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About Iselroe

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    On the Coast
  1. same here, weird thing is that all the other chat works perfectly well.
  2. Iselroe

    Tent Contents Disappearing

    This must be some kind of joke. I've set up a tent in some place where its so hard to find, put stuff in it, only to find it empty the next day. And then so i died, had to set up a new tent, put one right beside the original and put stuff in it again, crushed the original with my hilux, guess what? gone the next day, emptied out again.
  3. Iselroe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hi, guys i crashed a car about somewhere south of vybor, if anyone could give me a hand i would appreciate it.
  4. What they really need to do is make zombies more powerful, so much that it requires at least a group of 3 or 4, to raid a town infested by zombies.
  5. Iselroe

    Spawning in forest (ALL SERVERS)

    same freakin problem... hopefully the upcoming patch fixes this..
  6. Iselroe

    Wilderness (1.7.1) - how I escaped

    i'm also having this issue, i spawn in the wilderness, and keep running east, but i dont see any trees appearing or anything, i tried canada 2 method, but the server is laggy as hell due to the amount of dead bodies(assuming they have the same problem), anyway i ran with all the lag to the closest building i could see, logged out, and logged into a server, still spawned in debug forest... this is killin me.