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Everything posted by dcskill

  1. dcskill

    Daylight Timer

    5am - 8pm is what I have noticed.
  2. dcskill

    Long Term Playability

    I wouldn't mind more skins in the game. :)
  3. dcskill

    Removing Nameplates

    Learn to use fucking Google. This was the first result: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16185-turning-off-nametags-on-a-server/
  4. dcskill

    Spawning with friends

    Choosing a spawn point? Are you trying to make this game easy? The fuck?
  5. dcskill

    DayZ is TOO EASY!

    You can only put so many zombies in the server before everyone has low fps. Stable fps > more zombies. Wait for future updates.
  6. dcskill

    Video settings guide for lower-end PCs?

    First thing you want to do is go to advanced settings and tweak around with a few settings. Vsync = off Abufilter = low Antialiasing = low object detail = low shadows = off post process = low/off Then you want to tweak your resolution (both the 3d and the interface) Try and put your interface resolution at 1024x720 and your 3d on a lower resolution for example, 980x650 (just an example)
  7. Ja, nutzen Sie bitte Englisch, wenn in den Foren so dass die meisten Menschen lesen können und möglicherweise auf Ihre Frage antworten. Wollen Sie mir, eine Übersetzung für die Menschen, die nicht lesen können deutsche Post?
  8. dcskill

    Spawning without a backpack?

    Are you running the latest beta patch too?
  9. Server might have to restart.
  10. "Online Support for Arma 2 OA is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again soon"
  11. Let me provide a list of hacker-free servers:
  12. dcskill


    Good evening sir, would you like some cheese with that whine?
  13. Glad I'm not the only one.
  14. dcskill

    Favourite vehicle in DayZ?

    Motorcycle <3
  15. dcskill

    Six Launcher Not Working.

    nigga running as admin?
  16. dcskill

    Need Help!!

    Do any errors pop up?
  17. Update Battleye through Arma2 (the normal one). Go into that folder and copy everything in the battleye folder to the Operation Arrowhead Batteye folder.
  18. dcskill

    Hardcore group

    +1 for a newfie :D
  19. dcskill


    its haxxxxxxed
  20. CQF plays tactical. We don't PVP unless we are shot first. If you are interested in this sort of gameplay, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2216-chernarus-quarantine-force-cqf/
  21. Go to big cities on the coast as soon as you start. It is better to die with nothing than die with good loot. While you are in the large cities, loot food, tools, food, and find a weapon. As soon as you have this, head north. To get rid of zombies in cities: lead them into a building, and go around them or out the back door.
  22. Instead of shutting down the server, he should of planned his way to get back at you guys :P
  23. dcskill

    Green Mountain.

    This 'bad luck' you speak of, please go into detail of such things.
  24. dcskill

    Ma n Pa go `HUNTING

    What the fuck did I just read?
  25. dcskill

    Tree Stands
