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Sweex (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sweex (DayZ)

  1. Sweex (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Can't wait for this :) will defintely be there for the trial run, how can I make it so you'll know i'm friendly when you see me?
  2. Yeah have that exact same problem :( don't want to lose my AS50 and for some reason I keep spawning as invisible when I go third person and my food/water never goes red so I don't have to worry about starving or anything :D
  3. Would seriously love to help out scavenging, mercing doing anything at all tbh :) Send me a pm if you need any help =)
  4. Sweex (DayZ)

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Lol spawned in the debug forest with like 20 other people took some guys AS50 :)
  5. Sweex (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Right, just downloaded the new patch but when I spawned back in the game: -I was in the middle of a forest where I hadn't previously logged out -Had lost all my food/water/bandages -The humanity icon had disappeared along with the entire debug monitor thing, so I couldn't see how many zombies there were or my blood level or anything. -Whenever I go into third person I'm completely invisible -No matter whether I'm sprinting, crouching or prone the hearing and sight icons stay the same at zero. What happened o.o