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Everything posted by Opitz

  1. Rocket, just change the "killed" info messages for sake of this mod... Just put there WHO killed WHO and WHERE... I just got killed in one supermarket one minute after my spawn. I was proning close to wall. Checked doors and room. Took M911.. NOBODY there. After proning two meters from wall, 5 sec maybe, I heard a step - one single step. I turned back and saw guy who shot me dead with ONE shot... I was on server where were only 3 other players, in the night, dark everywhere. 4 total in 225 km2 of dark space... And I got killed like this about one minute after I connected. I am not complaining because I got killed and lost stuff which I can take in one hour. BUT... I was there just one minute, took M1911 instead of Makarov and after ten seconds I got killed as described. If you make a system message "who killed who and where" everything will be much simpler. Game is ruined by cheaters now. Big casino if you log in to server with cheaters or not. But mostly you do. And you die... And you cant do anything to protect yourself. Make no sense to play such "game"... Why not? Because you CANT even "test" the bugs in the alpha... You have no opportunity for it. It is just hacking sandbox...
  2. What about to be able to eat raw meat, but get less blood back as with cooked meat? Maybe 100(edited)? You can also make your vision blurred for few minutes as not all of ppl are Bear Grylls... Cuz, if you are really, I mean really hungry, you will eat anything to stay alive, the raw meat included. Now we can die by starvation with full backpack of raw meat...
  3. Opitz

    Don't punish bandits; reward survivors

    If you really want to make PVP more controlled by game engine then do it in easy way. Punish and compensate in same moment. Once victim got killed one item from bandit equip goes to survivor(on his next respawn). Because it is murder you can try to transfer rare items. And that's it. Btw this is all abouso called criminology. Risk and reward question and the most effective way how to fight the crime. But I would like to stress out the background of this game. So detection of crime show be very low. So this what I propose should not work on 100% of cases, let's say only there is 15% change bandit got detected and punished.
  4. Is it reaction to what I wrote? I wrote that I accept current system, because it is quite possible that this would happen also in real world... If you don't have government, even small or some kind of "warlords" you cannot enforce any laws. I believe there is not any way to make some kind of punishment engine for bandits or compensation engine for victims... Both will ruin current game. Btw. I am not getting killed by bandits so much. Maybe it is because I am playing very carefully and mostly outside of most dangerous areas.
  5. OK, so elaborate on this: "there's always ways to make most people happy if you really want to" - HOW? I tried to find the way, but there is no way. It will not punish only bandits, but whole game and at the end all players...
  6. Hi there, I just got an idea to make one city in whole map as zombie free as a last heavily protected last stand of survivors. Instead of zombies spawn within wider borders of such place some soldiers with good weapons and let survivors trade/sell/buy there their stuff which is not useful for them (actually everything can be traded, right?). Money is not needed, in such critical situation people would start a barter as a method of exchange. You can make one NPC in some building or close to some truck which sell one bandage for two/three cans or drinks, etc. Also the murderers (let say 5+ murders committed) can't enter such place as AI will try to kill them as soon as they will be spotted. Just my idea, dont know if someone already came out with it. Second - think like in every village it should be possible to find all stuff used for healing (bandage, morphine, painkillers) as it is possible to break your legs by house entrance or doors, and if you are far on north without it and alone you cannot help yourself at all.
  7. Well you have shown us, that the cause of murders or crime is not the absence of law or collapse of state. There are many factors at first like age, gender, education, religion etc... But if someone want some punishment for bandits or compensation for victims, he thinks he acts as member of majority, so he is trying to define what is crime (here to shoot a survivor). The main problem in DayZ is who is there to say what is crime? There must be some group of people with enough power to be able to enforce their laws. Without it, it is not possible and we are saying it is murder, because in our real world it is murder. There is something which is called "natural law", mainly based on christianity, which says that to murder someone else makes harm not only to victim but to the whole society or world. And such harm should be punished, because punishment makes risk taken by offenders quite higher. But punishment is not enough. There must be also some kind of detection. Who will detect crimes in the world, where there is no resources to pay such people to detect and convince criminals... So, IMHO, our bandits are crossing so called "natural law", but it is more on moral level and as I said we are bringing our morals from our IRL to this game, where there is no moral at all. (Not in this stage of total collapse of society). So what I say is this: Shooting survivors is bad, because I believe in it. So I should not shoot other survivors. If someone thinks differently he is free to harm other survivors and get something from it. His rewards is low, but risk is even lower. And having in mind the background of this game there is no other rational approach than to accept such crimes which happen all the time and nothing can be done about it. And I don't believe Rocket will spend half of his life to make some engine which will simulate some kind of very weak government. In real life in such situation the group of strong and brave would try to create and run such government and enforce some law, but in DayZ game we have no such options. We are just weak survivors eating each other, before zeds eats us all :)
  8. Opitz

    Make it possible to eat raw meat?

    I like the idea with old/rotten meat :)
  9. Zwans, I agree, but if you talk about real life... in real life people are not shooting other people just because they are running away from them in distance of 100+ meters... Because it is just a game, people are doing more evil things than they would commit in real life. Many players acts like total psychos... Just because they can. They dont have their real face, name, surname, anything. It is anonymous killing and only risk is to get "killed" and RESPAWN. It is same like that scientific experiment where they selected some people to make harm to the "object" and they did, because guy who told them so was looking like smart guy and they didn't personally know the "object". It is proven that when you give people anonymous way to hurt other, they will, and will not feel anything wrong... But it is also documented that many murderers have very tough time to cope with their evil deeds... only psychopats dont feel anything. so why to make a game which rewards people for acting like pure psychos.. ok, virtual...
  10. Opitz


    hehe it happened to me just once and I was really pis**d off :D
  11. Opitz


    PVP is needed. Without PVP it would not be so thrilling... Just imagine - you have all the best equip, you will have cars, helis, whatever... what to do next? Go and shoot zombies with machine gun?
  12. Opitz

    Make it possible to eat raw meat?

    Priority here is to fill your stomach and then to give you more hp back. So I am fine with 100 hp of raw meat. But first is to save life against the starvation.
  13. Sure Jim, but there can be other players too and fully equipped. I mean why they should go back there? There must be something which will attract them to come back and resupply (ammo, blood bags?) Also if you allow to respawn all people there, also bandits will be respawned there. At least people with many murders on their account should not be spawned there.
  14. I think it is not so hard to make just one town like this in whole map... even without AIs... Vybor is good fit as it is not built in a valley. It is quite flat area there not to easy to get in without being spotted. It will definitely be a battlezone as it can be seized by bandits too. (but they risk they will kill each other at any time...) Also the idea of making such place surrounded by zeds will work as a challenge if you want to get in and out... Just my few cents.
  15. Opitz

    Game too easy.

    So what about spawning survivors on the north in the forest instead on the coast?
  16. These forums are full of little brown noses that will say its great when its simply not... Sheeple at its best. Rocket broke your toy' date=' right? Bhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bhaaaaaaa.... [hr'] It is not about saying something is broken... it is about style... many of you think they are in position to speak with other people like with piece of sh*t. You need to grow up or go back to WoW or whatever you played before...
  17. Who cares what you think... You can leave or develop your own mod or whole game... but beware it is a really hard work...
  18. You didnt buy DayZ, but Arma2, so STFU... nobody cares that you lost your equip or got killed...
  19. Karma bites back... Get over it and start again... Btw. there is new version of ALPHA... why u keep loot from previous version? Just start over like many others..
  20. OK, so tell me what is your strategy for situation when you prone to the building for equip and suddenly zed hits you without any warning cuz he respawned silently right behind your back?
  21. I have no problem with increased aggro of zombies, but give the player a chance to hide or run away... I died like five times just because zombies did get into building or rooms via closed door or even walls... And what I hate the most is suddenly dashing zombies which just one sec ago slowly crawled around... Where they get so much energy to run like Usain Bolt? Currently it is not so difficult to get a good gear, right from start, you get nice weapon, ALICE, whatever... Then you need food and drinks... nowhere to find... ok, lets hunt some cows or pigs... but no matches at all. So go back to town, maybe you find some can of food. you go prone, going like that for 20 minutes and suddenly zombies totally silently enters very close area via closed doors... Just repair this bug - zombies can go through walls and closed doors once they spotted you. Give them some time to be aggressive (if they don't see and hear anything for 2 minutes, for example) and send slowly them back to their original position. just my thoughts... spend couple hours with latest patch.
  22. Sorry to report this, but Zeds are still able to get into room through wall... Happened to me in Cherno, in house close to Hospital...