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Everything posted by mikhail

  1. I don't run a dayz server but I have run my own before with other games. All I gotta say is I feel your pain brother. It really sucks to see BE just be completely useless and then add in the fact that you guys are pretty much powerless to do much of anything. I just hope bohemia/BE realize how much of an issue this is and how important it is to tackle this quickly and what will happen if they don't. Good luck bud. I hope you get some help soon. In the mean time keep yer chin up.
  2. there are already people in the game doing such things but it takes alot of work and organization and you need a REALLY BIG group to do it. btw, you're english is pretty damn good.
  3. mikhail

    In need of flare sound effects for animated film

    couldn't you just record it from the game? (just a thought there) pics look cool man. I like the art style. We'll keep my eye out for this when it's done. ;-)
  4. mikhail

    Question about breaking your leg

    it's basically a quirky bug. I was in a barn crouch running behind my friend when he turned around I just heard a snap (broken bone) and then I was dead.
  5. mikhail

    Elektro Sniping

    wow you're a real man there. you got all this nice gear and you go and kill people who don't have jack. you probably beat up on girls too. good job loser.
  6. mikhail

    Why no more news?

    fox doesn't report news
  7. you just got hacked. keep what you got. the items are legit in game items.
  8. and why would you go through all the trouble? Just to make it look cool?
  9. mikhail

    Thoughts on removing NVG's?

    pretty much.
  10. mikhail

    Arma 2 DayZ updating to patch 95417

    all I can say is that you probably didn't update it right if you are getting that. Go back and read instructions on how to update.
  11. mikhail

    Regarding the Thunderdome

    no you are not permanently trapped. when you respawn in you will be in the middle of the nw airfield. so get on a low pop server so you don't get sniped.
  12. mikhail

    Hacking Problem

    dayz has nothing to do with the anicheat. it's battleeye and the arma devs.
  13. mikhail

    Backpack sizes?

    go to this link http://bit.ly/MzprQT
  14. mikhail

    No vehicles?

    no it just means that others have already gotten to the cars and have them hidden. finding a car available is pretty hard. I've had to go to several servers before finding one.
  15. mikhail

    Respawn button

    might want to read the forums a bit before you post. the respawn button is supposed to be enabled when you have a broken leg but it is currently broken.......and is being fixed in the next update.
  16. mikhail

    teleported back to spawn

    This sort of thing happens when your data gets corrupted. I find that it typically happens when for some reason I get suck at loading into a server and have to alt+f4 to get out. That situation used to spawn you in the debug plains (which is nearly impossible to get out of) but now it spawns you at the coast.
  17. mikhail

    Car Trouble

    maybe read the forum a little bit before you post. issues with cars is a known problem that has yet to be fixed. Its an alpha, there are bugs. and to answer your question.... it's probably gone if it wasn't there when the server restarted. It might have spawned someplace random which means someone else will probably grab it. If nobody does then it will eventually respawn at its original spawn point but that usually takes 7+ days.
  18. mikhail

    Gamma / Brightness Fixed

    what I think is funny is that the guiy with the nvg screaming for this be fixed...... translation "I got nvg's and I wan't to maintain my big advantage over all those people who don't have them"
  19. mikhail

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    honestly just keep at it. you've eventually team up with someone. that person might know another friendly. next thing you know you've a small group to play with. Also, stay in touch so you can play again through steam or skype.
  20. i was just on us 236 when the entire server got teleported to the thunderdome. stating the obvious.....if this isn't addressed quickly this type of crap will kill this game.
  21. running 95389 and - able to connect fine. The server was totally full and I connected about as quick as before with half the server load so that's good. - ran totally smooth. didn't see any dsync issues. - still might be tent issues. old tents still missing stuff. testing with new tents atm.
  22. I updated no problems. I was already running the 95248 beta. those saying they can't connect to servers....make sure you are trying to connect to ones running 95248. edit: come to think of it, with the added launch options I should be still running the beta anyways.