech: 16 alice: 20 coyote backpack: 24
  8. Lycrius

    chzech pack?

    Since there is no actual benefit on swapping to the smallest pack maybe make it the starter gear. Or if there is plans to make items usable without opening the harness like a backpack, yes?