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Everything posted by Grey508

  1. Dawn/dusk also depend upon what month it is in-game, just like IRL. Since some servers are not time-synced, it should be safe to assume that there servers that are not date-synced either.
  2. Grey508

    Six laucher... Useless

    I disagree - it's a totally different program with additional functionality. Would you care to elaborate? Excellent product support is a good thing.
  3. Regarding the UI, yes it's clunky. It's a result of the variety of functions and types of interactions that need to be dealt with in Arma 2. Rocket has made some tweaks for the better (no more accidentally wasting supplies with a single click), and perhaps that means there are more to come for this mod. I see this comment a lot. I can tell you from personal experience I've been in a bivouac pulling security in a forest where it was black and a slightly darker shade of black. After an hour of staring at nearly nothing' date=' I could finally separate the edges of trees in the distance. I don't think the level of darkness presented in the game during overcast night is very "fun"... but I've been in that real life situation. [/quote'] I think alot of people live in the cities and forget what real night looks like. I grew up in the country, but I've lived in NYC for about 15 years. True darkness was was experienced by all here during the blackout of 2003. Walking across the Queensborough bridge at 10pm was interesting.
  4. That is the default run speed. Default walk speed is 100 meters/minute. Thus the point of my calculations' date=' based on the optimal conditions, running on a straight flat terrain line [/quote'] The point of your calculations was to incorrectly state the default walk speed?
  5. That is the default run speed. Default walk speed is 100 meters/minute.
  6. We are concerned only with determining range to target here, so the wind tables may be disregarded. The information on ranging is still relevant.
  7. High video settings are not forced.
  8. [Tier1] Gilion posted an excellent guide before the wipe. I have attached it below. Or just create a training mission in the editor. Place a few OPFOR squads and go to town on them. Or use training targets. Drop some ammo crates on your position so you don't run out. Add some weapon crates so you can try different weapons. There is a huge gaming asset sitting on your computer - use it!
  9. Grey508

    DayZ is a total screw up.

    I know I'm just feeding the troll here' date=' but - No. It's [i']meant to be a survival mod set against the backdrop of a "zombie" apocalypse. I you want to kill teh zombees, this is not the mod for you.
  10. Grey508

    can I run arma 2 and the mod?

    Download Arma 2 Free and see how well it runs. http://www.arma2.com/free
  11. Grey508

    Stupid Question but I have to make sure

    Yes, of course. Just like any other game.
  12. Grey508

    Can I Run Arma2 and Dayz?

    Download Arma 2 Free and see how well it runs. http://www.arma2.com/free
  13. Here's your huge difference between models:
  14. Grey508

    Will it run? (system specs)

    Download Arma 2 Free and see how well the base game runs. http://www.arma2.com/free
  15. Grey508

    Comparison with COD

    It's called "catering to the lowest common denominator." There is no correlation between quality and popularity. The Billboard Top 40 and NYT Best Sellers list are ample proof of that. I don't think I could disagree more with what you just posted.. Especially with the Billboard reference.. I as well as (apparently..) millions of other seem to see some quality in the songs.. I'd have to go with the majority in most cases' date=' US politics... nottttt so much but your comment was (I hope) written with little effort because you must have one shitty attitude if you cannot recognize something dangling this close in front of you.. Good day sir. [/quote'] So, you don't think the music industry (of which I am a member) is catering to the masses *because* so many people buy what they are selling? All righty then. My comment was written with the utmost sincerity and intimate knowledge of the subject matter. Now, go buy more bad music so I can buy another car.
  16. Grey508

    Comparison with COD

    It's called "catering to the lowest common denominator." There is no correlation between quality and popularity. The Billboard Top 40 and NYT Best Sellers list are ample proof of that.