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About jeme223

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  1. jeme223

    DayZ app?

    i get that, but perhaps the next generation of windows tablets could handle it... who knows, we will see, we will see.
  2. jeme223

    DayZ app?

    is there a DayZ game for iOS or android? or one similar? if not, i think somebody should get on that... i think it could work rather well... sure it couldnt handle 50 man servers, and a HUGE open world witht he same graphics... but it could do 16 (or so) person servers with decent sized worlds and.... eh, graphics (but who needs that when your having hack-free fun!) anyways, just a thought... wasnt sure if this would go in suggestions or general, so i just stuck it here haha
  3. jeme223

    eternal loading.

    ok it seems to be ok now (it literally took 7 minutes or so to load it, but then it said "setup complete" so maybe itll load faster, idk, thanks though!
  4. jeme223

    eternal loading.

    not quite, no, ill try again and just wait about 10 minutes and if nothing happens then ill come back, thank you.
  5. jeme223

    eternal loading.

    So, every time i try to play the "loading" screen does not go away (well it did with a random server, but then the server restarted and i couldnt get it to work again.) most of the time there is no loading bar or anything, its just a black screen that says "loading" anybody know how to fix this? P.S. I used to play this game a lot on this same PC, no lag, no problems, this problem began after, say or so.... i thought it would fix itself so i left for awhile, but the problem is still persisting. Also, i have already uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Extra Info below: *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam, Combined Operations *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: yes, 96751 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: DayZCommander *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: eternal loading screen *Your PC specs: intel core i5 CPU M 430 @2.27GHz (4CPUs), ~2.3GHz 4 gb of RAM Graphics card- Nvidea Geforce GTS 360m *Your Operating System: windows 7 (64- bit)
  6. jeme223

    stuck on "loading"

    same, im stuck on it too
  7. ill only come if there is a mosh pit.....
  8. I kinda think that in a zombie apocalypse night vision goggles and most scopes woul dbe broken... or not functioning anymore, so idk why they are there...
  9. jeme223

    disable 3rd person view.

    i LOVE third person view. it better stay, it makes the game fun. :P Plus there is that whole first person view lacks peripheral vision...
  10. why? so people that want to play alone are screwed over?
  11. wait, what does this thing do exactly?
  12. jeme223

    bad weather in dayz

    , but it would be awesome if snow was an official feature. i also want hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, acid rain, and finally i want the Earth to randomly open up and swallow a player.
  13. i dont understand this, i was in a city and i was crawling around with only a hatchet, a bandage, and painkillers, when a guy with a shotgun and a pistol being chased by a zombie ran up to me shooting, i turned and broke his legs with my hatchet while the zombie was attacking him and i jumped to my feet and rapidly hit him with my hatchet until he died then killed the zombie.... he had so much loot, watches, tons of food, a tent, binoculars, an empty shotgun (emptied on me) and a pistol with a mag and so much useful stuff.... if you have all of this stuff, why the heck would you do something as dumb as charge a guy that has a hatchet while being chased by a zombie? he could have easily killed me if he had killed the zombie first... i swear this guy has to be raging right about now while i am laughing and having fun with his loot haha
  14. jeme223

    bad weather in dayz

    i prefer it to rain, in fact, idk if this game has snow or not (i have never seen snow in the game) but i want snow!
  15. i think it should come back too.i know some servers still have it and i LOVE it.... it adds something fun to do while i walk through a desolate forest... i think it should at least just be an option.