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Posts posted by DirtyProtagonist

  1. logged in 15 minutes ago, i was standing near my camp in the woods and suddenly i got teleported to the middle of an open field along with everyone else on the server. everyone started firing and i got killed before i could alt+f4 (imo disconnecting to avoid death is justifiable in this instance). my character was on his 5th day and was pretty well-geared, too. a friend i was playing with (who managed to abort in time) said it happened to him a little while earlier, so this isn't just an isolated incident. Don't log on there unless you're willing to be warped to a field with everyone else on the server. I don't know if it was a bug or a hacker, but i will not be playing on there until the issue is resolved.

    logged in 15 minutes ago, i was standing near my camp in the woods and suddenly i got teleported to the middle of an open field along with everyone else on the server. everyone started firing and i got killed before i could alt+f4 (imo disconnecting to avoid death is justifiable in this instance). my character was on his 5th day and was pretty well-geared, too. a friend i was playing with (who managed to abort in time) said it happened to him a little while earlier, so this isn't just an isolated incident. Don't log on there unless you're willing to be warped to a field with everyone else on the server. I don't know if it was a bug or a hacker, but i will not be playing on there until the issue is resolved.

    as part of the admin team at us74, i assure you we spend a silly amount of time tracking down, banning and reporting hackers that come on to our server. since we're all actively playing on the server, it helps us notice when stuff like this happens

    sadly, this is the first i've heard of this incident, although two nights ago we were slogging through server logs trying to find whoever spawned in artillery and was shelling the shit out of electro (while i was there~). last week we banned 15 or so people in connection with an incident where people were spawning in vehicles (a10s and various helicopters) and were apparently crashing them into people as well as bombing everything...

    fact is, dayz is currently extremely easy to hack and like it was said earlier, they'll just pop on a random server, wreak havoc, then peace out to the next one

    we strive to maintain a cheat-free environment as we feel it's more fun for everyone, but a certain amount are going to get through, no matter how much effort we put up

    all that said, i don't really like seeing threads labelled "avoid us74" :blush:

  2. I play on us74 and my tent, bicycle and truck were gone when i logged on this afternoon. went to someone else's camp that i used to loot from and it's gone, too. was there any announcement on here of a tent/vehicle wipe or was it just a us74 thing?

    us74 had a database issue apparently for a little while this afternoon. everything should be fixed now

  3. Ya, I noticed that US74 was one of the servers that didn't seem to automatically update to the latest Day Z build.

    I was just wondering why there is the wait period for us, as I consider this server my home now. Great admins, good population, active players, routine restarts; never anything to complain about.

    But I would really like to go back home, looking forward to the server getting updated :)

    me tooooooooooo

    hoping silver updates to when he gets home tonight

  4. just read this now. looks like one of the other admins reset it some time last night or early this morning. did you get your atv back?

    they are pretty touchy bitches, i'll give you that. i've flipped more than i'd care to admit to being stupid and hotrodding... and an equal amount to random terrain glitches (bridges, anyone?)


  5. That's not a grenade launcher' date=' its the jet blowing up...


    i'm talking to silver right now. he was 1-2km north of balota, nearer kozlovka i guess hearing the "bunk! bunk! bunk! boosh! boosh! boosh!" noise i guess

    he's seen the downed a10 and someone running around it though

    edit- lol

    he's not trying to fuck with you guys, he's trying to find out the hackers names and remove them. chill the fuck out, he had like a flashlight

  6. I thought helicopters were turned off?

    I know for a fact xtinction ghosted up on top of the hospital roof in cherno cause i watched him appear right behind me...

    I can't say it's that big of a deal though' date=' because I also know for a fact that the one admin on the staircase logged out four or five times to avoid death, and also ghosted off that stair well, because we were watching it the entire time through this fight and shot him multiple times... lots of people doing this right now, but can't say I like the ban if the admins are guilty of the same thing..


    i don't know how on earth you think that you know this "for a fact". i sat there fading in and out of consciousness, not daring to move for the duration of that fight. i explained what happened with the guy spawning on top of me and looting me. the person "logging in and out" you saw was him as i was just an immobile body on the top for the whole thing

    if you had really been watching the whole time, you would have seen me bandage, morphine, fall down, wake up, fall down, wake up, cry in the fetal position, fall down, get up, fall down...

    then a hero ran to me, on our server, with blood

    i did not log out. i actually watched a guy log in and out on top of my passed out body at least twice. once i did finally get patched up, i ran around with a bunch of garbage in my pack because i think he thought i was dead, not just passed out and looted me

    i would appreciate it if you would refrain from stating your opinions as facts, thanks :@

  7. I was alive the entire time right up until the very end where Ivan got me. I didn't log out once. I saw the guy climbing the staircase and though he was with you and was bandaging you. I was tying to zero in the l85 over 700 800 meters. That's where all the shots were coming from. Either way both groups ended up with not much. We lost all our gear and never got the truck back. I was up to 5 murders In that fight alone before Ivan got me:.. Who I thought was actually below me... :-(

    I guess you guys didn't spend that much time looting us? We were completely loaded each of us had everything but rangefinders. I think manny had been alive for weeks with 30+ murders ! I would have been alive a week longer than that if manny wasn't so trigger happy and killed me in our own camp. Did you guys get any of our l85's?

    got one, threw it in the truck then someone ran off with it. we chased it a while, but lost it eventually

    the rest of the stuff despawned with your bodies when they vanished pretty quick which was probably due to the ghosters logging off and on around them a lot

  8. the guy up the spiral staircase was me, and i ran up there legitimately... until somebody logged in on top of me. he broke both my legs and i passed out. he grabbed the m4 out of my bag and i saw all kinds of shots hitting the wall around him. it was actually kind of surreal

    then he vanished. i just kind of laid there until it looked clear and someone was able to blood me. that was well after the shooting stopped though (IE after the guy with the m107 flanked you and korbac)

    if it helps, they ran west with the truck vOv

  9. Must be nice being able to do that. Wasn't one of our guys' date=' but someone in your party ghosted behind us with an AS 50. Also, pretty sure you guys logged off and on in the apartments.


    none of us logged off at all! as a matter of fact, i climbed the industrial tower with the as50 and someone spawned on top of me and broke both my legs!

    he even looted me, took a rifle from my pack and left his shotgun... while i was still alive

    quick edit- the guy with the m107 came up behind you guys on foot. that was a baller flank

    we're curious now though after seeing you guys dying a lot, did you get the truck back or was it these ghosters?

  10. mmm... it wasn't that we were or are bad shots at all. the shots were 400m+ in the dark at a moving vehicle driving between houses and fences and trees

    i would have liked it a lot if you had got out and lit up some muzzle flashes :cool:

  11. hey guys

    was your camp the one that was mostly west and slightly south of zelenogorsk?

    if so, we stumbled on that while combing the map edges for camps :cool:

    since i think you might have been in the camo military offroad near the same place shortly after (which we failed gloriously to destroy even with an extreme upper hand) and you were running dark, i presume you know how we could see in the dark

    i promise you we don't use any hacks at all, just play way too much. however, there are hackers on our server. our camp got hit by some guys that spawned in some silly vehicles, such as a bicycle that goes 70kmph and accelerates instantly

    if you experience stuff like that and can get me a name, i can talk to the admin and he'll get the guid. we've already banned a couple obvious hackers and US74 has already banned a lot of script kiddies that don't get that they're banned (try to reconnect 10 times a night~). message me on steam (Dirty Protagonist) any time

    thanks and see you in the field


  12. confirming i have this helicopter

    i am suspicious that it might not be legit as the pilot we killed to steal it had a full get-up (nvgs, rangefinder, ghillie suit, silenced m4) and i have the guid and name of the pilot if it is hacked

    any input is appreciated

    ps: it is a UH-1H in olive drab with two 240 machine guns- one on each side
