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Everything posted by princefatty

  1. we appreciate your effort. :heart: i dont know if your instructions work since i got it working before .. but if they do they should be the first thing newbies see. if this clutter of information doesnt stop there will non-stop threads about confused users that just want to enjoy the game.
  2. good one :D nice. now why are these pretty clear instructions within a thread that no one will find. if you go to dayzmod.com you will most likely click download -> http://dayzmod.com/downloads.php and go on to find these instructions http://dayzmod.com/su.php that are pretty much completely different to yours.
  3. guys, my first pc was a 386. im 33 years old and have spent most of my time in front of these things called personal computers ... i dont play cod and am not a casual pc user / gamer at all. please fix this shit its unbearable. its one million ways to install and none works right now.
  4. princefatty

    Spawning in hilly area

  5. princefatty

    Spawning in hilly area

  6. princefatty Bad Map?!

    look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=14308&page=2
  7. princefatty

    Spawning in hilly area

    hello, sadly i consistently only spawn in the "debug plains/hills" and have no idea what todo. i was looking for the canada 2 server but cant find it. :(