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About larsofdoom

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    On the Coast
  1. I don't get some peoples feedback. The latest patch is great. Some ask "how are we supposed to defend ourselves?". Well, with your wits? I very rarely have trouble on a newly spawned character. Neither does my friends, finding a weapon and food is easy enough. You claim that the game has been slowed down too much. To be fair, this adds gameplay value because before you just ran back and forth between places not even paying attention to the zombies. Now you have to actually have some sort of strategy before raiding a place and pay attention to the Z's before you make your entrance unless you're the run&gun kinda guy. And IF things go south, you can lose the Z's quite easily. Some still argue that bandits should be punished, but why? Why is playing as a bandit wrong and a survivor is not? How you survive and what you do during your time alive is up to each and every one. Even the people who mindlessly murder other people for the fun of it actually makes a bit sense. Without the restrictions of our normal society there are actually people who'd enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on other people, persons who would kill without much remorse simply because of the lack of legal consequences. Just look behind the scenes of many war scenarios, in particular raids of civilian targets that happens quite frequently in some unfortunate countries. Asking to implement game mechanics to prevent a behavior that is just as normal as simply trying to survive without being a douchebag, is a selfish way to secure a form of security that we would find in our functioning society. Newsflash: there is no social infrastructure left intact in dayz, it's the freakin' apocalypse! So stop asking to punish everyone who's not playing the game the same way as you are, with silly in-game mechanics that would make no sense at all. "Lets make bandits have higher aggro range and good guys have lower aggro range" I mean what the hell, seriously? You know this would result in a lot of people who wouldn't dare attacking people because they are afraid of the game mechanics punishing them, and a few real assholes who would exploit this fear in people and basically run up to people with newly spawned characters and mess about pulling Z's or waving a gun around, only to force them to kill you because you get to close, and as such exploiting game mechanics to mess with them. I can't describe in words how much I'm against game mechanics prohibiting or discouraging a certain behavior. If it ever needs to be implemented its simply because of bad game design, but this is not the case here. You can defend against bandits and murderers, and you can avoid them. The fact that you are too lazy to pay attention to your surroundings or that you simply get raped by other survivors who are nastier than you, doesn't justify changing the game to make it easier for you to play the game your way, and harder for other people to play it their way. The way it is now, it is perfectly balanced. The new heartbeat mechanic should give you an idea if a person can be trusted or not, that is punishment enough for bandits imo and the most intuitive one I can think of, my rep is ruined and I can live with that. Nobody would trust me initially when they aim at me and all they hear is "bo-bom bo-bom bo-bom bo-bom" :P
  2. People claiming to be hardcore can sound insulting, and yes there are unrealistic things ingame that even the "hardcore" players don't mention. What these people (including me) are generally after is simply a challenging game that doesn't hold your hand, and that requires an either careful or deviously planned playstyle that rewards the player with a enormous sense of success when efficiently executed. I don't mind spending 1 hour accomplishing nothing but running from a zombie horde after snatching a can of beans. I've gotten out of the most incredibly insane situations only because I'm patient and don't give up, and the feeling is awesome. I've actually been out in nowhere with low ammo, 1000-1200 blood and a broken leg without any meds or cooked food, and managed to survive though constantly fainting. How? Sure in a way it was pure luck, but I heard 2 players nearby talking about where they were going so I crawled down to intercept their path from a hill above, I managed to pop them with my revolver and they had morphine, painkillers and cooked food. Exactly what I needed. Sure I likely would have died otherwise, but I didn't and it felt awesome. Why did it feel awesome? Because the game is challenging and punishing and I simply overcame it. With the latest patch I feel the mod is reaching a fine line between realism, challenge and fun. Though they could decrease weapon spawns and make some spawns more appropriate, such as more food in the supermarkets and such.
  3. Splitting the playerbase into two is the worst idea ever. I've seen it ruin so many games. Anyway, You can't forget the fact that you can hide from zombies now, this in a way makes it easier than it was before IF you fucked up without any ammo left, because the Z's would never stop chasing you. This ment that if you end up in a firefight vs zombies or players in the start would result in no ammo left and put you in a way more dangerous situation than you'd find yourself in now if you pull Z's without any weapon.
  4. I love the latest patch. I died a couple of hours after I started playing it, and I honestly had no trouble being without a gun. I avoided other players and zombies in the search for a gun and supplies. I pulled a few Z's at some point but ran into a building, hid on the floor and crawled out through the back and I was safe again. After 10-15 minutes I was hooked up with a malkov and 5-6 magazines, food, water and a few hunting supplies. An hour later both me and my newly spawned friend had winchesters and murdered a guy packing an AK and a alice pack + medical supplies. The murder wasn't exactly planned though but anyway, it happened. The thing about this is that I had to actually try and survive and scavenge supplies compared to what my behavior used to look like when I was newly spawned before the patch. Something like this: *newly spawned* *pulls out gun* *runs to electro or chern* *shots the first person I see in the face* *loots his stuff* *Asking myself* "Am I satisfied with what I got from this guy? Do I want to survive to keep this stuff?" If the answer is no, repeat two last steps until I answer truthfully "yes". You got to admit that getting rid of the above behavior of newly spawned players is to prefer :P Also its easier for people to group up and make friends if they meet up early when both are unarmed. Way more likely than before imo.
  5. Hi everyone. I've been playing this for some time now and I thought I'd share my opinions and some experiences of the mod so far. One word: AMAZING. I've had some truly wonderful times playing this. And even dying after 16 hours or so of ingame time, it can't piss me off because the experience was so worthwhile. Now with that said, if you are up for a wall of text with personal experiences and opinions, continue reading, otherwise have a nice day! When I thought this can't get better (except for additional features and bug/performance-fixes), they released the 1.7.1 patch yesterday and made the game even more interesting. I really welcome the additional challenge to avoiding zombies, the fact that you can now hide from them adds to the immersion. I'm not sure if this was a mistake in this patch with the spawnrates, but me and a friend had an epic zombie encounter in the electro firestation yesterday. He pulled a zombie on the way in, I decided to shoot it (bad idea) and in a couple of seconds, the horde had arrived. Zombie after zombie came running through the doors, when we thought that this has to be over soon they just kept coming in larger numbers. They actually pushed us up through the stairs to the second floor. 100 combined zombie kills later they still didn't stop coming and our ammo was running really low, I told my friend to go to the top floor while I readied a frag grenade (first time I ever used one), when he was safe up on top I tossed the grenade and ran like crazy up the stairs, I made it one floor above before: *BOO-BEEEEEEEEEEP*. We were both completely deaf (ingame), the blast from that nade was completely insane and I can't remember last time either of us laughed that hard. I looked at my zombie kill counter and it was up another 30 kills or so. We hid out for a while on the top floor before proceeding to look for remaining zombies, they were all annihilated. My friend died while trying to crawl down the stairs, he teleported outside somehow and fell down haha. I survived though and I'm still alive. Just to mention the pvp part of the game, I love it as well. I am one of the (most common I guess) people who shoots first and shoots some more to make sure later. I have of course been on the other end of that situation, where some guy gets the drop on me and ends my life before I even notice what's happening. This is something I welcome, 4/5 times this happens I made a mistake and got shot unknowingly from behind, 1/5 times it was a fair fight and he was the better gunman. In either case it's a learning experience. I know some people complain about killing for loot or deathmatch pvp down the coast, but for me this adds even more to the immersion of the game. Zombies ain't what scares me most of the time, players are. They keep me on my toes, without players to worry about I'd probably be bored. The deathmatch pvp will probably somewhat go away now that you don't start with a gun, I bet people are more inclined to keep safe when they do get a hold of a gun now. And if they do fire at someone, it's likely more carefully planned out and not as mindless as running all over electro shooting like a mad man. But even I get hit by bad conscience sometimes. Yesterday right before the firestation scenario I described above, we were holding up inside a barn. Suddenly a guy armed with an AK ran inside yelling "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY!", I didn't hesitate a split second before I shot him in his face, he managed to yell out a last "FRIENDLY DAMNIT" before he died. We proceeded to loot some ammo, his alice backpack and some other items. I think the main reason I shot him was because he got to close and was well armed, had he backed outside and tried talking to me I would probably at least have talked to him. Anyway I felt kinda bad for the guy afterwards, even though he was somewhat responsible for jumping us like that. Still I enjoy being a murderer and also surviving attempts at my own life by others. A solid firefight is one of the best things I know, of course I try to keep the odds in my favor by being a sneaky bastard, or simply avoid confrontation if I can't. But the excitement when it does happen is unbeatable. I can't think of anything I dislike about DayZ. I'm not going to mention bugs or performance issues since this is just alpha. They will be sorted I'm sure of it. Unless rocket completely loses his mind, or goes with the "carebear"-crowd this mod can't ever go south. Sorry for using the carebear-word but you know what I mean. Make a game like this too easy or start punishing people for being assholes and it won't be all that exciting anymore. This is my personal opinion of course, you are free to disagree but please don't turn my last statement into some flamewar.