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Durioz (DayZ)

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About Durioz (DayZ)

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  1. This made me scream yes: "Limit the amount of tools you can carry to like 3" Just this would add a whole new level of team play needed just to get food from pigs in the woods. Maybe you have one guy with medic stuff. One car guy. And one hunter. And one scavenger that are best at dodgeing Z (Don't know what tools that would make sence but it would be more awesome) DAM! Everyone get's 100% more important! Dam if we get bases and stuff that Rocket wants to add. People could start trading. (Hunter gives meat to a Medic. Medic heals the hunter)
  2. Durioz (DayZ)

    Toolbox dosen't work?

    I have tried muliple times useing my toolbox on all these annoying tanktraps and wires but i can't seam to use it. Are the toolbox supposed to be usefulö or is it just there to take up space in your inventory?
  3. Durioz (DayZ)

    2 people on the same router

  4. Durioz (DayZ)

    2 people on the same router

    What ports do i need to forward?
  5. Durioz (DayZ)

    2 people on the same router

    OKay. What is the Ip and thing i have to portforward? What port does Dayz use? (Done this before to minecraft)
  6. Durioz (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Yeah me too. Happend to me two times! Grrr!
  7. Durioz (DayZ)

    2 people on the same router

    Please help!
  8. I have the same problem. Do you just need to fix the NAT? What is Nat?
  9. :exclamation: I have the problem when you join the game and you get a few seconds "Lost conection to the server" and later you are unable to join the game. When you join you get "Joining game" for a few seconde then later you get kicked out and get the a error screen saying "Lost conection" or something like that. I can join a few other servers but never the same one. This problem dosent always occure but we are starting to get it more often me and my brother. We both have our own Steam copy of the game so we have diffrent CD-keys. Is there anyone who knows how to fix this? We both are playing on the same network and if i join the server first, he can't join and vice versa.