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Everything posted by dcskill

  1. dcskill

    A Few Q's...

    1) Make fires beside trees. Don't make fires at night. 2) Go to a store for food and drink, but make sure you are ready for company. 3) It is better to make a base when you have played for awhile. Learn the game, and then you make one. Yes, going north to make a base is the best.
  2. dcskill

    Battleye Update failed

    Run everything as admin. Copy battleye folders from Arma 2 into Arma2:OA
  3. dcskill

    US186 Ban for "teleporting"

    Here is your dev scripts directly from Arma 2, Nasir. http://www.arma2.com...ref/comref.html Below is what i think hmove is, which is from the site above.
  4. dcskill

    Axe in pistol slot

    This, this right here. I want it...right now.
  5. dcskill

    Zombies? or FPS?

    If you don't like shoot-on-sight play style, you should join CQF. http://www.thefirstcav.com/enlist
  6. dcskill

    Ryan on ZDU

    This is cheat reporting, not cheat complaining. If you have proof of what you said, then post a picture or video displaying the user breaking the rules. No proof, no ban. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
  7. dcskill

    Server Ownership?

    Server provider: http://www.vilayer.com/ They can set you up with a DayZ server and give you all the necessary information.
  8. dcskill

    New laptop. Any advice?

    Yes. Newegg is known for selling their parts and their great service. I'm off to work, pm me if you have anymore questions.
  9. dcskill

    Suggestions - Increase Stealth

    I'm replying to #4. If you have a side arm out (while prone) and try and access your gear, you will crouch. If you have your primary out (while prone) and try and access your gear, you stay prone.
  10. dcskill

    New laptop. Any advice?

    Best Buy is selling custom pc's on their site. You can get a friend who knows their shit and let them order you the filthiest setup ever. Just a FYI, though, retail will always be more expensive than custom built. So if you want something that wont be outdated in 3 years, get someone to custom build one.
  11. dcskill

    Potential commercialisation model

    "So now I get to kill people as soon as they spawn and they get mad as usual but now I can make them lose money too? Sweet!" You know it will be that way.
  12. dcskill

    DayZ almost literally unplayable

    www.dayzdb.com That site will show you all loot spots in towns.
  13. dcskill

    Is every gun the dinner bell now?

    The winchester is not a shotgun. It is a rifle bro.
  14. Make sure you have the right CD key.
  15. dcskill

    Temporary Bleeding, please?

    You aren't playing the game right if you wander up north without a bandage.
  16. dcskill

    Quitting the game

    If you are being shot at, zombies chasing you, zombies around you, (alive)enemies around you, and you disconnect? That is not okay. Every other time is fine. Just try and stay 5+ minutes after picking up loot because it might not carry over.
  17. dcskill

    Animal Hacked

    Rocket took out the respawn button unless you broke your leg.
  18. dcskill

    Free Serial Number for Arrowhead! Ban it!

    Get your account...back? I'm sure there is an account recovery if you are using Steam.
  19. If you aren't the type of person to shoot on sight, you should join CQF. http://www.thefirstcav.com/enlist
  20. Hey, eu não quero ser um pau, mas tente usar um programa de traduzir em Inglês, porque este é um fórum de Inglês baseado. Mais uma vez, me desculpe pelo ódio. Espero que você entenda. :)
  21. There is a refresh button for servers. Use it.
  22. dcskill

    Missing servers?

    Keep refreshing and they will appear.
  23. dcskill

    Computer shutting down

    Are you playing on max settings or something?
  24. dcskill

    Infinite black loading screen

    With a setup like that, I would assume you would know how to troubleshoot a game. What would a game have to do with your monitors? Switching to a CRT? wtf. Have you tried joining a different server? Updated to the latest beta patch?