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About ALICE666

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. If I spot survivors first and they are some distance away, I observe for a few seconds or a minute to make sure he/she is alone. If indeed is alone, I shoot to kill. If there is 2 or more I retreat behind some bushes before getting the hell out. Pretty standard actually. If I am discovered, spotted up close or just plain encountering another I usually fire right away. I have no time for games, as I have been betrayed before many times. Whoever is still alive after all the shooting did the right thing IMO. Trust nobody.
  2. ALICE666

    People are horrible.

    They should revise the humanity system. The more you help players, you get rewards like increased loot, etc and at max level you get free hugs from zombies. Kill people and you get negative humanity, and you get sick faster, hear voices in your heads, and when you max that out, you spawn Rocket himself to kick you in the nuts. Seriously though hhaha I like the way everything is right now. :P
  3. ALICE666

    crappy computer or unoptimized arma2?

    running a prety old and similar system e8400 core2duo@3ghz stock 4gb corsair ddr2800 ram 560GTX 1GB (previous upgraded from 8800GT 512mb) doubled my dayZ fps! playing everything on normal with all the usual bits like AA,AF,PP off. Getting decent 30fps-40ish at 1440x900, pretty low res but all my monitor can support. Sometimes dips in the 20's in cherno/elektro though. My computers pretty unoptimized as shit too and the last time I reformatted was when I bought it six years ago. I did clean/dust out the box recently which helped though immensely... load times are still long as though. Just wondering how long it takes people to load the game and map and then spawn in game?(edit: and with what setup?) I am currently at around 4-5 minutes... Is there anything I can do to improve this? it's the only part im really unhappy with my experience with dayZ...
  4. ALICE666

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Wasted minutes of my life watching this. Was utter crap and pretending they havent played the game when they had M1911's and other stuff on spawn. If your going to act like noobs at least do it properly so its more convincing.
  5. ALICE666

    worth dying and restarting?

    I was stuck in a similar situation. I had < than 700 blood, broken legs, shaky screen and needed painkillers. Had alot of equipment and guns to lose but I did consider respawning a few times. I was on the outskirts of Stary Sober and considered my options. Then I thought why give up? some miracle could happen.. I had enough ammo to go down trying and sounds more fun to try than hit a button to respawn... so I decided to crawl into the military tents to find some morphine and painkillers first as they do spawn there. I expected everything to go south once I cleared the tree line and I somehow made it to the tents with no bandits around. I heard zombies sounds everywhere though and aggro'd about 3 when I finally made it inside a tent. Tense moments as I shot then down with my M4A1. Took some hits and ended up with around 50 blood left lol. Fearing the worst I nervously crawled into the tent next door and found the much needed morphine! Now I could stand! After that I decided to somehow get my HP up. I had everything except a box of matches though so I decided right there to sneak over to the supermarket in town to find them. As I neared it, I expected to be shot or take a single hit from a zombie but the area was supprisingly empty and I made it inside. There was nothing inside though but I waited for abit and then matches spawned. Also scored an ALICE pack.. I was starting to gain some hope now. At that stage I proceeded to get the hell out and made it to the forest to hunt some deers. Long story short, I managed to cook meat and got my health back to 12k blood.. was intense the whole ordeal but damn, I had the most fun so far from this experience. So yeah, dont give up... :)
  6. any opinions on a i5 3570k? im in the same boat and currently trying to figure out what would match it GPU-wise. I like nvidia and a 670GTX looks appealing. Looking to run on highest settings if possible with this combination.. been behind the times with all this new tech.
  7. Oh I see.. I know about the 10 slot thing but not about the ammo moving too. Thanks
  8. the above. Just want to know how you guys do it safely. Lost many guns by; 1. dropping main on floor in order to pick it up later but it vanished. 2. using the arrows to transfer to and from backpack but it just ate one of my guns.
  9. ALICE666

    Why is it so laggy?!

    i had that freezing every 10 seconds or so. For me the problem was with the six launcher. When I launch the game now, after I pick a server I close the six launcher and whoa la no more freeze. If your using the launcher try this might help. :) Your also right that performance is probablu dependant on the server. I'm an Aussie but I noticed it runs dramatically better on the New Zealands rather than AU servers.
  10. i dont think bear traps will be much of a problem if theres a disarm option. Just got to be extra careful moving around which I'm sure most people playing DayZ are already.
  11. ALICE666

    Incentive to group up and not deathmatch.

    Just seems very logical to me that the more people you have, the more set of eyes you have and resulting in being to find something useful? can always adjust the values if you think its a bit if its too high. 0.1% increments maybe. For the pontential hardcorers crying, maybe it can be balanced by also giving out negative buffs. Like maybe increasing the chance to spawn and alert zombies. Just an idea really, Rocket and crew can add in whatever buffs they want but the framework is there for interesting mechanics.
  12. Add a simple party system? Say you scroll the mouse wheel over somebody and that asks to invite to group and if he accepts, you and he and anyone else in the party will recieve say some 'buffs'? Nothing to extreme but here are my buff ideas... simple but could 'encourage' grouping up somewhat. 1 person in group: maximum blood is increased a little. say to 12,500. 2 person in group: blood to 13,000. chance of finding items increase by 1% 3 person in group: blood to 13,500. chance of finding items increase by 2% 4 people in group: blood to 14,000 chance of finding items increase 3% and so on. Tell me what you think? I think its a fair idea. :D
  13. I am still considered a noob. Only 3 days since i got the game. The reason I run straight into town is of being partly impatient. At the moment there is basically no risk to me since if I die I will just respawn with the same items. I usually just run right into say Electro training all the zombies while looking for weapon spawns. Who wants to wait 1 hr or so crawling on your belly if you might die anyways? its a waste of time right of the bat. I rather spend 10-15mins quickly rushing as its so easy to lose line of sight from zeds by running around then proning at the docks. They hardly hit you if you know what your doing... Rinse and repeat each time til you succeed if you do die somehow. Its also pretty amusing seeing 50 zombies on your ass. Maybe that was me you killed boat.. :D
  14. thats strange my favorite server which is at still has side chat enabled.
  15. ALICE666

    My poor heart...

    I know how you feel mate.. nothing more tense than scrambling away for loot then you hear other footsteps in your vicinity. There I was, camping the top of the stairs at the firestation, my pistol level right at the opening. 100bpm heart rate.. waiting for the guy to show. I think he heard me crawling around so he didn't come up. Game is intense lol. I am increasingly needing to prepare myself mentally everytime I play this game. If not I'm not ready, theres no way I'm logging in. :D