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Everything posted by Alblaka

  1. I would like to confirm the report, was present on the server during this happening and was one of the victims as well. Given we were shot 5 times across multiple locations across the map, always with the same weapon described by a metallic clicking sound (presumably one of the AM-rifles), I would dare to claim the hacking is obvious.
  2. And we mentioned we saw 'mYsT*TheNOX' suddenly having a chopper <2 minutes after all vehicles (including the chopper) were teleported to 'the hacker'. Would like to confirm this report, witnessed 2 vehicles suddenly disappearing next to me and saw said chopper above Berezino with mYsT*TheNOX as driver.
  3. I think I know what is the issue: I've, after many days of fair work, obtained a hero skin. However, my kill/headshot/humanity stats all reset to 0 every time I connec to a server. Using the 'i'-display, I could however confirm that this data is still correctly tracked by the hive (debug dialog reads f.e. 5 kills, I tells me I've got 1xx). However, since 'my humanity is 0', it starts constantly regenerating back to 2500. The reset bug applies to EVERY change of clothing. Assuming you had 2500 (base) humanity and switched to (f.e.) Ghilie, you return to '0', whilst your actual value is still 2500. Your client still starts generating humanity to reach 2500, causing your actual (HIVE'd) value to raise past 2500. By often switching your clothes, this effect could sum up past the bar for obtaining a hero skin. Just a theory of an observing programmer, though...
  4. If you could use a map service my browser does not refuse to load, I wouldn't mind helping. We recently fund ourselves a nice and smooth server, obtained the V3S and are currently working on Ural and a Pickup. Afterwards, looting markets for tents shouldn't be an issue, same goes for hospitals. I think we'll keep our server ID secret though, and place tents on 'foreign' servers. With the new patch, tents should be less buggy, as well.
  5. I support lowering the bar for obtaining the bandit skin and/or intriducing several degrees of bandit skin. Whilst it's not trivial to gain a hero skin (20 bloodpacks), it's way too 'easy' to get bandit'd by a single kill. Right now, a bandit skin means you've encountered a low-tier-geared player who somewhen shot at someone. Low-gear, because every real bandit is probably wearing camo/ghilie suit by now. Sure, it's not entirely realistic, but even in a realism simulation you need to balance realism and gameplay.
  6. Alblaka

    Heroes few and far between?

    74k? Sorry, I doubt that. Exspecially if you keep searching for people, the chance of surviving THAT long is plainly ridicolous. I've barely made it to 5,1k yesterday, travelling with my group and avoiding survivor contact (and supplying my coughing mate with blood). But assuming you DO have a hero skin (with whatever humanity level >5k): We are a rare breed. I mean, you need to be someone travelling in a group for a long time without being killed (aiding foreigners will much more likely get you killed before you reach 5k). And every Bandit will priorize us just for the sake of removing the skn again, either way. But keep looking, if we ever meet, we can exchange supplies :3
  7. Opposed to the screaming majority of the forum population, I support this person. Another reason for Rocket to think about permitting private Hive servers and supporting them, permitting people to play sandbox if they desire. Trying to force people into playing a game the way you intended does NOT work and trying to do so will always result in the creaton of modifications, hacks and similar stuff.
  8. Alblaka

    DayZ Stories

    Karma didn't apply today. After hours of looting and gathering, we collected a full tent of supplies. We refilled our chopper and decided to randomly fly along the coast, locking for survivors. We spotted zombies in Cherno and Elektro, but even while dropping to 40m height, we couldn't identify survivors. And since they didn't answer our calls, there wasn't much we could do and went off. Suddenly, our pilot spotted smoke on the Balota airbase. Lowering down, we found a survivor on the SW deerstand with patrol backpack and AKM (indicating it was a spawnie who just looted the military base. There was some forth and back, yelling across 40m of air, plus the rotor's noise... Well, in the end we were capable of aknowledging the "FRIENDLY" on both sides. We lowered down next to the base and he startet running, trailed by the zeds who previously camped the deerstand. Clean pickup, he jumped in and we raised off into the skies. We had some fun convo via the written direct chat and told him he could tell us where to drop him, we as well offered bloodbags and other supplies. He marely said "Just whereever there aren't zombies." "A plain field". Said, done, we landed on a large clearing in proximity of Stary Sobor. Stupidly, upon exiting the chopper, my game crashed. As if that wouldn't be enough, I was suddenly called downstairs, a sudden HARD downpour started and our garage was in danger of being flooded... well... great... Afterwars, I was told the survivor merely accepted some food and water and thanked us repeatedly for getting him off the zombie-infested coast. We are now organizing a re-pickup of me and my brother (who as mentioned had to log out). But seriously, we helped a random ARMED survivor, risked our chopper and good gear... and all we get is a severe downpour... karma? Meh. PS: Of course that won't stop us from further doing nonsense :§
  9. Alblaka

    Need Help vs Cheaters PLEASE

    "Oh noez, a random number on a random website was -1'd." As soon as you start to care what other people think of an anonymous representative profile of yours... you lost the internet.
  10. Alblaka

    DayZ Stories

    Once again, we had found the Huey on Skyli Island. I mean, honestly, it sort of ALWAYS spawns there. Well, we had our PBX (= fast boat) and startet looting Elektro and nearby coastal areas for the necessary vehicle parts. We even made our way up to Berezino, since we still lacked some Windscreen Glass to stop the Huey from leaking fuel... On our way back, just passing the Solnichy factory area, we suddenly spotted a large crows of zombies running along the coast. As it passed us, we noticed the spawnie in front of the group. We decided to do something good and save the poor unarmed guy, our driver dropped me and my mate off on the coast and we charged after the horde. Mere seconds after we landed, we suddenly heard a loud BANG and the spawnie dropped dead. We quickly took cover and the next few shots impacted next to my feet. I've spent the next 5 minutes running around, trying to cross past a small crest. For some werid reasons, the sniper did not manage to actually hit me with a single shot (and he fired about 15, at least) and I quickly threw myself behind said crest. Suddenly we heard motor noises and saw an UAZ coming down along the roar. Two more shots sounded and suddenly the entire vehicle blew up. My mate made a dash for my position and after a few minutes of waiting in silence, we made our way further down South, through the town and got picked up by our boat again. Geez, I was glad about the bandits crappy aim... And as well we chuckled at the fact he did not notice our boat...
  11. Alblaka

    Approaching a survivor.

    All depends on the survivors armament. F.e. we would never shoot a unarmed spawnie and I honestly can't understand people who do. I mean, his equip is barely worth a bullet. Oh wait, I just remembered we once shot one... who attempted to hijack our bus. But that's pretty much the only case. If the guy is lightly armed (aka double barrel, or merely a pistol = something barely capable of killing players), we will usually approach with caution or just ignore. If the person is 'dangerously' armed (AK, M4, stuff like that), we tend to shoot the second he's pointing his gun towards our location, whilst trying to stay low. If the unlucky guy (accidentally) moves towards our location, we'll usually shoot him down. Thank Rocket for removing any solid ways of communication. Ah, and if he's wearing a ghillie or a high-end gear (f.e. M107) we'll usually try to take him out by default, given 90% of those people are either hackers or bandits either way.
  12. Alblaka

    Is this game dying?

    Nope, merely the server growth 'sploded and is outrunning the player growth. More servers = less people per server.
  13. We will not take/use items that don't exist in DayZ (f.e. we recently dumped a M4A1 Holo M203 SD after noticing it's not listed in the wiki). But if we find someone who cannot be 100% identified as hacker (f.e. we found a ghillie with NV, Rangefinder, M4A1 SD, PDW and ~20 clips ammo), we will use the gear just like we have found a random high-equipped bandit.
  14. Alblaka

    How does one survive DayZ?

    PHASE 1 - SURVIVE: 1. Learn how to deal with zombies. In general, how to deal with them WITHOUT firing a shot, f.e. by learning how to sneak past them and loose those few who refuse ignoring you. 2. Team up with at least 1 person. Over course of time, you WILL loose blood and more often then not you will not have the storage to carry 50 flesh for blood-regeneration. As well, running around with multiple people reduces the chance of being onehit-incapped. PHASE 2 - GEAR UP: 3. Start looking for a vehicle/tent. No matter the size of your group and your backpack, you cannot properly store gear without a real storage. 4. Start gathering enough food, water and medical supplies and probably some spare weapons. 5. Get a real group together. PHASE 3 - CHANGE THE WORLD: 6. With the necessary troops and supplies, do as you please. Help spawnies, clear towns, hunt bandits... whatever.
  15. No shit, if you add a 8 hour penality, DayZ will loose ~98% of it's players (unless the amount of private hive server rises further). It's frustrating enough to die, but to literally f up somebody's "Hey, let's have a good ol evening of DayZ with my friend" by tempbanning him off the game... You get the point.
  16. Alblaka

    Zombies way too hard now

    They're fine, except for their tendancy to respawn on top of your head every 30 seconds in some areas. Balota airfield is a suicide zone right now (combine the artifacts + neverending aggro'd zombies)
  17. Alblaka

    Most dangerous?

    Elektro got 2 firestations and an office building next to hospital. All of these are in close proximity. (and there are 2 hill positions overwatching these areas) Your chances to meet scavengers or snipers is higher, imho.
  18. Alblaka

    Noob/Survivor friendly servers.

    No offense, but by creating this thread you effectively invited a metric ton of bandits to the server.
  19. Alblaka

    Sorry bro...you left us no choice..

    There are those "honorable bandits", who actually hunt people for their loot and usually aim at snipers or high-geared groups. Then there are those CoD-snipers who sit around all day simply enjoying to shoot some random guy every 30 minutes. And then there are those who got no clue of anything and simple run around blasting away at everything. It's fun if a 4man squad with Assault rifles get engaged by a single Winchester-gunner across 300m. (And, to be honest, the most ridicolous moment was the fact one of his shots actually crippled our Ghillie-suited guy who was laying around in a push... with us other 3 standing in close proximity.) Recommendations on your attitude. Not firing back the instant you're being shot at... *salute*
  20. Alblaka

    Military Roadblocks

    You do NOT want to engage ARMA2-NPCs with rifles shooting you "on sight". Seriously. (Unless we're talking about the current zed's "on sight"-system, in which case the military guys probably get degraded into mobile military loot)
  21. Alblaka

    M4A1 Holo SD

    Damnit.. one of our mates recently found a M4 Holo SD + M203 on a killed enemy as well... Said player was only carrying med equip thus we didn't suspect him to be a hacker. Probably means he found the weapon elsewhere, as well. Well, now will have to persuade him into dropping the gun ^^'
  22. Alblaka

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Minecraft pricing? I can live with that ^^ Keep in mind to provide Modding tools, that's a thing the Minecraft community is screaming for since a year now.
  23. You have to differ between 'bandit' and 'shooting to defend'. F.e. in my group we, no doubt, kill 'innocent survivors' from time to time. But opposed to real bandits we tend to HELP unarmed players (auto-trust because they can't harm us) and don't randomly gun down people who didn't even notice us. Still occasionally there's just an unlucky guy getting reaction-shot'd because he decided to check out the backpack he had just seen in the grass. But usually 75% of our kills are people who either are bandits or opened fire first (who appear to occasionally don't have any brain at all.. I mean, why would you attack a 4man squad full of assault rifles as a loner with a winchester. He sent 4 bullets, we sent 4 mags. And a nade. He managed to escape though.)
  24. Alblaka

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    Long text, worth reading. I didn't know about the 'trust'-attitude of ARMA2, pretty much explains a lot. At least we know somebody hacking has a good chance of sometime finding his account banned. And since Arma2 isn't exactly THAT much of a cheap game...
  25. Alblaka

    Negativity & the Experiment

    I would like to point at the IC forum as a experimental moderation strategy. There are no outlined forum rules, but a no-warnings tendancy. We've got loads of discussions and people shoot down new members (who refuse to use search functions, etc) harshly, but they do it without flame or insults. Of course this DOES reduce the number of active people in a forum. But it reeeeeally sorts out those you want to have in a forum and those you don't. (Seriously, the only issue we have, right now, are spambots :/)