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About DirtyProtagonist

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  1. DirtyProtagonist


    as part of the admin team at us74, i assure you we spend a silly amount of time tracking down, banning and reporting hackers that come on to our server. since we're all actively playing on the server, it helps us notice when stuff like this happens sadly, this is the first i've heard of this incident, although two nights ago we were slogging through server logs trying to find whoever spawned in artillery and was shelling the shit out of electro (while i was there~). last week we banned 15 or so people in connection with an incident where people were spawning in vehicles (a10s and various helicopters) and were apparently crashing them into people as well as bombing everything... fact is, dayz is currently extremely easy to hack and like it was said earlier, they'll just pop on a random server, wreak havoc, then peace out to the next one we strive to maintain a cheat-free environment as we feel it's more fun for everyone, but a certain amount are going to get through, no matter how much effort we put up all that said, i don't really like seeing threads labelled "avoid us74" :blush:
  2. DirtyProtagonist

    Vehicle/Tent wipe?

    us74 had a database issue apparently for a little while this afternoon. everything should be fixed now
  3. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 - 1.7.2?

    me tooooooooooo hoping silver updates to when he gets home tonight
  4. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 - 1.7.2?

    we decided to wait a few days to update to avoid the shitfest that has typically been initial updates. i'm sure 1.7.2 will be live on us74 soon
  5. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 - Admin Request

    just read this now. looks like one of the other admins reset it some time last night or early this morning. did you get your atv back? they are pretty touchy bitches, i'll give you that. i've flipped more than i'd care to admit to being stupid and hotrodding... and an equal amount to random terrain glitches (bridges, anyone?) \o/
  6. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 server's Admin banned me!

    still haven't seen your guid in an email, mate once we get it we'll unban you sorry for any inconvenience =S
  7. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

  8. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

    yeah, server's fucked right now. there's someone firiing some kind of rapid firing grenade launcher north of balota as we speak
  9. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

    yeah, someone just nuked the server. we're trying to figure out who and how. server logs aren't showing much inb4 blasty says we did it~
  10. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

  11. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

    got one, threw it in the truck then someone ran off with it. we chased it a while, but lost it eventually the rest of the stuff despawned with your bodies when they vanished pretty quick which was probably due to the ghosters logging off and on around them a lot
  12. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

    the guy up the spiral staircase was me, and i ran up there legitimately... until somebody logged in on top of me. he broke both my legs and i passed out. he grabbed the m4 out of my bag and i saw all kinds of shots hitting the wall around him. it was actually kind of surreal then he vanished. i just kind of laid there until it looked clear and someone was able to blood me. that was well after the shooting stopped though (IE after the guy with the m107 flanked you and korbac) if it helps, they ran west with the truck vOv
  13. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

    fuck! i was sure you guys got it stuff is making a lot more sense now
  14. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

  15. DirtyProtagonist

    US74 Camp Raid

    banned one ghoster in that fight. i don't know if they were with you, but the guys logging off in the apartments and logging in better positions will be banned that is awful grats on the truck ;)