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Ginger Beard

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Everything posted by Ginger Beard

  1. or just go a step further and make players bodies stay behind for 30 seconds when they disconnect. That way if they disconnect in combat, they can die. Serves them right for cheating death. Just to add, i was sneaking up on a cow and was about to kill it with my crossbow. It disapeared... Seriously its bad enough players doing this but now animals? geez....
  2. Ginger Beard

    I found a camp at UK41

    it only happens to camps outside the map border. I was also in on the raid on that camp. Someone shot me and i almost died. So whoever shot me, im coming for you. It was actualy pure luck we even found you because we were not out to look for camps.
  3. Ginger Beard

    More variety for the goods!

    Good idea, however i dont think this is a priority right now. Maybe it can be added in at a later date.
  4. Ginger Beard

    Hatchet: best weapon vs. zombies

    Turning cherno into a melee battleground sounds pretty tame compared to what it is at the moment.
  5. Ginger Beard

    Item damage when killing players

    Im not saying that pvp should be stopped, but balanced. This is one step to helping control it a bit more.
  6. Ginger Beard

    Item damage when killing players

    I suggested a similar thing a few days back. No one payed any attention. Well some did, about 40 but no replies. So i agree with this. Realisticaly, if you shoot someones bag you are very likely to damage the cans they have or even put a hole in their backpack.
  7. Ginger Beard

    make this game really hardcore

    hahaha too funny
  8. Ginger Beard

    Safe Zone

    no, everything should be completely player driven.
  9. Ginger Beard

    "Hey are you a friendly?"

    Tamsen is called karma. Not gonna lie but you did deserve that.
  10. Ginger Beard

    LFM - UK/Euro players!

    Hi im 21 from UK. In game name is Billy Bob. Add me on steam: NinjaTurkey17 Been playing for a few weeks now, got about 150 hours on here. I have a mic and use TS3 all the time.
  11. Ginger Beard

    THE PVP QUESTION- fixed with earned perks!!!

    I agree military gear needs to be fixed. Its just too easy to find military guns. They spawn in too many places. Making them rare means players will not fear each other as much or have a reason to kill each other as much. Because most players will have the not so good civilian guns. Obviously some people will continue to pvp. Thats fine but it will bring back the balance betweeb pvp and coop again. As for the argument against this where clans have all the gear. Wipe all characters. This is alpha, we need to be prepared to test things and accept our gear isnt permanent. You spent 10 hours looking for all that ammo you stockpiled? Too bad, your an alpha tester. Deal with it. Oh and perks....nah too gamey.
  12. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    Here are some changes i would like to see in the near future. I realise this is alpha and it will take time to do these things. Sorry about the wall of text guys but please read it, i believe these points are important and need to atleast be considered. I would like this game to be about survival, but i want it to be more than the survival of the individual, it must be about the survival of humanity. This means we need to somehow get players to work together. Sure you can team up with people you know but then it just feels like a coop game like left 4 dead. Thats not what this should be about. It should be random people banding together for the greater good. However we do still need players out there that do shoot on site otherwise it would get boring fast. Although i would also like an increase in those rare moments where you are shouting at each other down the mic to put your gun down (very tense). Now it seems players kill on site these days because they are frightened of loosing there well earned loot. Which to be fair is a legit reason to shoot on site. However it is unrealistic that everyone does this. So we need to fix this. I suggest we fix this by: 1. Logical loot spawns. By this i mean not having items spawn in the weirdest of places. For instance, ghillie suit in a superstore? Millitary weapons in a deer stand? Correct me if im wrong but arnt dear stands for hunting animals? In a country like chernarus the hunters would have hunting rifles and double barrel shotguns. So the deer stands should only spawn Hunting rifle, double barrel shotgun, crossbows, ammo for these guns, very very rare chance of a map or compass (no millitary weapons what so ever. Millitary weapons must only spawn in a millitary area. (no where else!) They must also still be pretty rare even in these areas and must be harder to obtain (more zombies in the airfields). Also pistol spawns seem ok at the moment, maybe a little tweaking to lower the spawns a little. Lee enfield? get rid...it doesnt make sense. Or maybe replace with a mosin nagant. I think you get the picture. This will then keep most players using the not so good guns and hopefully in some small way help to get them to band together. Because they cant defend themselves as well on their own. Obviously this wont magicaly fix the problem. There needs to be more. 2. No matter what some of the community are saying, no matter how much they moan. Please for the love of god keep the no weapon on spawn. I actualy realy enjoy sneaking around and have that sense of danger with no way to defend my self. All i can do is run, hide and distract untill i find something. However melee needs to start becoming much more common. Also im kind of leaning towards no backpack on spawn too. Iv already seen players band together because they have no weapon, so this is clearly a step in the right direction. If we can keep them together for long enough with no weapon or crappy weapons then that is longer to form bonds and work together even after they find a decent weapon and good gear. 3. Not only do i want firearms to be scarce, i also want ammo to be scarce. Make every shot count. Obviously some ammo would be more rare than others. I want almost every player at some point to be like this "damn run out of ammo, better use my crowbar" or baseball bat or whatever they have. With weapons scarce many people would work together for protection. If they get good gear then they can decide to go off on their own and shoot on site. Or just stay on their own the whole time. But remember the entire world is filled with the infected, being alone is not desirble. I want to see huge groups of surivors together. Maybe a group of 6 for example. all randomers. 4 have melee weapons because they cant find anything else, 1 has a pistol with 1 mag and another has a double barreld shotgun with 4 shells. The guys with the guns need to decide when to use them. It would just give a much more realistic feel to the game. When i first started, it was dark. I grouped together with 8 others (cant remember where as i was new to the map) all of us were random, one was even a bandit. We all worked together and it was one of the best experiances i have had in the game. Now i dont know why but at some point over the next 2 weeks the community changed. Everyone shoots on site. I realy dont know why it suddenly changed, but i want it to feel like it was before again. I remember when i saw and got my first weapon other than the makarov, it was great. I felt i achieved something, then of course i found out the winchester was common as muck.... suddenly its not so much of an achievment and i can do this every time i spawn. Then i found my first AKM. Omfg i thought to myself, i had 1 full mag and thought i should be careful with this the ammo could go fast. It did. I was a noob and wasted it on a horde of zombies that i stupidly attracted. Then i found out after i died how easy it was to get ammo for that gun. Dayz just isnt the same anymore now that i know where to find these things. But my points further up the page should hopefully fix that. What do you guys think?
  13. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    Well to get around the already established players i suggest we wipe all existing players to properly test the mechanics. I know alot of people will hate that but to be honest this is still alpha. If they are not willing to test new stuff then get the hell out of here. Besides everyone loses there gear at some point. Iv come to accept that gear is not permanent.
  14. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    The thought process behind this was that by making proper weapons hard to find players were more likely to band together for protection. This would then give them time to form some trust for each other. Its not going to work 100% of the time but thats the point. Im not trying to force all players to cooperate. I would just like there to be a balance between pvp and coop. Right now its 98% pvp and i very much doubt its out of choice. Its because no one has chance to form bonds and end up having great gear realy fast and so they are reluctant to trust in fear of losing it. Alow the players to form bonds, problem solved.
  15. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    Except its not realy fps anymore. The mod changed that. Besides all we need is to test it and see how it goes. All these points were to help promote teamwork and make the game more realistic. Fair enough about the DMR though but i think those guns should have a very rare chance of spawning.
  16. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    It was a huge wall of text i know. But it had to be said. Would be nice if more people commented though. 80 views and 2 posts....wow. Come on guys lets get a discussion going.
  17. You guys got lucky. Im glad you did though, they deserved to die. One because they were terrible and two because they just opened fire for no reason which realy bugs me.
  18. Ginger Beard

    Should I be dead? O.o

    Wow that just shows everything that is wrong with this mod. He is surrounded by zombies. Hes basicaly being eaten but he just has to shoot the other player because he grew up with call of duty and its all he knows. Pvp is a part of this game but that was just bs. Oh well i suppose Rocket will add something that will lessen the amount of pvping going on. Before anyone calles me a carebear (god i hate that word) i know that if you take out pvp it would ruin the game, but at the moment its 98% pvp. I only ever see friendly survivors on the coast when they spawn with nothing. I want the game to be 50/50. Not everyone in society would kill, kill, kill. Many, if not most, would work together.
  19. Ginger Beard

    Quiver to the toolbelt

    I am currently using the crossbow just to test it. I am refusing to use another gun untill my character dies. It does have a completely different playstyle too. I love sneaking around a town and silently taking out any zombies that come too close. The ammo management sucks though it realy does need to be fixed. I also cant understand why everything keeps saying you must headshot a zombie to kill it. What? I hit zombies anywhere and its always a one hit kill. Its people that i have a hard time killing in one hit. I hit someone the other day and he was bleeding but he bandaged. That fight ended badly, but only because his buddy that was with him disconected, went onto a different server, got to my position and reconected and shot me all while the guy i shot stayed just out of line of sight but showed his feet often enough for me to know he was there. If the sights on the crossbow were better i might have won that engangement.
  20. Ginger Beard

    humvee crashes

    It should just have the standard stuff. M16, sidearms, grenades, stanag mags and the very very very rare chance of a light machine gun. It should never spawn AKM's or any other russian weapon. It must just be american military gear. I aslo find it weird that there are so many dead soldiers and nothing on them. I like to imagine they were looted already but how did they die? Thing is they always seem to be in a huge group like 10 in one area. Are you seriously suggesting that zombies did that? Zombies are easy to deal with. Was it bandits and they stole everything they had on them? Or maybe it was zombies and the zombies ate the equipment. Or maybe they were sent into combat much like the russians in world war 2, with nothing. (highly unlikely). I think we can expand on your crashed humvee idea and say that millitary bodies have some kind of loot. Not amazing stuff but something. Because even if they were looted there would still be the odd magazine here or there. However i do think that airbases should be covered in zombies making it hard to even get in, never mind getting something of value and getting out.
  21. Ginger Beard

    Does throwing cans work?

    They do work, you need to throw them max 40 metres away from them. They will hear it and slowly walk towards it. Iv tried this many times and 99% of the time they stay where you threw the can/bottle but the other 1% they stayed for a few secs and then walked back to their origional position. I cleared out an aparement in cherno doing this. 7 zombies came out of the house and i just slowly walked past when they were all out. Very tense. Infact i rely on bottles and cans when i respawn.
  22. Ginger Beard

    Balota Airfield

    I must admit recently when i go to balota i dont seem to find much either. As for the tents, dont bother they dont spawn anything. Just check the deer stands in the corners of the camp. There are three entrances. The front with gates and 2 small areas around the edge with no barbed wire. You will have to vault the sanebags.
  23. Ginger Beard

    Roaming zombie hordes.

    I agree. This would make the north a much more exciting place to be. At the moment, most players are down south and there are only small towns up north realy. A huge roaming horde or several huge roaming hordes would be a great addition. Its too safe up north, so much space so little to do.
  24. Ginger Beard

    Flare gun?

    I second this. A flare gun would not only look good and light up a vast area it would also signal friends to your location and also give it away to other players. It could create interesting situations. Maybe nearby zombies are attracted to it and start to shamble over but not actualy agroed.
  25. Ginger Beard

    Perks, Currency and more!

    No offense but i think this is a terrible idea. It would destroy what dayz is. A sandbox zombie survival. Perks? Seriously? That one about not needing to eat 50% longer is a tad unrealistic and takes away from the sense of desperation of no food. Please try and come up with something that enhances what dayz is about and not turning it into the generic RPG/ MMORPG/ COD. EDIT: I agree that currency would become worthless in this situation. At least in terms of dollars, pounds, euros that sort of thing. However i can see it kind of working if it was something like metro 2033 where ammunition was "currency".