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Everything posted by Scraight

  1. Scraight


    Have Walky-Talky=Enable Side Chat But you can only see/speak on it with a walky-talky. I don't know if this is an impossible idea, I know nothing of programming, but I think it could be similar to a real life post-apocalypse use of CB radio or something. Friendly people could communicate and coordinate, but bandits could also be monitoring the channel for easy loot. :o Your thoughts?
  2. Other than through side chat, I have yet to come in contact with one person who has not shot me in the face. Should I just resort to shooting everyone I meet in the face? All I want is to survive dammit.
  3. Scraight

    Post your Steam name!

    iamchandler I am usually on Atlanta servers.
  4. Scraight

    Why is everyone a dickhead?

    Sorry, didnt realized repeat thread. Me and that dude are on the same wave length.