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Ginger Beard

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About Ginger Beard

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  1. or just go a step further and make players bodies stay behind for 30 seconds when they disconnect. That way if they disconnect in combat, they can die. Serves them right for cheating death. Just to add, i was sneaking up on a cow and was about to kill it with my crossbow. It disapeared... Seriously its bad enough players doing this but now animals? geez....
  2. Ginger Beard

    I found a camp at UK41

    it only happens to camps outside the map border. I was also in on the raid on that camp. Someone shot me and i almost died. So whoever shot me, im coming for you. It was actualy pure luck we even found you because we were not out to look for camps.
  3. Ginger Beard

    More variety for the goods!

    Good idea, however i dont think this is a priority right now. Maybe it can be added in at a later date.
  4. Ginger Beard

    Hatchet: best weapon vs. zombies

    Turning cherno into a melee battleground sounds pretty tame compared to what it is at the moment.
  5. Ginger Beard

    Item damage when killing players

    Im not saying that pvp should be stopped, but balanced. This is one step to helping control it a bit more.
  6. Ginger Beard

    Item damage when killing players

    I suggested a similar thing a few days back. No one payed any attention. Well some did, about 40 but no replies. So i agree with this. Realisticaly, if you shoot someones bag you are very likely to damage the cans they have or even put a hole in their backpack.
  7. Ginger Beard

    make this game really hardcore

    hahaha too funny
  8. Ginger Beard

    Safe Zone

    no, everything should be completely player driven.
  9. Ginger Beard

    "Hey are you a friendly?"

    Tamsen is called karma. Not gonna lie but you did deserve that.
  10. Ginger Beard

    LFM - UK/Euro players!

    Hi im 21 from UK. In game name is Billy Bob. Add me on steam: NinjaTurkey17 Been playing for a few weeks now, got about 150 hours on here. I have a mic and use TS3 all the time.
  11. Ginger Beard

    THE PVP QUESTION- fixed with earned perks!!!

    I agree military gear needs to be fixed. Its just too easy to find military guns. They spawn in too many places. Making them rare means players will not fear each other as much or have a reason to kill each other as much. Because most players will have the not so good civilian guns. Obviously some people will continue to pvp. Thats fine but it will bring back the balance betweeb pvp and coop again. As for the argument against this where clans have all the gear. Wipe all characters. This is alpha, we need to be prepared to test things and accept our gear isnt permanent. You spent 10 hours looking for all that ammo you stockpiled? Too bad, your an alpha tester. Deal with it. Oh and perks....nah too gamey.
  12. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    Well to get around the already established players i suggest we wipe all existing players to properly test the mechanics. I know alot of people will hate that but to be honest this is still alpha. If they are not willing to test new stuff then get the hell out of here. Besides everyone loses there gear at some point. Iv come to accept that gear is not permanent.
  13. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    The thought process behind this was that by making proper weapons hard to find players were more likely to band together for protection. This would then give them time to form some trust for each other. Its not going to work 100% of the time but thats the point. Im not trying to force all players to cooperate. I would just like there to be a balance between pvp and coop. Right now its 98% pvp and i very much doubt its out of choice. Its because no one has chance to form bonds and end up having great gear realy fast and so they are reluctant to trust in fear of losing it. Alow the players to form bonds, problem solved.
  14. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    Except its not realy fps anymore. The mod changed that. Besides all we need is to test it and see how it goes. All these points were to help promote teamwork and make the game more realistic. Fair enough about the DMR though but i think those guns should have a very rare chance of spawning.
  15. Ginger Beard

    Changes i would like to see

    It was a huge wall of text i know. But it had to be said. Would be nice if more people commented though. 80 views and 2 posts....wow. Come on guys lets get a discussion going.