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Everything posted by Alterlai

  1. Alterlai

    Game hangs when trying to find a server.

    Wow you are my saviour. Thank you so much dude! And the fast response :O Have my beans
  2. Alterlai

    Game hangs when trying to find a server.

    Hey RetroFlux. I have the exact same problem and i did exactly as you did. But unfortunately it didn't give me any options once i enabled learning mode on HIPS. I already had my firewall in learning mode. The game still crashes once i enter the server browser. If however the firwall is completely disabled, it works. Maybe you are able to help me since you're much more knowledeable on this front and there doesn't seem to be any documentation of this problem on the internet other than this thread. If you wanna get in touch with me add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/alterlai/ thank you very much
  3. Hello everyone, As some of you may know, the humanity system was pretty buggy at some point. And for some reason my character got bugged and i now have -422036 humanity. I tried dying, but that didn't help. It switched to 0 then to 150, but when i delog it resets to -422036 humanity. Is there any way to reset the humanity in any way? (I really wanna try out the Hero skin :P) Thanks
  4. Hello everyone, I was wondering: What is your best sniper spot? Leave your reactions down below.
  5. Alterlai

    What's your best sniper spot?

    Wow' date=' thats .. sad. [/quote'] Well, aint that what rocket wants right now? Tell me if he doesn't
  6. Alterlai

    What's your best sniper spot?

    So near what city? like cherno, elektro or Stary
  7. NO I think it was good the way it was. Now when you attrackt a zombie with the new range, you just run around with a train of zombies and no way to defend yourself