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Everything posted by mikhail

  1. a hacker has just "thunderdomed" the server you were on. Search for that term in the forums.
  2. make sure you are not on a private server. and being asked to create a new character and getting spawned at the coast are two different things. Just spawning on the coast just means that your saved data has gotten corrupted so it spawns on the coast. (which is much better than how it used to be, spawned in the debug plains which you can't get out of)
  3. mikhail

    Trading M4 CCO SD

    that's alot of guns you're asking for for a single gun. honestly it's not really worth that much.
  4. mikhail

    Tents After I dye

    no even if you save them tents will eventually disappear BUT...... That is how they are supposed to work. They are currently bugged and right now they don't despawn at all.
  5. mikhail

    Do tents sometimes....

    just check after a server restart.
  6. server admins can see you using hacked weapons and they may ban you for it. So best advice is to stay away from them. Plus, it's kind of douche thing to be using stuff you know isn't in the game.
  7. mikhail

    will this graphics card run dayz good?

    that thing is a old POS. Find someone who knows something about computers to help you out. (since you obviously don't)
  8. mikhail

    graphic errors

    do a search before you post man. this is a know bug and a fix is ready for the next update.
  9. mikhail

    Keeping my vehicle.

    you don't have to save it every few hours. (not sure where you got that idea) save it once and it should be there. BUT keep in mind that vehicles are very bugged at the moment and there are times when they just disappear for no reason at a server restart. If that happens, sometimes they come back when the server restarts again but sometimes they don't.
  10. mikhail

    Vehicles Respawns

    kind of a funny question because I've just had vehicles disappear for no reason what so ever after a server restart. I've never had one blow up and then show back up where I last saved it.
  11. sounds like a bad driver install.
  12. uhm newsflash. there is a specific section of the forum to report cheaters so it doesn't "clutter up these forums"....... just like you've done with this pointless thread.
  13. no. cars are specific to the server they are on.
  14. mikhail

    Traders and Traitors

    madsbendix123 had a good trade with him.
  15. mikhail


    you can take an axe to them, right now though tents are bugged and will respawn when the server restarts so I just wouldn't even bother.
  16. mikhail

    Tents & Loot Disappears

    tents are very bugged. here is how they operate now: - When you first place a tent you can put stuff in there. Once you save the tent for the first time, anything you put in the tent after that will disappear. - Once a tent is saved with items in it, if you remove something out of the tent the items are replaced back into the tent once the server restarts. (this is how people are duplicating items) - There are times however that if even if you put something in a tent and then save it for the first time the items still disappear. - If you place a tent and pack it back up, when the server restarts the tent will reappear where you placed it. - No matter what you do to destroy the tent it will still show back up after server restart. - There are times where tents/vehicles disappear after a server restart. The tents will reappear on the next server restart. - tents do not de-spawn over time after you die. (they are supposed to go away after 7 days after you die)
  17. mikhail

    De2 banned?

    server admin saw you using hacked weapons and banned you. Now you've learned your lesson. find another server and move on.
  18. dude its hackers that did that and they can be on any server.
  19. crash sites spawn when the server restarts. That admin doesn't know what he's doing. the server should restart minimum once per day. a lot of servers are restarting multiple times per day now.
  20. uhm you should probably list what you have to trade for it.
  21. it should respawn after the server restarts.