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Everything posted by asaguda
Me and a buddy were logged out near Devil's Castle. When we logged in, for some reason, he spawned back on Kamenka with all his gear intact. Weird, but okay, he starts working his way back north while I loot the castle, the north-west airfield and head for Stary Sobor. I head into the supermarket first, then the brick buildings nearby for the off chance that camo or ghillie suits would spawn there. Before I get to the military tents, I hear gunshots from there, so I ran back to the supermarket and took up a defensible position. More gunshots, more gunshots, and after a while, silence. After a few minutes of silence, I look about, and decide he wasn't here for anything but the military tents and head out to see if I can get whatever he left behind. That's when I hear a vehicle moving on the outskirt of Stary, near the military tents. I ask my friend whether I should open fire, leave him be, or even ask him for a ride down south. I hide and look around in third person, just on the other side of a wall outside the supermarket. Turns out it was a Ural, and he stopped just outside the back of the supermarket to loot it. I had a chance and started moving. I was aiming to just steal the truck and drive off with it while he looked through the supermarket. He shot zombies, though, which alerted just about every zombie in Stary, and they cut off my only approach. He did get into his truck and drove off, but I followed for a bit. The first moment I had, I opened fire, shooting the back of the truck. He seemed to slow down, but he drove under a hill and just like that, he was gone. My heart was pounding, but I quickly calmed myself. The server had nameplates on, though I can't recall the name now, I pressed p. He wasn't in the server anymore. He combat logged on me. Just in time too, because I heard the vehicle explode. I ran there to save it, real quick, lest he get it back because of a server restart. When I was safe I checked the player list again, I saw he was back. Never in my time in DayZ have I felt so cheated. Shortly after I heard gunfire again and got shot by a sniper I never saw, a bit south of Stary. During this time, my friend hears a vehicle, and drops low, considering hitching a ride. They had seen him, apparently, because they all jumped out and opened fire in his direction. He had ran behind a few bushes before he dropped, so he died as well.
I never realized how many hackers there were.
asaguda replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Ironically I have never been hacked. And I've been to plenty of both full and low population servers from all over the world, US, DE, FR, SE, UK, RU, etc. Not a single hacker have I seen. -
I had one too, met a german player in the Cherno apartments and helped loot the place with gunshots coming from inside of Cherno, afterwards we had pistols and some supplies, he went to Stary, I stayed behind to meet up with my friend. NOONE WAS KILLED. Fucking awesome moments, they are.
Rolling Dice Gaming Community (Cooperative)
asaguda replied to Gibbons's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I might be in if you're willing to let me have a shot. I'm from Sweden, been playing since late May. Currently on a new character, got sniped in NWAF the other day. EDIT: Registered on website, and have the Mumble server added to my bookmark list. Will try to join Mumble later today. -
Where in the world would most of your group be located, ideally? Or are you planning to let anyone in regardless?
This thread makes me happy I jumped off Heroes or UKHC or whatever, actually. Just in time by the looks of things.
Mildots are mildly confusing at first, though, and might take some getting used to. First you need to estimate range using the target's height in mildots, then how many mildots up you need to aim are also strange. 1.3 for 500m, 2.7 for 600m, 4.2 for 700m etc. There's videos of this and the wiki talks about it too, I'd recommend checking that out if you've never used mildots before. I'd personally recommend something like the M16A4 ACOG, as it has an easier to use built-in rangefinder with 4x zoom, and is an AR so CQB isn't as difficult.
Speak for yourselves. I don't trust people who don't reply friendly, I shoot those on sight. I don't fully trust people who reply friendly with typing. But I've never shot a player who -said- friendly. Anyway, most of you shoot-on-sight people seem to complain about shooting on sight, and say you regret having to do the same. I don't think you do, though. You're just throwing fuel on the fire; If you really did regret it, you wouldn't so easily turn the other way. I played without shooting on sight first. Then I went to shoot on sight mode, much like some of you, but I've stopped now. The way I see it, the only thing that can bring about more friendliness is friendliness to begin with. People can't trust you if you can't trust them. Being the first one to trust someone else is difficult. Believe me when I say I know, I've been shot plenty of times after asking for friendlies. It's why I shoot those who don't reply; I can't trust them because I can't figure out what they intend to do. But when it works out.. Nothing else in the mod, at least for me, beats that sense of accomplishment, regardless of how it works out. I've had meetings where greetings are exchanged and not much more happens; we go our separate ways. I've had meetings where greetings are exchanged, but perhaps I just looted a building, I'll point out what I found in case anything is of interest to the other player, and they return the favor. I've had short moments of cooperation, randomly ran into a squad of three players about a week ago, while looting the Cherno apartments. One was fully geared up with Barracks gear, and they were looking at the apartments with loot in their mind. So I have my AK, and my M1911, and I pointed out which buildings I had been in, what loot I remember seeing, and they scatter to look for it. Not single shot was fired, not a single unfriendly word spoken. Afterwards we broke into the hospital and proceeded to clear out Cherno of loot. After that we exchanged thanks for the help and thanks for not shooting, then they started heading north while I waited for my squad to come pick me up. This issue you're complaining about won't get better if you don't do anything about it. Especially not if you just push the issue further.
DAYZ. what happens in the game will happen in real life.
asaguda replied to tfninja's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Massive post with quoted parts and retorts ahead. TL;DR at the bottom. We are gamers. We play games. You can pretend to be or do something you can't in real life because it's a game. It's not real. It's just pretend. One of the many charms of gaming to quite a lot of gamers, I'd assume. That said, you are correct that many of the things that happen in DayZ could happen in real life in similar circumstances, but it's a game. Your life in a game isn't as valueable as your actual life, so you don't concern yourself as much with losing it. What happens in DayZ would not happen in real life to the same extent; DayZ occurences are greatly, if not massively, exaggerated because it's not real. It's just pretend. And so are religious people. What's your point? Oh, you meant like this?; Glad to know you're a hypocrite. Makes the rest of your post less worthy of my time. Too bad for you I have a lot of time. Present proof of this, please. I'm an atheist, but how the hell (Lawl) do you know I don't believe in -anything-? Sorry, I have morals. A longer list of them than most religious people, as far as I know. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in religious affairs, and this includes Satan, The Devil, or whatever else you would have him be called. So telling me this is quite pointless. Common sense would help prevent stating pointless things like this in the future, but it seems religion might have robbed you of yours. Yes. Science is bad. Especially medical science! You know that thing they do in the hospital to save lives? Outrageous, isn't it? How dare they use medical science to help mankind survive! Especially if 'these' people happen to be people like you. I don't ridicule religion. I haven't been taught to not believe in anything. I made all my choices myself, and really, I think religion is fine. I don't mind religious people in general. I do, however, ridicule and harass religious people like you, because that's exactly what people like you seem to like to do. An eye for an eye, and all that. You only have yourself to blame, really. Oh, and all of my friends pretty much share this view. My atheist friends, anyway, I think I have a couple of religious ones too. They just happen to be nicer than you are. :3 TL;DR (omg big red words are scary) OP is an idiot. It really is that simple. I have too much free time, hence this post. I was bored. D: -
Hear the flies, body is missing. (V1.7.2.4)
asaguda replied to Satyricon's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
They could be logging out. I've shot people, and if they log out, AFAIK, their body vanishes for whatever reason. -
Should bikes be more common? (Devs, take heed of this thread for future patch reference)
asaguda replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't think lockpicks would make a good idea for countering locks as not everyone in real life happen to have lockpicking skills. Also, if you can just shoot out the glass to open the door anyway, you might as well just shoot the window open, get in and drive off ASAP. Don't think locking will do much. More bikes, however, yes. 10-15 is too few, IMO. In my city, which is about twice as big as Cherno, our popular intersections usually get 8k+ bikes to bike through. Some bikes are counted twice, of course, but there's THOUSANDS of bikes in my city. I wouldn't want there to be tons as it is here in RL, but 5-10 per large city wouldn't be a shabby idea, IMO. -
You could try to flush vram, hold left shift and press the numpad -, then let go and type flush. You will get a short loading screen and it should kick your FPS back up. Don't do it if you think you might get shot, though. I did that once. :C
Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included
asaguda replied to dannymo570's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Funny how you neglected to mention half the posters in here are complaining about unfair bans the moment they did something that went against their Master Plan of Life. It's almost as if you, who spent every single character of your post complaining about the 'whine' in this thread, couldn't think of anything remotely believable in an attempt to disregard the biggest reason the server should be blacklisted. We have an idea of how often they're restarting as well, you never mentioned anything about that either. -
Are Crashed Helis A Bit Borked?
asaguda replied to Chewbacca Jesus's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
RNG hates you? Out of the five helis I've seen, I've seen two Bizon SDs, two DMRs, one M14, one M107, two FN FALs, one FN FAL with nightvision. -
I am looking for a new group to play with. I am Scandinavian, so an european group that plays mostly on european servers is preferred. I have played since May, and am thus somewhat experienced. I speak English, I have a mic, I'm over 18 years old. What I'm not looking for, are huge groups of people who use Skype to voicechat; it degenerates too easily into chattering and everyone talking at the same time, which can result in people dying because important information doesn't make it through. It also gives me headaches, sometimes. :P I'm looking for either smaller groups, 3-5 -total- players if we were to join, who use Skype, or a larger clan or similar that has a VOIP solution like Mumble or TeamSpeak, so I can eventually Skype with the players in my vicinity, should I be working closely with them. I would then try to speak concisely through VOIP, regarding important in-game information. I wasn't familiar with Arma 2 before DayZ, nor do I have military experience, so I can't, unfortunately, act and play as if I did. I am an experienced gamer, however, teamwork and being beneficial as a whole isn't an alien concept to me. Any takers?
Question for Snipers - Crawling Through Open Fields
asaguda replied to Obsolescence's topic in New Player Discussion
When I cross fields I just run or crouch-run straight. Crawling is baaaad if you're worried about sniper fire, even if he misses, you stand completely still when you try to get up, so he can follow up with a killshot. If I hear fire and it's not anyone I know, I start zig-zagging while using ALT to look towards the shooter, see if I can spot him. That said, open field encounters have only happened me a few times, and I've played quite a while. -
DayZ Guide - How to Use a Vehicle's Inventory While Inside
asaguda replied to eonshikeno's topic in New Player Discussion
I would love to see not a party bus, but a trading bus. That'd be awesome. XD -
Not to be offensive or anything, but half of you seem to have only skimmed through the thread and not understood some of it. He never said they were rules. He said that's what an admin CAN do. Not that he is ALLOWED or OBLIGATED or whatever to do so. This is nothing you should call Dave out on, as if him quoting a post regarding what admins can and can't do makes him shady. Have you failed to notice that he is posting, and telling you to contact the server hosters in order to ask them about the restart in question? Also, what the flying f*** is wrong with having me or anyone else for that matter vouch for Dave? You haven't read through this thread either. He has said he pays for the server, he has said that he does it for the community, he has said people are acting as if they're entitled to everything. He never once said you should be happy you're getting to play on his server for free. Fishy, yes, I can see how it sounds fishy. I wasn't there, so I can only vouch for Dave, as mentioned, but there's no evidence for either side, just players bashing Dave for restarting the server because it sounds convenient for him, and him calmly saying he didn't do it, even pointing you where you can find out for sure if he did anything. I understand you calling him out on changing the time (Even though I can't find anything related to time except freezing it being disallowed,) but everything else? What is wrong with you people?
But then bandits would do the same against you.
I personally can't witness for anything as I didn't play with Dave this time, but since I'm in Dave's little group of people, that doesn't sound at all like something he would do, the whole restarting or intentionally crashing the server, then teleporting his entire team while being dead thing. Not sure how much this counts, but there you go.
RU 18 doing some dodgy stuff, not sure if allowed or not.
asaguda posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
They're threatening kicks or bans to people who talk English instead of Russian and defending their rules by saying the owners have been banned from other servers for talking Russian, where as far as I know they're not allowed to limit access to their servers because of different nationalities. This shouldn't be a problem anyway with the lack of a side channel, but RU 18 still has that channel for whatever reason. They're also threatening bans for PVP, so if you're found killing someone, they'd ban you. Is any of this allowed? -
Disabling Crossfire didn't work for me. When I'm inside or have very little view of the sky, it's as bright/dark as it used to be before the latest DayZ and Arma2 (beta)patches, but the moment I have some view of the sky, it goes from okay to so dark I'm having trouble seeing my friend in the woods 10 meters away from me. I can't play outside because of this. Can't defend myself against zombies very well, so what would I do against a player?
[Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia
asaguda replied to Legacy (DayZ)'s topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
If you're willing to take a Swede in, I'd be up for it. I have other friends I play with so my character may be unavailable at times, but at least I can help with gathering supplies and helping those in my area. Not sure how often, but I should be able to have longer sessions of play as well, depends on my current character and who I'm playing with and whatnot. Note: My character, and by extension, all my future/past characters, is bandit status. I killed on sight only when I felt threatened, but I did kill for gear and survival, usually as a last resort apart from self defense. I've stopped and I never shoot first nowadays, unless I know my target is a bandit or if I'm playing with a friend who opens fire first for whatever reason. If you'd rather wait until I get my humanity back up (Not sure if it's low enough for the heartbeat) I can live with that. Just figure it's better if I'm just honest up front. -
Need Medical Assistance? We can help.
asaguda replied to Dr Wasteland MD's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
D'you take supply donations? -
28 days later and im 2 days from Retirement
asaguda replied to darklynx's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
My longest, probably 4-5 days or something like that? When I play alone I'm way too trusting so got shot in the face at the northwest airfield, I think.