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Everything posted by Payn

  1. Payn

    Does throwing cans work?

    didn't used them to distract zeds but they are great to smash the windows at the hospital
  2. Payn

    The German and Austrian On Toure

    hi habe dich bei steam als freund hinzugefügt würde mich über teamplay in ner größeren gruppe freuen mfg Payn
  3. YES but need some mechanik to punish shooting unarmed
  4. Payn

    Bring back starting weapon!

    in my opinion the no gun start is a great idea! people need to recognise that their main threat is the zeds and act like that also the avoiding zeds mechanics work great i often get away by fleeing into a house, wait till all zeds are inside, leaving the house the opposite door and hiding behind a near wall. i would suggest to increase the zombie threat a bit more (maybe more spawns near bildings like in 1.7.1, near a deer stand i saw on sunday more than 28 zeds it was really difficult to avoid all of them :p) and to remove the pvp for a week or something maybe then people will recognise that it is in most cases better to work together instead of shooting on first sight
  5. Payn

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    i'm also stuck in the wilderness Name: Payn Player ID: 1764354 i still have all my gear so i hope someone can help! (i had an issue with my keyboard and got kicked of server before, don't know if this is important)